Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Black history month / Bayard Rustin

Bayard Rustin 3/17/1912 to 8/24/1987
Civil rights leader / Gay rights

Bayard Rustin is the "Godfather" of the black civil rights movement! It is he that help design the black civil rights movement. Because of his personal views {gay} he had to take a back sit in movement because the F.B.I "said they would do a smear campaign against him and Martian Luther King Jr / of being to close and King might be gay!" King was not gay, but Rustin was openly gay! Rustin did not want to put the movement in jeopardy so he took a back sit and mentor King though the civil rights movement. This is why you haven't heard of him until now!

He was leader of movement from 1955 to 1968. He also organized the 1947 freedom bus rides! He also organized the Southern Christian Leadership Counsel {s.c.l.c.} to back King as the new leader. He was chief organizer of the march on Washington D.C in 1963. He influenced such leads as Tom Kahn, Stokley Carmichael and Martin Luther King Jr. He had influence on organization also Congress on Racial Equality {C.O.R.E} and Student Non- Violence Coordinating Committee {S.N.C.C}.

We thank you, Bayard Rustin for champing our cause to freedom!
This is a brief description of Bayard Rustin life. I want the young people to do their on research of the this great fighter of freedom! This is enough to get them or you started in the research.

To the young people we love you! We continue to fight to make it better as other did for us like Bayard Rustin. I am personally sorry for the mistake I made in my life, that have contribute to you all inheriting such a harsh world to grow up in!

peace, love and unity 

Black History Month

Will be posting black people achievements for black history month! have your children visit blog site for people to write about for black history month. Besides Martin Luther King Jr and Rosa Parks who were great. We have lots of blacks who achieve great things.

class meeting

s.o.t.a.h. meeting tonite @ 5pm
class tonite @ 6pm

Monday, January 30, 2012

study lesson / names of africa

Africa{Latin}- The name comes from a providence in N. Africa that was part of the Roman Empire. The whole continent would go on to be known as Africa.

Africa has been known by so many names because it is so old. The most common names are listed below.

Al-kebulan / Al-kebuland - This is what indigenous / native African people called their home land.

Al-kebulan- means mother of mankind / or the garden of eden

Ethiopia was another name for Africa, named after the Ethiopian people. Ethiopia is a Greek name, This is what the Greeks called it before being renamed Africa by the the Romans.

In reference to holy text the Holy Bible, Holy Qur-an and Torah, Africa was known as Ham {Cham}, the land of Ham, Noah son.
If you study African or African descent people they are often refereed to as Hamites.
Another holy text reference to Africa is Cush / Kush and the people known as Cushites / Kushites. Cush / Kush is Ham son.

*Other names of place to help when studying Africa {Al-Kebulan}.

Egypt proper name is Kemet {KMT} this is what the Black Egyptians called their land. Meaning the land of the Blacks / some White {European}scholars will say the names pertains to the black soil?

The area around Sudan is often known as Nubia. When the Nubian people expand their territory the area was known as the Nubian Expansion, currently parts of Egypt, Libya, Sudan, Ethiopia basically the horn of Africa.

Ethiopia is mostly refereed to as Cush.

*study notes.
time frames are important to know.
ancient Africans used the letter k not c, which are interchangeable in the english language.  
the best kept records are by the ancient Egyptians {kemetians}.
ancient Africans before holy texts books did not use vowels / kemet is really spelled kmt. hello is hotep / hotep is really htp.
Hebrew was the first African language to use vowels. Vowels became popular when the Koine Greeks copy the Hebrew bible into Greek. Vowels are widely used to translate one language to another language. But, {more than not} they often led to a lot of mistranslation. Vowels in short are like a cheat sheet to translation of words and languages.

***study closely***

peace, love and unity        


Sunday, January 29, 2012

men section / stop the killing

Being a native of Detroit, Michigan am greatly concern about the welfare of the community. Being a African- American male I, understand a lot of the problems that young black men have to deal with. I have some answer to some of the problems! The solutions will deal with a lot of reflection on self. I have to be harsh and critical not only of my self and my past actions but those of my peers and community! 

First, we will deal with self! As black men we need to really step up our game. The first thing is for those who do not take care of their children, you need to stop being so selfish and grow up! If you and the mother do not get along so what man- up the child or children do not have anything to do with that! What you are causing indirectly is a anger and bitter young man. Nobody wants to be rejected, especially by their father! We {black men} are the ones are supposed to teaching, guiding and leading these young men. Now days these young men are growing up so angry!
When we grew up young people used or experiment with drugs {alcohol & Marijuana} for fun: be cool, peer pressures or just to mannish {bad}.
Today: I mentor young people, I ask them why do you get high or stay high? The number one answer is STRESS! Stress? I say, what stress do you have you live at home, no bills or children to take care of? They say the relationship between my parents mainly my dad! I don't really know him or he don't really come around nor take care of me! They say they are hurting inside! Getting high takes the pain away? Now we all know that this is only a temporary solution for a long term problem. These young men are a walking time bomb waiting to explode on something or someone!

Brothers you have to spend time with these young men and defuse the time- bomb within you created. I understand times are hard and you may not have money to do what you want for your son. But sending the message that money makes you man is equally or worst then not coming around.

The next problem: parenting
The black community is putting to much importance on material goods! {name brand clothes & accessories, jewelry, cars}. The first problem we have as parents {moms & dads} we watch to much television, therefore we allow the children {young boys} to watch to much also. This whole hip- hop image has been commercialized, so much that a person self worth is tied or directly linked to a material possession! So the minute the young man doesn't have what he see on television his self- esteem goes in the gutter! Now the young man is going to do what ever it takes to get that material good {steal, rob, sell- drugs} which all at some point leads that young man down a violent path that he will be put in a position he will have to kill someone!
Turn the Television OFF! Young people only need a hour or two (2) at the most of television a day. Read a book, play a sport or instrument, get involved in after school activates, church, mentoring program 4- h club etc:

The next problem:
Mothers! Okay, let me start by saying we all LOVE YOU!
Moms you can not take it out on the kids because things did not work with the man! I know everybody is grown, but you can not I repeat can not say what ever you feel or think in front of those children. Not only are you bitter but you are making those young men bitter and angry because of the bashing of dad! Now your son has low self- esteem! With at some point turns to anger if not corrected. Moms this is another big problem, you should not use the children as pawns and for ransom payments!
Pawns- when you are mad at dad he can not see the kids even if he is paying and doing his part. That has to stop your hurting the child more then the dad, plus your confusing the child which over time results in anger!
Ransom payments- this is a complicated one? If he is not paying or doing his {dad} part they have courts of law to handle that! Moms you can not be the court! The first and only problem with that, there are two (2) sides to every story then the truth! Next you make those children feel so bad your dad did not pay me so he can not see you! If you do, do this you are destroying that child inside emotionally. Which cause hurt, pain and confusion which can lead to pin- up emotion and somebody could get hurt or killed one day?

The next problem:
Church & the Mosque they really need to step there game up! They are light years behind in address the woes of the community! Let me tell all the clergy men this "saving souls is not a business" GOD don't deal in money! Clergy men need to open their hearts, minds{prejudice} and doors to the young people! They got souls too! Where are the youth days at? Where are breakfast programs at? Where are after school tutoring & mentoring class at? Neighborhood clean- up projects? No organized community meetings? No marching locked- arms to stop the killings? Working with law- officials using your influence to do more about the violence and killing? When did the church stop being a safe guard for the community which it is suppose to help safe guard? The church should at least foster some grass- roots programs to address the killings in Detroit if they see fit for them not to get involved !

Main Solution:
Stop blaming them children {young men} for the problems we put on them and the ones they inherited simple because they was born black in America! You all acted like they crazy! There is nothing wrong with them, all they do is what they see and are taught! Now, what that say about us? Who really the crazy ones now?       

peace, love unity  

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Women section / Hysterectomy

If I, talked to you about a hysterectomy this info is not about you but inspired by you to help others! The one friend, I thank you for letting me use a small part of your story to tell my story!

I talk to my sisters see whats on their minds and how they feel in general. In talking to my friends they were telling me they had to have surgery? Am like whats wrong? Some were slow to say others were forward about having a Hysterectomy! I never said anything just listen, thinking to myself isn't she a little young for that, most were under forty (40) years of age. In the last six (6) months, five (5) young ladies have told me they had or was due to have the procedure. That seemed  alarming to me so the last few weeks, I had been doing some research but at the same time debating rather to write about my findings.

One of my good friends whom I love very much for her forward approach on life told me she was not going to have the procedure because she was in her mid 30s and put off having children and marriage to pursue her degrees! She wants to have at least one child before she could not have any! So we talked and out of our talks we wonder how many women did get a second opinion before having a hysterectomy?

Research findings:
In mostly all the papers I read they openly said that in most case hysterectomy were misdiagnosed?  In one paper it actually said "unwarranted and unnecessary reasons"! In 2003 over 600,000 were performed in the United States along! The highest of any industrialized country in the world!
The report also went on to say that hysterectomy should always be the last resort! There were many other alternative treatments.
The procedure is consider high risk, with MANY LONG TERM SIDE EFFECTS, besides not being able not to have children anymore!
It also stated 35% of all women who have a hysterectomy have to have a similar operation within TWO (2) years of having the first procedure! This means 1 out of every 3 women will be back within two (2) years for another procedure! 

ONLY in the case of ovarian cancer should it be the first option to reduce the spread of cancer.   

In another report I read concern African- American women especially:
This is what it said "hysterectomy rates varied according to geographic location, rates in the southern states were higher than other location in United States" the report went on to say "data on variation by race are less consistent , but most sources indicted a higher rate in African- American women than in White {European} women, especially before the age of FORTY- FIVE (45)"! The report also said "there were several (7) studies that indicated that WOMEN WITH LOW EDUCATION ATTAINMENT or LOW INCOME are more likely to have a hysterectomy!

Okay ladies go on my blog site and go to the archives and read {EUGENICS}!!!
Which I just wrote about it a couple of weeks ago!
Tell me that a lot of these {hysterectomy} are just a 2012 eugenics program going on to control birth and population rates of blacks in America AGAIN!

I want to make this clear am not a racist there are a few cool white {European} people whom I like a lot! But over all I do not trust them at all! I study history, so I not only know a lot of African and African- American history, but a whole lot of European, American and World history! They do not I repeat do not have a good track record with not only dealing with their own very well but especially non- white people!

They are doing everything they can to slow down and stop birth rates of blacks in this country! The reason why, being if they keep being the majority they can keep the power and with the power they have control over us {blacks}! NO, we do not see or even think along them terms but they do! So the best thing we can do to stay out of harms way is read a lot more.This way you can arm your self with the facts which is the truth "they do not like you"!

Sisters do them {whites} like you all do us {the black man} don't talk me / show me! Ain't that's what you all tell us {the black man} when we say we like or love you! What the WHITE MAN show you " how many of you dumb niggas can I KILL before you catch on" I said it Erik Boyd! This is very personal to me because you all are my sisters!

Start loving your self! know thy self! Cant nobody love you better then you!

peace, love and unity!


Ethiopia Kings

Before I, discuss any Kings there must be given great tribute and homage to the Queen Mothers of Ethiopia! To all that have a ear let them hear, without the Black {African} Woman there would be no Kings of Africa! Everything we {Africans} have comes from our MOTHERS!

The Black Woman was the first elect of GOD it was GOD {feminine & masculine} that chose to place the man- child in the woman womb!
* GOD from an African {Ethiopian & Egyptian}, point of view is made up of female & male characteristics and attributes! Woman and Man are both created as two (2) divine halves {equals} of that GOD. Once the two (2) halves are joined again {marriage} they become ONE DIVINE BEING again thus given marriage the name HOLY MATRIMONY. This is the only thing that GOD considers a person can do as holy {sacred}.   

*Note: not to be confused by the holy bible or any other religious text etc, African history does not start or end with the holy bible or any other non Africa religious texts. The holy bible and other texts are retold and or revised stories from earlier African {Ethiopian & Egyptian} religion and history!

Now the Glory of the Kings! {Kebra Nagast}

Menelik I- Son of Queen Mother Sheba {Makeda} and King Salomon of Judea. The first Emperor in the world! Emperor means- king of kings
The first Judaic {Jewish} ruler of Ethiopia. Keeper of the Ark of the Covenant for his father King Salomon.
Starting King Salomon and continuing Queen Sheba {Makeda} royal bloodlines for two- hundred twenty- five {225} generations, until 1975 with Emperor Halie Selassie.

King Ezana- King of Ethiopia {Saba} and city- state of Axum.
The first king to accept and adopt Christianity for himself and his kingdom!
*Not Constantine of Constantinople {Istanbul}, Eastern Roman Empire.
The first king to mint gold coins in his name for his kingdom! To express the wealth of the country. Perfected the use of elephants {modern day tanks} in battle. Which he used against the non- Africa Arabs. {middle & northern Arabia}
The best of the best dressers: He wore silk garments, laced with gold thread, with pearls hanging from it, along with the finest crocodile shoes. When the Greeks emissaries seen him they said "he look like the purest light they ever seen!"

Halie Salassie- {power of trinity} Ras Tafari - the messiah
Our last King to rule the throne of Ethiopia. 1975
His mother ruled the throne until he was old enough. Which he inherited throne from his mother side {maternal} family. 
He taught us of our true self {know thy self}. The Rastafarian movement in Jamaica are his followers and faithful subjects! To Rastafarian he is the reincarnation of the messiah!
King Haile Selassie live forever in glory!
peace, love and unity


Friday, January 27, 2012

study lesson / blacks in bible

This study lesson also coincide with the matrix {sci-fi} section. The blacks in the bible helps not only with matrix but with the black presence in the bible.

Starting with Noah and his sons and grandsons!  Ham, Shem and Japheth.

Ham- Hamitic is word or name to describe African and African descent people.
No matter were they are found or live if they have African features they are consider Hamitic. Features include / skin with hue {color or dark color} tight or loose curly hair, broad nose or and  flared nostril, raised or high cheek bones. Not sure on bone structure cause it keeps changing far as definition to groups of people. 

Shem- Shemite this is where a lot of word games are played if you do not know or study etymology {the study of words}. European Jews which are not African Hebrews, play this word game, shemite and Semite. Two (2) total different words in meaning!
Shemite- means people from sub- Sahara Africa.
Semite- says that also! But semi is Latin for half. So Semite is actually an older word for mulatto, bi- racial, or mixed person.
*Also used for Arabs! But not totally there are a few groups of Arabs {Black ones} with descend for Abraham and Hagar {the Egyptian) from their son Ishma-el.

Japheth - people from Europe claim this to be their linage.

*Not confusing anyone more than they already are but one thing escapes me dealing with Noah sons. Noah and his one wife unmentioned like many other woman of the bible. Birth three (3) sons all who where different racially?
Ham- African people?
Shem- (mixed people) maybe middle eastern?
Japheth- European  people?   

Now we get to the grandsons of Noah.
Ham sons- Cush, Mizraim, Put and Canaan

Cush- land of Ethiopia, Eritrea, Somalia, Sudan, Kenya and Djibouti
Mizraim- Egypt and parts Libya and Sudan

Put- Sudan and Ethiopia

Canaan- Israel, Palestine and parts of Jordan, Lebanon, Syria

This is just more info for people who want go a little deeper, about blacks {Africans} in the bible.
*Great- Grandsons lands and people:
Noah- Ham- Mizraim:   

Mizraim- land of Egypt, his sons Pathrusim and Caphtorim are the nations of Philistines and Caphtorim peoples. *Philistines yes originally were black*

Ludim- are from the land of Arabia {Black Arabs}

Naphtuhim- are from the land of Sudan and founders of Napata the capitol city. 

Lehabim- are from the land of Libya.  

*Canaan- son Sidon, a city in Lebanon is name after him!

peace, love and unity 

sci- fi part 2 of matrix

The real message that Sophia Stewart is trying to relay in the Matrix is about Zion (Tsion) in Ethiopia. There are many African- American which are descendants of African people! Who are total unaware of the rich historical history of Ethiopia and the contribution of the people of the Nile river valley in Africa! Which is their history also!

Before Jesus and the Christian era, Egypt {kemet} and Ethiopia were the HOLY LANDS! This is even stated by many Greek historian. Homer the Greek historian whom wrote the Iliad,  stated that even the Greek Gods them self came from Ethiopia! Which are the Titans and the first of the Olympians, Zeus and Athena which is a.k.a Black Athena!

Most Christians are familiar with the story of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba {Sheba a.k.a. Ethiopia}. But the Holy Bible does not tell the whole story. To finish the story you would have to read the Holy Qur'an, which says that the King and Queen had a child together! Menelik I {the prince of peace}, the heir to the throne of Ethiopia. He is credited with bringing the Ark of the Covenant to Ethiopia and giving the people of Ethiopia the Judaism faith! Therefore making their claim of being true Hebrews {Jews} total valid!  Thus giving the land the name Tsion {Zion}!

Even Queen Sheba blood line was royal and was even in the last, {elect of GOD} King of Ethiopia Haile Selassie {Power of the Trinity} until 1975.
* elect of GOD - means = power given from GOD and not man! Unlike many of the Kings, Dukes, Earls and Barron of Europe whom are appointed by a man!            

Ethiopian Kingdom is rich in royal lineages the first lineage starts with Ham and his son Cush! Which are the son and grandson of Noah of the Abrahamic faiths who repopulated the earth after the great flood.

Even on one of the oldest Christian maps in the world the T and O map it clearly shows Africa as the land of  Ham (Cham). 

Ethiopians are the oldest race of humans on the planet! All ancient people African and Greek {European} claim Ethiopians are descendants of the GODS! Which makes them primes! Even us African- Americans are descendants of the primes {Ethiopians}.
*prime- means = first or of main importance!
also- prime is used in the movie / Transforms {optimus prime}

Sister Sophia wanted you to really know thy self and how important you really are!

peace, love unity        

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

women section: bio- rhythm

                                UNDERSTANDING THE IMPORTANCE OF
                                         WHAT YOU ARE ABOUT READ!
Why this is so important because you do not know that you are key to it all! Black women have a special spiritual power which no one else on earth has! If you would only take a few minutes to read or try to understand African religion and spirituality. You would learn that the bases of all African religions centers around women!Would this not be great for self esteem? If  you have high esteem this would confirm that inner feeling or if you have low esteem this could be the beginning of building up? We must help you to return to a natural state of being again. When you return to that state of your natural self, you will regain your powers. Sisters you poses powers of untold capabilities! You can go in and out of dimensions {time & space}at will and the powers of telepathy to just name few! Let me explain some these powers you use so effortlessly:
Dimensions {in & out of time}= you do it church when you catch the spirit or holy ghost! The body is still in church, but your spirit, mind and heart have left here and went to another dimension. This is also done during love making {which is very different from sex} where the woman has a orgasm and she goes into a trans- like state, once again physically- being in bed with the man but taking her spirit, mind and heart to another dimension!
This may seem odd to you, {spiritual & making love be the same} but this is a common principle in eastern metaphysics. This is known as sex and renewal or re- birth which is the process of making children! It is represented by the number eight (8) in metaphysics.

Telepathy - the ability to communicate without physically speaking.
Example: you are thinking about someone like your child, child comes into the room and says mommy did you call me? you say no, but i was just about to call you.

The basic world around you, you must look at it differently. We will start with simple things such as colors and music which black women love! Simple and common sense approach all living things have color. If something loses its color that usually mean its dead! Again music is a rhythm, when referring to life or things that live we call it rhythm {music of the heart} the rhythm of the heart beat. No beat means it is dead.
All living things poses those two (2) simple characteristics from a simple blade of grass to the complex anatomy of a human.

Now we break down the colors meanings, once we do this you will be able to start meditating see the colors mentally and hearing the bio-rhythm of the earth and heavens.

Red: is a strong color it represent love and war.
Example: Cupid for valentines day is depicted in red. When in love you give red roses.The planet mars {red planet} the roman god of war. The devil is always depicted in red.

Orange: is a warm color it represents nature. Also associated with appetite.
Example: The color of fall {autumn}which is a very beautiful time of year when many lovers like to take walks in the park! Sweet potato and pumpkin pies are very popular pies. Oranges are a favorite fruit of many.         

Yellow: is a warm color it represent the sun. It also has a double meaning like red.
Example: It has the effects of making people happy and cheerful, which also promotes health. Many songs have been made about the sun. {Roy Ayers- Everybody loves the sunshine}. Being kind of lay back person- mellow yellow type of fellow. Bananas are a favorite. Cheerful symbolism, many companies have yellow in their logo {McDonald, Walmart & Bestbuy}. It also represent fear or cowardliness {yellow steak down his back}.

Green: is a resting or calming color. Associated with higher learning.
It has a little bit of a double meaning.     
Example: People like to walk in green pastures. Animals like to graze in green pastures. In ancient Egypt {kemet} green means eternal life and high learning or thinking! There will be depictions of green Osiris, Imhotep and Thoth which he represents the emerald city! Green is also a little bad {green with envy}.    

Blue: is a calming and relaxing color. A little bit of bad meaning.
Example: taking a walk near water to clear mind and relax. Taking long baths to relax and sleep. It is also associated with higher thinking. It is also sad if a persons blue, or sad about something. Or like blues the music which sometimes tells of the harsh realities of life.

Purple: is a color or royalty and spirituality.
Example: it is often worn by kings, queens and nobility. Many clergy men also wear it. It is the opposite of red.

 We need your spirituality to guide us to liberation. Just like kings of African who counsel  with the oracles before making any major or serious moves. We that want freedom from these hellish like condition. Please tap into that inner spirit for a little heavenly intuition.

peace, love and unity

study lesson clocks & times

The earliest time keeping comes from Africa. The ancient ones {Ethiopians} came up with the concepts of time. Clocks and calendars are used for keeping track of time. They teach you that the Mayan calendars is the most accurate calendar.
This is wrong! The African calendar challenges everything that we think we know about humans in time {history}.

First you must understand that like Mayan calender, the Egyptian {kemetian} calender is the original tri- fold calender. This meaning that you use 3 into 1. The same concept of 3 in 1 like the holy Trinity in the bible. There is a little metaphysics in this that three (3) stands for perfect nature of man!

Now to explain the calender and clock. The calender and clock were devised to pre- plan events and set goals.The clock or watch is simply a day calendar twenty- four (24) hour period.

Then you have a lunar or moon calender for short term goals or events. These goals and events range within a thirty (30) day period. The earliest use for a lunar or moon calender was in aiding women with the management of a woman monthly menstrual cycle. This monthly menstrual cycle coincide with the natural ebbing and tiding of ocean water by the gravitational effects of the moon pulling on it.
{This is natural and spiritual for women. This is taught in Islam but over looked in Christianity teachings. The crescent moon, is also known as the virgin moon, or moon of Mary, which is on the Islamic flag. Sister be very careful of those medical procedures that allow you to opt out your monthly cycles. Those cycles are very important NATURALLY and SPIRITUALLY of cleansing the body, they work together! This was so important that Africans made a calender for it!}

The next calender is the sun or solar calender. This calender was devised for long term goals or events that happen within a (360) day time period. Along the banks of the Nile in Egypt {kemet} the river would over flow and leave behind a mineral rich deposit silt used for farming and growing crops. This would have been very important to track and keep up with for food and survival.  

The next calender is the one that defy western logic {European thinking} it is a star or stellar calender. This was used in religion and worship by the ancient ones the {Ethiopians}. We use it also in the tracking of the twelve (12) zodiac sign. Each of the twelve (12) signs are about (2,000) years each. So you add
2,000 x 12 = 24,000 plus the cycle {age} you are currently in 2,000 = 26,000 years! This is known as the great year! This was so very important because this is when the earth changed tilt positions on its axis!
{When this happens the poles will move. Thus making warm climates cold and cold climates warm}.

Why does this defy western logic because they believe Africans and African decedent people are dumb and ignorant and did very little to contribute to the
world. In fact in our history this is the sixth (6) time this is happened! If that is to big, how about at least twice? We had to track the zodiac at least twice to make sure the calculation were correct of the zodiac of 2,000 years each. This means that we had a establish culture and civilization for more than 50,000 years!
{In our African studies we known for a fact our culture goes back at least, the minimum of 300,000 years!}

This discredits every thing they said about us being dumb and a backwards people! Thus challenging all their great books like the Bible, Quran {koran} and Torah! This would break down their systematic control over us! Thus ushering in a new era of belief which is all ready happen if you have read this! The seed has been planted -what if ?   


class 1-24-2012

class will be at 6pm
s.o.t.a.h. meeting at 5pm
please bring a friend

Monday, January 23, 2012

fight against AIDS

 There will be a AIDS conference in Washington D.C. July 21st to July 24th 2012.
 This will coincide with the international AIDS conference. As a commuinty we need to
 be directly involed with these types of conferences. We need the facts and get rid of all
 the myths.

 I attend a workshop a few years ago. The workshop was very enlighthing, I
 heard people speak from all walks of life. Some life styles I, did not agree with! But
thats the point we must learn to get past are own views and opinons and reach out
for the sake humanity. We can not judge others! But at the same time people who have
 alternative life style can not force us to accept your life style either!
We must all learn to love each other and work together for the sake of humanity! AIDS
effects eveyone not any particliar group or race of people. Stay informed have the
talks with the young people and some of the older people also about protection.

Just to let you know a little inside information, when I was in Brazil I, visited the
university of Brazil we discussed and debated policy between our to countries and
the peopleof Brazil were very angry with the United States government because
the pharmactical companies had Brazil, India and South Africa in world court
over the patient {a possible cure}for AIDS! I was like "WOW" I never knew that!
They did not understand how cencured our media is in this country. We have
to demand answer from the officals we elect, start doing research and stop
believeing what they say they are lawyers "PROFESSIONAL LIARS" hired
to the highest bidder.

Demand your respect you are a child of the CREATOR just like everyone else in this world!

peace, love and unity

Sunday, January 22, 2012

student loans

President Obama's administration is allowing people with student loans to consolidate their loans into one loan. In some cases, borrowers are granted up to thirty (30) years to repay their loans! This will lower payments for most of us! There will be a quarter of a point reduction in interest. This will also help clear up credit reports (fewer accounts).

This offer is only good for six (6) months (January - June 2012).

Please get the word out to others! This could save someone you know a lot of money over the life of their loan.  

You can find more information by contacting your loan servicer. Or contact www.direct.ed.gov

Friday, January 20, 2012

Update: National Defense Authorization Act

To protest looks like it will be at your local congress person office. For people living in Michigan that will be in Lansing at the office of Senator Carl Levin (D). The masses will also be protesting his office in Washington D.C.

Sen. Carl Levin co-wrote the bill with Sen. John McCain (R), and it was passed in a closed door committee.

You have to research your local area! People all over the country view this site so I can not give all protest web-sites, locations and times?

This web site is used by everyone! Plus this law is already enacted! So be very careful about using personal information when protesting! Remember they do not need a reason to arrest you!!! So the protest will be similar to the Occupy Wall Street protests! These protests will not be your traditional protests.

There are tons of information on the Internet to research and review. First, I advise you to review the actual act (law) itself! Google or Yahoo or any search engine will do. Type: February 3rd, 2012 National Protest Day for NDAA.

Here are a couple ways to get you started.
YOUTUBE- op blackout day of action 2-3-2012   
GOOGLE- National Defense Authorization Act 2012

Remember this is our country! They work for us (Congress)! This country was founded through  a revolution with Great Britain (England). Also remember, the Constitution was designed so that you could protest!!! In the words of founding father John Adams "It is unpatriotic not to protest for your civil liberties!" 

Peace, Love and Unity

Thursday, January 19, 2012

National Defense Authorization Act

This might be the single greatest issues to face the African-American community since the Jim Crow Laws. I keep trying to warn my people that we are headed backwards! You keep looking at the few puppet Negros (singers, dancers, athletes, etc.), thinking everything is okay. While in Congress, with the cooperation of our first Black President (Obama), they just passed a law that takes away your rights of due process!

What that means in short is that they (law enforcement agencies on all levels; city, state and federal), can hold you indefinitely without charging you with a crime! So, they can arrest you for whatever reason the choose and hold you as long as they choose without charging you, and there is nothing anybody can do because of this new National Defense Authorization Act!

Black people, we already know how they do us when it comes to the legal system. Now all the stuff they've been doing to us is LEGAL! Do you know how bad it is about become for us (especially Black men; their primary target)? You better get up and get ready to protest and fight for your rights, and the rights of your sons, grandsons, fathers, brothers, uncles etc!

You must understand that this is a classical war tactic; systematically remove the strong men from society, while leaving the weak men behind to repopulate the race. These weak men are considered to be of no threat to the the powers-that-be. This process eventually produces a new generation of cowards. Black women who already complain about weak men will soon discover that the situation is about to get worse!

President Obama is being used to carry out their cause. This summer, Chicago will host the G8 Summit and the NATO Conference of world leaders. This is the first time in thirty (30) years that one city will host both conventions in the same year! They are pressuring President Obama to secure these conferences by any means necessary. The only catch is that the new law being enacted is not temporary. It is permanent! That means after the conferences, they will turn there sights on whosoever they please. Word is that there will be sweeping changes made around the world because of the bad economical conditions. This is going to further inflame the poor people of the world. People on all fronts and battlefields are prepared for WAR!     

Are you prepared to fight? A protest is scheduled for February 3rd, 2012, to recall this law on the basis that it is unconstitutional, and it violates rights to free speech and due process to a fair and speedy trail!

Peace, Love and Unity 

chocolate slaves

In the country of Ivory Coast in Africa. Children are being force to work in slave labor camps by chocolate producers {cocoa}. Cocoa actually comes from a bean which has to be grown and harvested. This requires a lot of work if you do not have a modern technology or equipment. There are a estimate 100,000 children working in cocoa producing countries around the world! Some 70 to 75 percent of the worlds cocoa comes from West Africa especially the Ivory Coast.

The reason why I bring this up it is so important to remember in the 90s and 2000s we indirectly help cause one of the worst notorieties in human conflict with the bling era. With are love of cheap diamonds, blood diamonds or conflict diamonds as there properly called.

As African- Americans we make up one of the largest consumer base in the world! We must learn as people how to vote with our dollars, this will have a direct impact on sale of goods, thus causing a direct responds from sellers of goods. But more than anything we need to become producers, manufactures and owners of the goods we buy, like all other people of the world!

peace, love and unity 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

political responsibility

This is a presidential election year. We want to start watching the candidates now. They sometimes flip and flop over certain issues as election day becomes closer. We also need to all due are part far as researching candidates and then giving what you can to help fund them. Funding will be a major issue for the presidential election. Also get your financial house in order in case the person you want to win does not! We all remember the hardship we went through with republican President George Bush! So tighten up and get ready for a dog fight, and may the best man win!         

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Class Support

The "Know Thy Self" family would like to thank everyone for coming out to make us ONE BIG FAMILY! We are one! From the oldest to the youngest! So many powerful statements made in class by everyone. It was so beautiful to see that!

Thank you, Sis. Lea! Very nice presentation.

Love, Peace and Unity / WE ARE ONE!

class 1- 17- 2012

s.o.t.a.h. meeting will be at 5 pm
class will be at 6 pm
please invite a friend!

Monday, January 16, 2012

Gullah Seminar

January 25, 2012 at 6:30 PM
Warren-Trumbull Urban Leauge, 290 West Market St.
Warren, Ohio

Brother K, of Youngtown, Ohio will conduct a seminar on the Gullah People. The Gullah are known for preserving more of their African linguistic and cultural heritage than any other African-American community in the United States. Gullah storytelling, cuisine, music, folk beliefs, crafts, farming and fishing traditions, all exhibit strong influences from West and Central African cultures. Come and join us that you may better understand the Gullah and better Know Thy Self!

Sci-Fi 1-16- 2012 Part 1

The first movie that we will discuss in our Sci-Fi segment is probably one of the best, if not the best science fiction movie ever made! The Matrix Trilogy. This movie is claimed to have been written by a Sister. The Sister's name is Sophia Stewart. Sister Sophia is credited with writing both the Matrix and the Terminator as a single movie entitled The Third Eye!

The key to understanding the Matrix is to understand the names of the character in the movie. This will help you understand the plot better!

The Cast and Associated Meaning of Names

Neo (Greek) - it means new. it is also a anagram for o-n-e (anagrams are used to hide true meanings of words).

Thomas A. Anderson - is a anagram for Ander / Thomas A.
Ander is greek for Andrew, which means man.
Thomas A. probably stands for Thomas Aquinas, a philosopher and leading theologian in the catholic church on laws of nature.
Anderson actually means son-of-man! A named also used for Christ!

Morpheus (Greek) - the Greek god of dreams. In the movie, Morpheus has a dream. He must find the O.N.E (Neo) to end the war.

Trinity (Ancient Egyptian; now used by Christians) - the true meaning is of sacred feminine origin relating to Auset (Isis) and the Black Madonna & Child.

Their ship was called the Nebuchadnezzar which is the king in the Old Testament book of Daniel, who has a bad dreams which only Daniels is able to interpret.

The Oracle - a female prophet. The origin of the oracle comes from Ethiopia! She is the spiritual guide for Neo, Morpheus, Trinity and members of Zion. This is exactly what the Oracles did for the Ethiopian kings.

Zion - the last free city of men, outside the Matrix. The Matrix is a computer generated world.
Zion is really Tsion in Ethiopia where the real black jews (Hebrews) live! (t before s is silent in the english language so its pronounced Sion)! A clue in the movie is that all the people born in Sion are black? (Dozer and Tank) which leads you to Ethiopia.

Seraph - is the protector of the Oracle from the Merovingian. In the bible the Seraph are beast and human like angels that protect God and the host in the throne room. 

Merovingian - the programer in the matrix. The Merovingian are the Frankish kings whom started the French kingdom in modern day France. They were believed to be holy because they married Jesus' daughter (Sara the Black)! She has a church dedicated in her honor in Southern France? Over time them and their descendants became evil and greedy, which eventually lead to the French revolution!

Research for self discuss with friends and family! This information is not to offend anyone it is simply history so take it for what is worth! True History!


Sunday, January 15, 2012

new sci- fi section

this section is to help breakdown imagery and symbols in movies and how important they are and why movie industry make billion upon billions off religion and history that you do not know about!!!

mlk legacy

When talking to others they ask what can our generation due to continue the dream! Before Dr. King was killed he had become more progressive in his thinking and his actions he had started protesting the Vietnam war. This is one area we can definitely pick up the torch and continue. America is involved in all kinds of wars around the world. We can start becoming more responsible by finding out what wars are we in, and what wars are we aiding? {if your helping someone fight, your fighting also}. Start demanding of our politicians what is our reasoning for being there? Start with city officials put the heat on their butts! Then on statesmen {senators & governor}. Under the freedom of speech act, you can write letters to all! But especially to the President! Start letting them know we are tired of all the wars and wasted tax dollars! {they spend billions on rebuilding Iraq & the U.S is falling apart}! The real reason I think they killed Dr.King, he started speaking out about the economic injustice in this country! Everything else was just a smoke- screen to keep us preoccupied while the rich got richer! Dr. King was telling poor blacks as well as poor whites there something wrong with this system. Black or White you still poor! White people were starting to listen to Dr. King also, so you know he had to go then, as they say the rest is history!

So as black people we need to start owning more business in our community! So what if the black business charge a little more then the other man, look at it as helping out a donation, cause you know black business get charged more insurance and everything else to be in business!

So my idea of MLK legacy to my generation, denounce all these wars! We must start helping each other and start owning business in the community we live!

A little insight for some of these advance Negros living in the suburbs, try opening a black business out there where you live! Then tell me how nice it is out there then! I grew-up in the suburbs, I know how things change when you start talking about putting some of their dollars in your pocket! {your black butt need to leave then!} You think its nice, that's when the racism really going to come out! 

love, peace and unity       

mlk happy b- day

From all of us at the know-thy-self family we want to thank Dr. King for all he did and he gave (ultimately his life)! We are committed to the dream. We try to help our people in all areas of life as Dr.King did.

Thank you! Dr. King
happy birthday!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

health section 1- 14- 2012

health is a state of mind you have to think healthy in order to be healthy! we are going to do a little biology 101 and a little history first so you can understand what am saying and why am saying it.
PLEASE stay away from all the pills, to many side effects! vitamin are okay but there is better way!

history: the first aspirin pill was invented in the 1860s by bayer a german chemical company. this more or less is where the idea you can take a pill for everything comes from {a cure all} not true at all! actually when the body becomes ill or sick this is really known as a disease. now a little etymology {study of words} of the word disease.
dis- {latin} = negative force or opposite
ease- {old english}= freedom from, relax, tranquility
so when you have headaches, aches and pains this is your body telling you something is wrong, it is at a dis-ease.
history: so pills have only been around about 150 years! humans more then 3 million years! so what did people do before pills? they ate certain foods to heal them! this is what you MUST DO also! {research, simply google or yahoo, any search engine will do on the internet, type in whats wrong & what food will help}.

the best way to do this is using alot of fresh vegetable and fruits. you want to put them in a blender and blend them, then DRINK THEM! at least 8oz per day or more. why drinking because when you apply heat to vegetables you can cause them to lose some of the vitamins. plus by drinking you can consume more rather than eating.
you will need beans, nuts, grains{cereal} and meat also in your diet. DO NOT PUT IN BLENDER! PLEASE!!!

the first thing you must do is to detoxify your body! why detox first? the average amercian has 7 to 21 lbs of fecal matter {feces} in their colon!
biology 101: this is really how the body works all the blood in your body pass through the intestines taking the nutrients from the foods you ate to your muscle and organs so that they can perform. the problem is that the blood takes everything, even the toxins so you invertedly poisoning your bodies muscle and organs! this is why you need to detox at least 3 days before you start working out.

 here are some the good foods for detoxification.
fruits- antioxidants, green leafy vegetables- chlorophyll, lemons- enzymes,

FIBERS: there are 2 types of fibers soluble and insoluble
1. soluble fiber - breaks down easy in water.
2. insoluble fiber - does not break down easy in water.
what does this mean?
1. soluble fiber- turns to gel and soaks up water controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.
foods: apple, pears, oatmeal, carrots, barley etc:
2. insoluble fiber- helps promote movement of material in digestion system, for more regular and bulk to stool.
foods: nuts, wheat bran, kale, beans, bananas etc:

simple blender drink to start off with and what it does?
fresh pineapple- are good for digestion, has bromelian which has co-q-10 in it helps absorb nutrients in food. anti- inflammatory fight against gout. manganese for cell repair and energy.

bananas- has more vitamins then any other fruit! has potassium good for heart. lots of fiber helping control blood pressure. thick fibers coat stomach against ulcer. fibers help with digestion.

kale- is good for cholesterol, fiber aid in bile acid helps fight CANCER and has {ITCs} made from glucosin for more CANCER prevention. has more vitamins then other lettuce.

spinach- has a lot of zinc, good for cell repair. has more vitamins then any other vegetable, does everything great against CANCER prevention.

understanding health is the key to being health and losing weight. BEING SKINNY DOESN'T MEAN YOUR HEALTH! {that's another topic}

Friday, January 13, 2012

haiti we watching 1- 13- 2012

many of the people in haiti are still homeless after the earthquake two (2) years ago! many of us donate money to the haiti relief funds, but it seems like the money has not reach the people yet. there is another so- called investigation going on so hopefully they will find some answer soon. to our haitian brothers & sisters we are watching closely! we demand justice for you!

in the words of jesus: the least you do unto my brother, you do unto me!
peace, love and unity

Thursday, January 12, 2012


Eugenics: the belief or study in the possibilities of improving the human species.

Method #1 - by discouraging the reproduction of those deemed by society to have less than favorable traits (America). Such traits include being African-American, living in poverty, mental retardation etc: (many of the people we know possess at least 2 out 3 of these traits).

Method #2 - by encouraging reproduction of those deemed by society to have favorable traits (America). Such traits include being of European descent, having a job, possessing the ability to learn (basically performing well on the IQ Test, which has been proven to be biased and irrelevant), etc. This is why when white couples have multiple births (even with fertility drugs) they are given many perks, such as cars, homes, finances, educational packages for children, etc. This is due to the modern day practice of eugenics.    

This was a general practice in western societies, particularly in Europe, where Nazi-Germany used this pseudo-science to justify their eradication of the Jews.  America also used this in their systematic eradication of African-Americans. Some African-Americans were euthanize! Many others were sterilized against their own will, in order to control African-American population rates! Many leading people in society (Whites) felt that African-Americans breed too fast when compared to Whites. Therefore, something had to be done to control the population growth of African-Americans before their numbers grew too large. Many Whites feared that African-American would overrun them causing Whites to lose their position of power in America.

From the 1930s to the 1970s, eugenics was commonly practiced throughout the United States of America. Recently, North Carolina rewarded its victims in the form of a $50,000 cash settlement.

I have found that this is a difficult topic to discuss with older people, but they may have some money coming as other states weigh their options in the way of a settlement! 

Peace, Love and Unity!

MLK Celebration - Detroit

Martin Luther King Jr. Day celebration will be January 16th, 2012 @ Charles H. Wright Museum.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

women section 1- 11- 12 (health)

This is a topic of concern "beauty"! Yes, beauty is part of health! Beauty is directly related to the mental health of a person--your self-esteem, confidence, and general attitude. I am concerned with the great length Africa-American women will go to define their beauty. In this post, I want to address the impact that some beautification processes have on your physical health. I would like to look at the multitude of accessories that some women put on; the hair (weave), nails (hands and feet), make-up, eyelashes, contacts, the method of arching (eyebrows), etc.

The reason I bring this up is because of the rising cancer rates among Black women! I know that cancer rates are rising among many groups, but our concern today is with our Sisters. We want to love you when you are old and gray and beautiful!

Science has proven that the cause of cancer is directly related to one's lifestyle. The biggest culprit is stress! After stress your diet is the second leading cause of cancer. We may need to re-think what we are eating and how our meals are being prepared, (smile, that's another topic). Next we need to look at what we are doing to our bodies in relationship to the things we put in them and on them.

Before we really get into it, let's discuss the definition of beauty. Who is really defining what beauty is? People that don't even look like you! Some of them don't even like you but you let them define your beauty? Man-made beauty can never supersede the natural beauty that GOD has given you? If nothing else where is your spirituality (spiritual beauty)?  

Hair, is spiritual for black people. Rastafarian wear dread-locks for spiritual reasons, not for fashion! If you are perming your hair, then you are damaging the hair follicle for ever and it never--I repeat, never--returns to its natural state again. Anything that damages your hair permanently (thus the name "perm"), cannot be good for your hair. Have you ever read the label to know what ingredients are in perms? Most of the ingredients are considered to be toxic chemicals!

Let's talk about weaves; the sewing, taping and gluing of your God-given hair. What is in that glue? I could not find the ingredients in hair glue or hair glue remover, but I am pretty sure that they contain toxic chemicals as well. If you are purchasing synthetic hair instead of human hair, then I have a question for you. What is synthetic hair made of? In some cases it is horse hair! Come on Sisters! Is it really that serious that you have to put horse hair on your head?

I did some research on hair weave and discovered something that I consider to be VERY SERIOUS! Most synthetic hair is produced by utilizing two kanekalon fibers (two monomers), acrylonitrile and vinyl chloride. Acrylonitrile is not that bad. It is basically plant fibers. Vinyl chloride on the other hand is very bad! It is defined as being "highly toxic, flammable and carcinogenic". Carcinogenic means that it is known to cause cancer! Vinyl chloride is so toxic that it must be treated before being dump into waste water reservoirs. This stuff is so bad that it is not allowed to mix with the water from your toilet until after it has been properly treated. Yet, many of our Sisters don't think twice before putting it on their head!

Cheaper weave is made from polyester, which are oil compounds used to make plastic bottles, pianos, guitars, car components, boats, etc. Anything that looks like wood but is plastic is probably made from polyester. Like vinyl chloride,  polyester is very toxic, and therefore bad for you!

Let's move on to makeup. Most makeups, including facial creams and anti-aging creams, are bad for you! They are very, very toxic! They have mineral oil in them which is a byproduct of petroleum (oil). This is the same stuff you put in your car's engine and in the gas tank. The makeup industry misinforms you by stating that these petroleum products are not harmful in small doses. This is a true statement! However, the directions on the label instructs you to "apply daily" in order to get the best results. This means that you must use the product over a long period of time. Which makes their statement of "not harmful if used in small doses" an invalid statement. This is nothing more than a loophole for them to get you to buy and use their toxic product.

Last but not least, let's talk about your hands and feet (fingernails and toenails). Sisters love to go to the Chinese and Koreans in their communities to get their hands and feet done. Do you ever wonder why they wear masks? Do you ever wonder why they never offered you a mask even though they have one on? Well the reason is that the chemicals they are using are EXTREMELY TOXIC! If you continue to inhale them over a period of time, they can and will cause cancer. This is the reason why they have the masks on! Acrylics and acrylic byproducts are known to cause pulmonary edema (respiratory disorder), which can in turn lead to heart attacks! You are putting yourself at risk each time you get your nails done without some type of respiratory protection.

Sisters, we love your beauty but we want you to grow old as are wives, mothers, sisters, etc. We don't want you to be alive and in poor health. We want you to be alive, with good health, enjoying a high quality of life.

I usually do not ask for comments, but I am very interested to see what your thoughts are concerning this topic. Please research for yourself, and past it on to others. Have them read the blog and see what they think and feel about the topic?

Love, Peace and Unity

anc birthday 100th

This is the 100th anniversary of the Africa National Congress (A.N.C.) the ruling party of South Africa government. They fought long and hard against the apartheid government and defeated them in 1994, electing Melson Mandela as their president! We thank them for being strong freedom fighters, and liberating the people of South Africa!

diane nash lecture

diane nash, civil rights leader will be giving a lecture monday, january 23rd 2012 @ john carroll university in cleveland, ohio

rev. james cone lecture

rev. james cone author of the book; a black theology of liberation.
will be giving a lecture, wednesday, january 18th 2012 @ baldwin- wallace college in berea, oh

tuesday class

sister lea, give a great and very informative power point presentation last night in class. we study the trans-sahara slave trade and also the east africa slave trade both operated by islamic arabs.  

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

haiti health issue

two (2) years ago the earthquake struck haiti. causing mass destruction on the island. then there was a outbreak of cholera that also killed many people. but the cholera outbreak is something of issue because cholera is unknown to the native people of haiti! so where did it come from? if it is not know of in haiti? according to a report by (n.p.r.) national public radio station, it came from people who came to help with the earthquake like red cross, unicef and the peace core. which are all made up of voluntaries from developed countries. in developed countries cholera has been eradicated for the most part. so how could they bring it with them if it does not exist in there country either? a investigation is being done to see how these disease enter the country. something seems very strange here, but we want to let our brothers and sisters in haiti know we are watching and we care what does happen to you!

in the words of jesus: least you do unto my brother you do unto to me!
peace, love and unity     

class tonight

s.o.t.a.h meeting tonight at 5 pm

class will start at 6 pm

Monday, January 9, 2012

International Relationships (Russia)

One of the greatest ambassador of goodwill known to mankind is Paul Robeson. Paul Robeson was a man of many firsts. He was a singer, actor, athlete and scholar, but his true legacy was as an international activist. Not only did he fight for his own people--people of African descent--he fought for all people! While studying the life of Paul Robeson, I was very surprised to discover the relationships he had with various people around the world. Paul Robeson had a very special relationship with the people of Russia! Russian and African people have a long and enduring relationship. I soon found out that Paul Robeson spent a lot of time in Russia studying and learning their culture and regularly performing concerts for the people in Russia. What was really surprising is that he performed the concerts in Russian! When asked how he communicated so well with the Russians, he stated that many of the Russian words where similar to some variants of African tribal languages. This makes sense, since the Russian alphabet was designed by Alexander Pushkin, a person of African descent!

This shows how closely we are related to one another. Who would have ever guessed that the great people of Russia and the great people of Africa were connected! This is why love, peace and unity are so important.


A Fight For A Cure For Breast Cancer

Who: Educe Group Inc.
(An African Fitness Dance Class Fundraiser to sponsor YPD Officer Barbara Copeland in the Susan G. Komen Race for a Cure.)
When: Saturday, February 11th at 11:00 AM
Where: St. Andrewes A.M.E. 521 Church Earle Ave. Youngstown, OH 44511 (The former Chicago Field)
Donation: $10 for adults, $5 for Youth

Eboni Bogan, Instructor
Co-Sponsored by St. Andrewes A.M.E. Church.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Saved This Date:

February 18, 2012

From Africa To America Historical Conference
Warren, YWCA
375 North Park Ave.

Special Guest Speakers: Brother K and Brother Ajamu; Both of Youngstown Ohio.
Lectures on: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. & Malcolm X, by Sis. Lea Dotson
                      The Life & Legacy of Marcus Garvey, by Bro. Erik Boyd
Workshops: Bishop Richard Allen and the AME Church, by Min. Bruce Logan
                      Black Presence In the Bible, by Min. Neil Heller
                      And Much More

Performances by African Dancers, African Drummers, Choirs, and Poets.

Merchandise: Books, clothes, jewelry, art, etc.

Social Hour: Music, chess, dominoes, backgammon, cards, etc.

mens section 1- 7 - 2012 pt2

If a change is going to come, then it has to start with Self!  It is always important as men to be careful to keep our emotions in check. We must always remember that our children, wives, girlfriends, etc. are gifts from the Most High {GOD}! They are put under our protection with the help and aid of the Most High {GOD}. We should always be humble in our position when dealing with our children and our wives. We should always be strong but understanding. We should always be caring and listen to those whom we love!

As black men we understand that respect is everything and that in the streets {world} the lack of respect can get you killed. But we must do a better job of respecting Self! As black men, we place value on views that are not only disrespectful to our families but also disrespectful to Self {being a pimp, player, street hustler [criminal], etc.}. These things were taught to us as young men, but they are morally wrong and they bring pain and destruction to our families!

We know that many times our children and women do not listen to us. But maybe somehow, someway, they see through us (the lies or contradiction in what we say, verses what we do)! In order to gain their respect and keet it, maybe we need to change our belief system of who we are and what we should be doing?

I think one way to help all of us as black men is to lead by example! If we bring about a change or new direction in ourselves this will directly impact our families in a positive manner! One way to help us get on track is by using a ancient system of balance!

This system has been used by African people since the beginning of time! Under slavery we lost alot of our culture and principles as a people, but now we are free from bondage so lets free our minds also! When we free our minds then we line our souls up with the Most High {GOD}. Then and only then will we be totally free!!!

The system of balance is better known as THE PRINCIPLES OF MAAT. Please study and embrace these principles in your heart! For more understanding and reinforcement, read the 42 negative confession (the precursor to the 10 commandments)!

Peace, Love and Unity

Friday, January 6, 2012

mens section 1-6- 2012 part1

A change has to come Brothers! And that change must start with us! We must stand up for what is good in our lives. Our children and the women we chose to bare those children! We need to spend more time with our children (it can never be to much time)! We must tell our sons and daughter that we love them and that they are everything to us! We must read books with them and explain the world we live in to them. We must study with them and learn with them. We must read a holy text with them {bible, quran or torah} and show them the glory of GOD that is in us and flows through us! YOU are a GOD {king} brother, so act as if you are.

As black men we need to step it up greatly with the relationships of children, especially our daughters . Love them, and show them extra attention, so they do not go through their whole life seeking attention from men and doing anything to get it! Take your daughters on a date! Many of the things that you do with their mother should be done with your daughters on a smaller scale. Buy them flowers. Establish a daughter-and-dad day. Take them to the movies and/or out to eat. Teach them to cook. Show them how important a home cooked meal is to the family. This will prpepare her for the family she might have one day.

Remember this brother, your sons first hero should be his father! Your daughter first love should be her father! By your standards all men will be gauge if they are good men or not! So let's set the standard high so these weak men have to step there game up to  date our daughters. This will ceate a stronger generation of young, beautiful, black couples in the future!

Peace, Love and Unity Brothers!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Seekers Of True African History (SOTAH) will be having its 1st Annual Historical Conference February 18, 2012
Warren YWCA
375 North Park Ave N.W.
Warren, Ohio 44481
For more information:
e-mail: sotah_mail@yahoo.com
facebook: sotah heller

Monday, January 2, 2012

tuesday meeting

we will start meeting a hour early to discuss and plan our conference for black history month. time 5 p.m./ conference discussion, class will start at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. everyone is welcome, please come!

s.o.t.a.h. - seekers of true african history 

Sunday, January 1, 2012

divine wisdom

lets us use divine wisdom going into the new year! lets examine the (4) virtues of divine wisdom.
1. prudence- the ability to judge between actions with regards to appropriation action at a given time.
2. justice- proper moderation between self- interest and the rights and needs of others.
3. restraint or temperance- practicing self- control, abstention, and moderation.

4. courage or fortitude- forbearance, endurance, and ability to confront fear and uncertainty, or intimidation. 

happy new year

happy new year! to all, we must stay positive and ready move ahead with our goals good luck to all! peace love happiness