Symbolism: Christianity
Symbolism is the uses symbols to represent ideas or quartiles. Symbolism is used in all parts of life especially religion. So I will discuss some symbols in Christianity.
The fish is represent, the age of Pisces. The age of Pisces is represented in the aspect of monotheism, which is not necessary true. But that is what said, concerning Pisces.
Monotheism has always existed, in ancient Ethiopia and Egypt {Kemet}. The Deity Atom/ Atum/ Amen are all variant spellings of the monotheistic deity. Amen is still worship by Christians without their knowledge after each prayer they say "Amen".
Pisces meaning is more metaphysical than anything else. If you find a bible old enough it will say, in Jesus words "I will be with until the end of the age"! Represent a new savior or his "re-birth".
European Christianity:
Has super imposed a male figure {deity} over the female! This is actually done to represent Zeus- the Greek deity.
African {Kemetic} Christianity:
Is represent by two {2} divine halves female and male, coming together as one divine being again! This is reinforce through marriage, two {2} people coming together to be one! So now you have two {2} people, that has become one!
The Cross:
The Cross is symbolic of Jesus death! But, actually this was a common way to die in those times. The Romans used this type death for shameful way to die, plus it was a slow and painful death. This is known as a type of impalement.
These are a few to know and research there are many, many more but I felt they were to controversial to mention at this time?
love, live and learn
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Monday, October 28, 2013
Sci fi Section: Religion in Star Wars Series
Sci fi Section: Religion in Star Wars Series.
Many readers of the blog have contact me, personally about concerns and question. As beginners, I try to teach them symbolism. Because more than what you read from words, is a another language symbols. Hollywood has become very good at symbolism, to show you how good, I will take a movie like Star Wars and break it down. I done this previously with the movie "Matrix Trilogy", go to achives on blog to see the breakdown and religious connections.
Symbolism: the uses of symbols to represent ideas and concepts.
George Lucas:
George Lucas is one of the all time great movie producers and directors. But, what most do not know about George Lucas he is a great historian of religion and mythology which he study under Joesph Campbell.
Joesph Campbell:
Joesph Campbell had a huge influence on George Lucas. Joesph Campbell works and ideas run deep in George Lucas movies. Star Wars & Indiana Jones series. Joesph Campbell was the leading authority in the field of religion and mythology in the 40s, 50s and 60s in America. George Lucas even pays homage to Joesph Campbell in the Indiana Jones series, Prof. Abner Ravenwood is real life Joesph Campbell.
Star Wars Religion:
Stars Wars is a real religion in the United Kingdom, with followers in America also! I am in NOWAY, suggesting people join or follow Star Wars as a real religion! What, I am suggesting people view Star Wars as a highly symbolic movie, based on many different religions, mythology and philosophy.
In America, as a people we are very closed minded when it comes to religion of others? Which, I find totally strange considering the 1st amendment to the Bill of Rights for the United States Constitution is the freedom of religion?
Mythology and Philosophy are consider religions in other parts of the world! Even Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have a mythology part to them. I do not know why Christian Churches still preach and teach, if you do not believe in Jesus you are going to HELL? That is the farthest thing from the truth.
Do you really think the people who started and founded the United States, would make a law to practice any religion, if not believing in Jesus would send people to hell?
Character breakdown:
Grand Master of the Jedi order. This title is held by Free- Masons, under certain jurisdiction. Yoda's color is taken from ancient Egypt {Kemet}. Green is a high- ranking color in Kemet, the Kemetic understanding of green is that one {the individual} has become totally conscious in conquering and mastering of one- self. General meaning re- birth, freedom and fertility.
Jedi is short for Jedidah a name or title meaning "blessing" or "blessed one". The name of a Queen in the Bible, in this case, many men followed in the priesthood of their mothers or mother side of the family. This can be found in the Bible.
In ancient times many Queens and Kings belong to a certain priesthood, that may differ from the public view which they ruled over. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ followed the priesthood of their mothers also Elizabeth and Mary, they were priestess under the "Daughters of Levi"!
Jedi Knight:
Knight is a solider whom servers and protects a sovereign or sovereign ruler! To be sovereign means a right given by God to be free, all others are subjects to the sovereign.
Jedi Knight is a mixture of cultures actually. The long hooded- over coats are that of the Druid priesthood.
Jedi weapon:
The light- saber{sword} is from the Japanese Samurai culture. The Samurai were the first people to event a cannon and guns, but felt it was unmoral to fight and kill in this manner so they abandoned these type of weapons!
Luke Skywalker:
Luke Skywalker is the coming messiah, who will bring peace, justice and order {balance} to the world or universe we live in. Christianity the second coming of Christ.
Princess Leia:
The twin sister of Luke Skywalker, represent duality.
In the beginning all births were twins/ dual births. In all ancient Eastern {African} Deities they will have a twin, brother or sister. Osiris & Isis/ Auser & Auset, Adam & Lilith his 1st wife, {Eve is his second wife} folk- lore of Judaism/ Christianity explains the story.
Obi- Wan Kenobi:
Obi Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Knight but represent the ancient relationship between master & apprentice in all manners of life, but especially Free- Mason!
Darth Vader:
Darth Vader is a good man, gone bad! Darth Vader is all of us if we chose to be selfish. Not be patient, humble and becoming to prideful. These are the same bad characteristics that are associated with Satan/ Devil when he was being kick out of heaven.
Darth Vader look and style is taken from the feudal period of Japan. The Samurai wore war mask that they believed were powerful and magical. The Black color, comes from a Black man who was a Shogun {Samurai} whom unified Japan! This was why African- American actor Earl James Jones did the voice of Darth Vader and not the actual actor himself a White man!
This Black solider is a universal concept. In all culture the Black man has had the prominent position of unification of people rather it was King Arthur favorite Knight "The Black Knight" a Black man from the Silure tribe of the British Isles. Or it be Crispus Attucks {a Black man} the first man killed in the Boston Massacre, which sparked the Revolutionary War, America against the British for independence.
Sith Lord:
Is the Dark Lord over Sith Order. They are evil beings who want to rule the universe. Sith is just a variant spelling of Seth/ Set the evil brother of Osiris and kills him for the throne and Kingdom of ancient Egypt {Kemet}. This is also were the name Satan originates from Seth/ Set.
The most over looked part of the movies is the discussion concerning Midi- chlrian, with is associated with Anakin Skywalker {Darth Vader} is based off of metaphysics mitochondria and melanin. Which gives us life.
The Force is based Asian philosophy the Chi, the Chi is a energy that bounds all living things together. Also symbolic of the deity Ra- in Kemetic Belief System, Ra- is the hidden one. Ra was adapt by Christians as the Holy Spirit! The life Force/ spirit!
The art work and temples are taking from ancient kingdoms. These art works are multi- culture from all over the world.
Jabba the Hut palace is actually based on King Herod Palace in the Bible. Other cities are based on Rhodes of ancient Greece. The Super space crafts circle design is based of Atlantis concepts!
There are many, many more symbols and comparisons but this will show you how much you missed and are unaware of, may the force be with you!
love, live and learn
Many readers of the blog have contact me, personally about concerns and question. As beginners, I try to teach them symbolism. Because more than what you read from words, is a another language symbols. Hollywood has become very good at symbolism, to show you how good, I will take a movie like Star Wars and break it down. I done this previously with the movie "Matrix Trilogy", go to achives on blog to see the breakdown and religious connections.
Symbolism: the uses of symbols to represent ideas and concepts.
George Lucas:
George Lucas is one of the all time great movie producers and directors. But, what most do not know about George Lucas he is a great historian of religion and mythology which he study under Joesph Campbell.
Joesph Campbell:
Joesph Campbell had a huge influence on George Lucas. Joesph Campbell works and ideas run deep in George Lucas movies. Star Wars & Indiana Jones series. Joesph Campbell was the leading authority in the field of religion and mythology in the 40s, 50s and 60s in America. George Lucas even pays homage to Joesph Campbell in the Indiana Jones series, Prof. Abner Ravenwood is real life Joesph Campbell.
Star Wars Religion:
Stars Wars is a real religion in the United Kingdom, with followers in America also! I am in NOWAY, suggesting people join or follow Star Wars as a real religion! What, I am suggesting people view Star Wars as a highly symbolic movie, based on many different religions, mythology and philosophy.
In America, as a people we are very closed minded when it comes to religion of others? Which, I find totally strange considering the 1st amendment to the Bill of Rights for the United States Constitution is the freedom of religion?
Mythology and Philosophy are consider religions in other parts of the world! Even Judaism, Christianity and Islam all have a mythology part to them. I do not know why Christian Churches still preach and teach, if you do not believe in Jesus you are going to HELL? That is the farthest thing from the truth.
Do you really think the people who started and founded the United States, would make a law to practice any religion, if not believing in Jesus would send people to hell?
Character breakdown:
Grand Master of the Jedi order. This title is held by Free- Masons, under certain jurisdiction. Yoda's color is taken from ancient Egypt {Kemet}. Green is a high- ranking color in Kemet, the Kemetic understanding of green is that one {the individual} has become totally conscious in conquering and mastering of one- self. General meaning re- birth, freedom and fertility.
Jedi is short for Jedidah a name or title meaning "blessing" or "blessed one". The name of a Queen in the Bible, in this case, many men followed in the priesthood of their mothers or mother side of the family. This can be found in the Bible.
In ancient times many Queens and Kings belong to a certain priesthood, that may differ from the public view which they ruled over. John the Baptist and Jesus Christ followed the priesthood of their mothers also Elizabeth and Mary, they were priestess under the "Daughters of Levi"!
Jedi Knight:
Knight is a solider whom servers and protects a sovereign or sovereign ruler! To be sovereign means a right given by God to be free, all others are subjects to the sovereign.
Jedi Knight is a mixture of cultures actually. The long hooded- over coats are that of the Druid priesthood.
Jedi weapon:
The light- saber{sword} is from the Japanese Samurai culture. The Samurai were the first people to event a cannon and guns, but felt it was unmoral to fight and kill in this manner so they abandoned these type of weapons!
Luke Skywalker:
Luke Skywalker is the coming messiah, who will bring peace, justice and order {balance} to the world or universe we live in. Christianity the second coming of Christ.
Princess Leia:
The twin sister of Luke Skywalker, represent duality.
In the beginning all births were twins/ dual births. In all ancient Eastern {African} Deities they will have a twin, brother or sister. Osiris & Isis/ Auser & Auset, Adam & Lilith his 1st wife, {Eve is his second wife} folk- lore of Judaism/ Christianity explains the story.
Obi- Wan Kenobi:
Obi Wan Kenobi is a Jedi Knight but represent the ancient relationship between master & apprentice in all manners of life, but especially Free- Mason!
Darth Vader:
Darth Vader is a good man, gone bad! Darth Vader is all of us if we chose to be selfish. Not be patient, humble and becoming to prideful. These are the same bad characteristics that are associated with Satan/ Devil when he was being kick out of heaven.
Darth Vader look and style is taken from the feudal period of Japan. The Samurai wore war mask that they believed were powerful and magical. The Black color, comes from a Black man who was a Shogun {Samurai} whom unified Japan! This was why African- American actor Earl James Jones did the voice of Darth Vader and not the actual actor himself a White man!
This Black solider is a universal concept. In all culture the Black man has had the prominent position of unification of people rather it was King Arthur favorite Knight "The Black Knight" a Black man from the Silure tribe of the British Isles. Or it be Crispus Attucks {a Black man} the first man killed in the Boston Massacre, which sparked the Revolutionary War, America against the British for independence.
Sith Lord:
Is the Dark Lord over Sith Order. They are evil beings who want to rule the universe. Sith is just a variant spelling of Seth/ Set the evil brother of Osiris and kills him for the throne and Kingdom of ancient Egypt {Kemet}. This is also were the name Satan originates from Seth/ Set.
The most over looked part of the movies is the discussion concerning Midi- chlrian, with is associated with Anakin Skywalker {Darth Vader} is based off of metaphysics mitochondria and melanin. Which gives us life.
The Force is based Asian philosophy the Chi, the Chi is a energy that bounds all living things together. Also symbolic of the deity Ra- in Kemetic Belief System, Ra- is the hidden one. Ra was adapt by Christians as the Holy Spirit! The life Force/ spirit!
The art work and temples are taking from ancient kingdoms. These art works are multi- culture from all over the world.
Jabba the Hut palace is actually based on King Herod Palace in the Bible. Other cities are based on Rhodes of ancient Greece. The Super space crafts circle design is based of Atlantis concepts!
There are many, many more symbols and comparisons but this will show you how much you missed and are unaware of, may the force be with you!
love, live and learn
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Black Women in Greek Mythology
Black Women in Greek Mythology:
No longer shall the present of Black Women in history be put aside or simply ignored by Black and White scholars alike! Their is no history without the presence or influence of Black Women, all concepts and ideas from religion to farming come from the Black Women, as African people we should be totally ashamed of the treatment and lack of respect of Black Women! Greek mythology is Western culture religion, before there adaption, and rearranging of Christianity. This adaptation of the European version of Christianity has systematically attacked and with the expulsion of Black Women from history and religion!
Black Women in Greek Mythology:
Black Women play a great role in Greek Mythology! Thus I will share the story of a few on this topic. As White Men have omitted the role of Black people from history but especially Black Women, we must reinstall the Black Goddess and Queens to their proper position in history and present day life!
I have written about Andromeda in great detail on the blog, {You can research her on the blog in the achieves on the blog, simply type her name in the box.}
Andromeda is a Ethiopian princess, she is the daughter of the Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia whom ruled Colchis, Greece. She is also the wife of Greek mythology hero Perseus. Perseus is a Demi- God his father is the Greek God Zeus and his mother is the princess Danae the daughter of the King of Argos. Perseus is known as the father of the Persians. Together Perseus and Andromeda make the nation of light- skinned Arabs.
Cassiopeia is the Ethiopian Queen of Colchis and wife of King Cepheus. She is the mother of Andromeda and mother-in-law to Greek hero Perseus. She is one of the most beautiful women in the history of the world. But this would bring great hardship on her family, because of the Black Queens boasting of how beautiful her and her daughter was this angered the Gods, especially the God of the sea Poseidon! Poseidon was angered and vowed to destroy Ethiopia because of Queen Cassiopeia boasting and bragging which upset a lot of other Goddess and Queens.
Princess Medea:
Medea is also a Black princess, her father was King Aeetes of the Black Kingdom of Colchis. Princess Medea is best known for helping Jason and the Argonauts capture the Golden Fleece. That is the basic story there are many different variants to this story. No one can be certain how the story really went, the only thing for certain is that she was in love with Jason, and she made him promise her, for her help he would marry.
Circe is the daughter of the God Helios! Helios is the sun God and is a Titan! Also sister of King Aeetes of Colchis.
Titan: are older Gods and Goddess in Greek mythology. They are older and lived before Zeus and the Olympians!
There are many variants to her story but she is best known for helping her niece Princess Medea and Jason of the Argonauts. She later moves to what is now known as Italy, so she is also in Italian mythology!
Here are a few but there are more Black women in Greek Mythology, learn to read knowing who you are reading about, it helps!
love, live and learn
No longer shall the present of Black Women in history be put aside or simply ignored by Black and White scholars alike! Their is no history without the presence or influence of Black Women, all concepts and ideas from religion to farming come from the Black Women, as African people we should be totally ashamed of the treatment and lack of respect of Black Women! Greek mythology is Western culture religion, before there adaption, and rearranging of Christianity. This adaptation of the European version of Christianity has systematically attacked and with the expulsion of Black Women from history and religion!
Black Women in Greek Mythology:
Black Women play a great role in Greek Mythology! Thus I will share the story of a few on this topic. As White Men have omitted the role of Black people from history but especially Black Women, we must reinstall the Black Goddess and Queens to their proper position in history and present day life!
I have written about Andromeda in great detail on the blog, {You can research her on the blog in the achieves on the blog, simply type her name in the box.}
Andromeda is a Ethiopian princess, she is the daughter of the Ethiopian King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia whom ruled Colchis, Greece. She is also the wife of Greek mythology hero Perseus. Perseus is a Demi- God his father is the Greek God Zeus and his mother is the princess Danae the daughter of the King of Argos. Perseus is known as the father of the Persians. Together Perseus and Andromeda make the nation of light- skinned Arabs.
Cassiopeia is the Ethiopian Queen of Colchis and wife of King Cepheus. She is the mother of Andromeda and mother-in-law to Greek hero Perseus. She is one of the most beautiful women in the history of the world. But this would bring great hardship on her family, because of the Black Queens boasting of how beautiful her and her daughter was this angered the Gods, especially the God of the sea Poseidon! Poseidon was angered and vowed to destroy Ethiopia because of Queen Cassiopeia boasting and bragging which upset a lot of other Goddess and Queens.
Princess Medea:
Medea is also a Black princess, her father was King Aeetes of the Black Kingdom of Colchis. Princess Medea is best known for helping Jason and the Argonauts capture the Golden Fleece. That is the basic story there are many different variants to this story. No one can be certain how the story really went, the only thing for certain is that she was in love with Jason, and she made him promise her, for her help he would marry.
Circe is the daughter of the God Helios! Helios is the sun God and is a Titan! Also sister of King Aeetes of Colchis.
Titan: are older Gods and Goddess in Greek mythology. They are older and lived before Zeus and the Olympians!
There are many variants to her story but she is best known for helping her niece Princess Medea and Jason of the Argonauts. She later moves to what is now known as Italy, so she is also in Italian mythology!
Here are a few but there are more Black women in Greek Mythology, learn to read knowing who you are reading about, it helps!
love, live and learn
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Music: What happened?
Music: What happened?
This is a historical view of modern music. When studying music and the artist one common theme kept coming up, Satan? What was the connection between music and Satan? This subject bother me greatly, it seem like outside force bother me more and more as I study the topic!
Not sure where the information came from about the folk-lore of Satan. Satan seem to have been cast down to earth from heaven before humans {Adam & Eve} came here? From my understanding and research, it said he was once angel in heaven. Because of a disagreement with God, which led to him being disobedient to God he was kick-out of heaven, along with a third of the angels.
Satan is said to be the adversary, accuser and deceiver of man. Satan, is said to seduce men to sin. Satan promises mankind many different things according to what the individuals needs and wants are? For those that he can not seduce, he wages war against them the faithful followers of God!
Characteristics of Satan:
Satan has many names Satan, Lucifer and the devil to name a few. He always changes his name and look to confuse mankind. He takes many different forms men, women and animals. He usual works on people who are are not patient, unhappy, jealous, envious, lustful and hateful! Promising them gifts in return for their soul! For a long time he made mankind believe that he did not exist!
Satan and Music:
Satan seem to have been very popular and famous in heaven. He was said to be very beautiful and head musician in heaven. These characteristic lead to him being very prideful, which lead to his downfall in heaven!
Mankind and Music:
Music has been many things to humans. It is science, art and spiritual etc: it is one of the main things you need to have culture.
In modern America, we trace music talent from influence, who contribute and influence others. So this lead me to research who had the most influence on modern music in America today. This lead me to the Robert Johnson.
Robert Johnson by all accounts is the most influential person in modern American history period! At first I was every happy that White America had given a Black man credit for something before the civil rights movement of the 60s! That happiness was short lived, about short as Robert Johnson career, because how could a man with such a short career influence so many people?
My question was soon answered, in a unlike way Robert Johnson had made a pact with the devil for fame and money! Robert Johnson in noway was the first one in history to make a deal with the devil!!! But it is believed Robert Johnson may have been the first to admit his deal publicly and not in secret like many others before him!
Son House: Blues man
Son House is a legend in music, especially Blues which is the proto- type for modern music today. R & B stands for Rhythm and Blues/ also rock and roll roots are also found in Blues.
Son House is the mentor of Robert Johnson. Son House story goes; "that him and close friend Willie Brown would play juke joints {bars for Blacks} in small cities all around the delta and Mississippi in their younger days. Robert Johnson was a young man whom would follow them around trying to learn how to play the guitar and sing like them. But, Robert Johnson was horrible could not play a tune, he would sometimes play between Son House and Willie Brown taking a break and people would, boo him off the stage because he played so bad! So eventually Robert Johnson left home and traveled on his own to Arkansas and back to Mississippi, but while in Clarksdale, Mississippi on the crossroads of route 49 & 61 he made his deal with the devil for guitar lesson, fame and money! So after not seeing Robert Johnson for about six {6} months Son House and Willie Brown bump back into Robert Johnson and he wanted to show them what he had learned while away. Son House said he could not believe how well Robert Johnson played, he left everyone mouth open who heard him, after he had play! Son House, then said he had sold his soul to the devil to learn to play like that in such a short time"!
Modern music:
In many interviews take from various artist Black and White, they to have confessed to making deals for fame and riches with the devil in exchange for their soul! In my study many White artist simply confessed to the deal, as for Black artist they simply sing about their deal, in their lyrics such as Kanye West.
The list was amazingly long of all the people we know as stars whom have made deals with the devil! I will post some of their names but there are to many people to name! But, the important question is not so much about them as to, what about you? What does it say about you as person who admires, loves, and adores these people who are openly devil worshipers? Making deals with the devil, is the same thing, people like to play word games when they are held responsible for their actions!
what about you, the individual:
You claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or least spiritual? How does God view you sing, dance and listen to known devil worshipers? I guess, that has nothing to do with you? Last time, I checked fans make stars famous and rich? I know, you do not think you play a part, but when its to late you to will pay the price also!
List of known devil worshipers and deal makers:
Robert Johnson, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. Robin Thicke, R &B singer. Kanye West, rapper. Bob Dylan, folk- singer. Eric Clapton, solo singer and member of the yardbirds and cream. Snoop dog, rapper. David lee Roth of Van Halen. Jimmy lee Lewis, rock and roll. Little Richard, rock and roll. Elvis, rock and roll. Bono from U2. Queen, rock & roll band. Bon Jovi, rock & roll. Godsmack, rock & roll. Easy E and Doc Dre of N.W.A. Insane Clown pose, hardcore hip- hop. Marlyn Manson, rock & roll and artist. Sting, rock & roll. Kid Rock, hardcore rock & roll. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. Metallica, rock and roll. Glen Benton of Decide. Red Hot Chilli peppers. Black Sabbath, rock & roll. Ozzy Osborne, rock & roll. Deep Purple, rock & roll. Fleetwood Mac, rock & roll. Rolling Stones, rock & roll. Jimi Hendrix, rock & roll. Talking Heads, rock & roll. Eminem, hip hop. Beetles, rock & roll.
The Church of Satanism is working with many musicians. They have been working in Hollywood, and they are pushing the whole Vampire crazy!
A good documentary that I watch on you-tube was "the devil in the detail"!
You have the information, its your chose to believe or ignore!
love, live and learn
This is a historical view of modern music. When studying music and the artist one common theme kept coming up, Satan? What was the connection between music and Satan? This subject bother me greatly, it seem like outside force bother me more and more as I study the topic!
Not sure where the information came from about the folk-lore of Satan. Satan seem to have been cast down to earth from heaven before humans {Adam & Eve} came here? From my understanding and research, it said he was once angel in heaven. Because of a disagreement with God, which led to him being disobedient to God he was kick-out of heaven, along with a third of the angels.
Satan is said to be the adversary, accuser and deceiver of man. Satan, is said to seduce men to sin. Satan promises mankind many different things according to what the individuals needs and wants are? For those that he can not seduce, he wages war against them the faithful followers of God!
Characteristics of Satan:
Satan has many names Satan, Lucifer and the devil to name a few. He always changes his name and look to confuse mankind. He takes many different forms men, women and animals. He usual works on people who are are not patient, unhappy, jealous, envious, lustful and hateful! Promising them gifts in return for their soul! For a long time he made mankind believe that he did not exist!
Satan and Music:
Satan seem to have been very popular and famous in heaven. He was said to be very beautiful and head musician in heaven. These characteristic lead to him being very prideful, which lead to his downfall in heaven!
Mankind and Music:
Music has been many things to humans. It is science, art and spiritual etc: it is one of the main things you need to have culture.
In modern America, we trace music talent from influence, who contribute and influence others. So this lead me to research who had the most influence on modern music in America today. This lead me to the Robert Johnson.
Robert Johnson by all accounts is the most influential person in modern American history period! At first I was every happy that White America had given a Black man credit for something before the civil rights movement of the 60s! That happiness was short lived, about short as Robert Johnson career, because how could a man with such a short career influence so many people?
My question was soon answered, in a unlike way Robert Johnson had made a pact with the devil for fame and money! Robert Johnson in noway was the first one in history to make a deal with the devil!!! But it is believed Robert Johnson may have been the first to admit his deal publicly and not in secret like many others before him!
Son House: Blues man
Son House is a legend in music, especially Blues which is the proto- type for modern music today. R & B stands for Rhythm and Blues/ also rock and roll roots are also found in Blues.
Son House is the mentor of Robert Johnson. Son House story goes; "that him and close friend Willie Brown would play juke joints {bars for Blacks} in small cities all around the delta and Mississippi in their younger days. Robert Johnson was a young man whom would follow them around trying to learn how to play the guitar and sing like them. But, Robert Johnson was horrible could not play a tune, he would sometimes play between Son House and Willie Brown taking a break and people would, boo him off the stage because he played so bad! So eventually Robert Johnson left home and traveled on his own to Arkansas and back to Mississippi, but while in Clarksdale, Mississippi on the crossroads of route 49 & 61 he made his deal with the devil for guitar lesson, fame and money! So after not seeing Robert Johnson for about six {6} months Son House and Willie Brown bump back into Robert Johnson and he wanted to show them what he had learned while away. Son House said he could not believe how well Robert Johnson played, he left everyone mouth open who heard him, after he had play! Son House, then said he had sold his soul to the devil to learn to play like that in such a short time"!
Modern music:
In many interviews take from various artist Black and White, they to have confessed to making deals for fame and riches with the devil in exchange for their soul! In my study many White artist simply confessed to the deal, as for Black artist they simply sing about their deal, in their lyrics such as Kanye West.
The list was amazingly long of all the people we know as stars whom have made deals with the devil! I will post some of their names but there are to many people to name! But, the important question is not so much about them as to, what about you? What does it say about you as person who admires, loves, and adores these people who are openly devil worshipers? Making deals with the devil, is the same thing, people like to play word games when they are held responsible for their actions!
what about you, the individual:
You claim to be Christian, Muslim, Jewish or least spiritual? How does God view you sing, dance and listen to known devil worshipers? I guess, that has nothing to do with you? Last time, I checked fans make stars famous and rich? I know, you do not think you play a part, but when its to late you to will pay the price also!
List of known devil worshipers and deal makers:
Robert Johnson, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin. Robin Thicke, R &B singer. Kanye West, rapper. Bob Dylan, folk- singer. Eric Clapton, solo singer and member of the yardbirds and cream. Snoop dog, rapper. David lee Roth of Van Halen. Jimmy lee Lewis, rock and roll. Little Richard, rock and roll. Elvis, rock and roll. Bono from U2. Queen, rock & roll band. Bon Jovi, rock & roll. Godsmack, rock & roll. Easy E and Doc Dre of N.W.A. Insane Clown pose, hardcore hip- hop. Marlyn Manson, rock & roll and artist. Sting, rock & roll. Kid Rock, hardcore rock & roll. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana. Metallica, rock and roll. Glen Benton of Decide. Red Hot Chilli peppers. Black Sabbath, rock & roll. Ozzy Osborne, rock & roll. Deep Purple, rock & roll. Fleetwood Mac, rock & roll. Rolling Stones, rock & roll. Jimi Hendrix, rock & roll. Talking Heads, rock & roll. Eminem, hip hop. Beetles, rock & roll.
The Church of Satanism is working with many musicians. They have been working in Hollywood, and they are pushing the whole Vampire crazy!
A good documentary that I watch on you-tube was "the devil in the detail"!
You have the information, its your chose to believe or ignore!
love, live and learn
Texas: The Lone Star State and racism!
Texas: The Lone Star State and racism!
What exactly does lone star state mean since America is fifty {50} different states join together to make the United States of America?
The states as you know them today are not always so, or should i say how the story of the states were formed or told to you?
The Republic of Texas was formed in 1836 to 1846. Texas was its own country separate from the United States. Texians bargained their own deal with the Spanish government whom ruled over Mexico at the time. This deal included all of modern day Texas and parts of present day- Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. This deal was known as the Treaties of Velasco {Freeport, Texas} in 1836.
During this time Texas adopted the lone star to represent, them as a sovereign and independent nation!
United States:
But the United States had also bargain with the Spanish for Florida which at the time was also the coast line of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with parts of Louisiana and lower Texas up to the Sabine river. This is known as the Adams- Onis Treaty of 1819, which cost the United States five million dollars. But boards and territory where unclear and poorly define. So there where many boarder disputes between U.S., French and Spanish governments.
When Texas was annexed into the United States in 1845, the United States adopted Texas board dispute which led to war eventually, with Mexico.
Texas Racism:
Many Texas hated this, many to this day still whisper annexing from the United States! Especially after the Civil War when the South was defeated by the North. The last battle of the Civil War was fought in Texas.
Texians were so mad over their defeat they never even told the slaves they where free in Texas! This is know as June- teenth? Not really sure, many rumors circulate? Federal troops had to be sent to the South but especially Texas to free Black people!
Texian also hated Native Americans {Indians}. Texian systematically expulse Native Americans {Indians} from there newly acquired lands!
To this day Texas is the number one {1} state in the executions of Black men in America!
Because of a lack of knowledge my people shall be destroyed! Bible, book of Hosea ch. 4 ver: 6
love, live and learn
What exactly does lone star state mean since America is fifty {50} different states join together to make the United States of America?
The states as you know them today are not always so, or should i say how the story of the states were formed or told to you?
The Republic of Texas was formed in 1836 to 1846. Texas was its own country separate from the United States. Texians bargained their own deal with the Spanish government whom ruled over Mexico at the time. This deal included all of modern day Texas and parts of present day- Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming and New Mexico. This deal was known as the Treaties of Velasco {Freeport, Texas} in 1836.
During this time Texas adopted the lone star to represent, them as a sovereign and independent nation!
United States:
But the United States had also bargain with the Spanish for Florida which at the time was also the coast line of Georgia, Alabama and Mississippi with parts of Louisiana and lower Texas up to the Sabine river. This is known as the Adams- Onis Treaty of 1819, which cost the United States five million dollars. But boards and territory where unclear and poorly define. So there where many boarder disputes between U.S., French and Spanish governments.
When Texas was annexed into the United States in 1845, the United States adopted Texas board dispute which led to war eventually, with Mexico.
Texas Racism:
Many Texas hated this, many to this day still whisper annexing from the United States! Especially after the Civil War when the South was defeated by the North. The last battle of the Civil War was fought in Texas.
Texians were so mad over their defeat they never even told the slaves they where free in Texas! This is know as June- teenth? Not really sure, many rumors circulate? Federal troops had to be sent to the South but especially Texas to free Black people!
Texian also hated Native Americans {Indians}. Texian systematically expulse Native Americans {Indians} from there newly acquired lands!
To this day Texas is the number one {1} state in the executions of Black men in America!
Because of a lack of knowledge my people shall be destroyed! Bible, book of Hosea ch. 4 ver: 6
love, live and learn
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece
Black Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece:
This is the 3rd part of the series Blacks Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece. This subject came with great research in multiple areas of study and discipline. This is a subject that has to be address because this is the so- called cradle of Western Civilization, there is nothing to Western academia, except for lies and stealing of knowledge from the Eastern cultures of Africa.
Greek History:
Truth be told, Greeks do not even have a unified history at all! There history is a light mixing, blending and mostly adaption of surrounding cultures African, Arabs and Indus valley cultures. Actually the Greeks lost their culture from mixing and eventually being conquered by the Arabs {Persians}. This is how Greek regained their history from the Arabs, Xerxes I of Persia conquer the Greeks.
Greek lanuage and script:
This is probably the greatest of all Western civilization lies. When studying Greek etymology less then 50% of all Greek words have Greek origin? Some scholars have placed it at less than 40%! This means that their language is a adopted language.
We are told in school that our English alphabet comes from the Greeks? Actually it comes from the Africans, the Phoenicians! The Phoenicians taught the Greeks how to write, which is called written language, known as script! The first two {2} letters of the Phoenician alphabet are alpha and beta!
Evidence of the Phoenician alphabet in the English language:
1. Phonetic: meaning sound- to speak
2. Phonetic spelling: is a conventional{orthography} spelling system.
3. Phonetic speech or pronunciation: the sound of speech of words to correspond to distinctive symbols {spelling of the word} constants and vowels.
4. Phonetic symbols: are constants and vowels.
5. Phone: a machine that transfer acoustic sounds into electric vibration.
As you see nothing that has to do with speech or script have no core words dealing with Greek or Greece? They all have the core word Phoenician, denoting to where they originally came from, now that was a short lesson in etymology, word origin!
European script:
According to Western culture if a culture does not have a script {written language} they are consider primitive and illiterate. So lets research European script and you will have some interesting finds?
There are only three {3} written scripts found in Europe? Greek, Latin and Russian.
These three {3} were spread through out the rest of Europe and modify, thence getting the Romance Languages, variants of Latin, French, Spanish, Bulgarian etc:
a. Greek is really Phoenician {African}, spelling and language.
b. Latin is really Punic- the Latin word for Carthaginian {African}.
c. Russian is a hodge- podge language like English. Russian is close related to Greek {Macedonian} which makes its origin Africa also? Next they say comes from Cyrill? But the most interesting thing is that a Black man invented the Russian alphabet, Alexander Pushkin! {a topic on him is on the blog}.
Who the Blacks the Greeks get their culture from:
That would be the Garamentes, Libyans, Carians and Pelasgians. Also the Amazons.
Amazon define: Amazon in its simplest meaning: A society of people that are ruled, governed or worship women {matriarchal society} ! This would denote to mostly all ancient African societies especially Kemet! The interesting thing is that with Africans it does not matter if we had a male ruler or female ruler, we still all prayed and worship women. The worship of male deities only started when we adapted to Western Christianity, shortly after we stop being Kings and Queens and became slaves!!!
These Black Africans found the primary cultural centers in ancient Greece Athens, Attica and Crete.
love, live and learn
This is the 3rd part of the series Blacks Kingdoms and Cities of Ancient Greece. This subject came with great research in multiple areas of study and discipline. This is a subject that has to be address because this is the so- called cradle of Western Civilization, there is nothing to Western academia, except for lies and stealing of knowledge from the Eastern cultures of Africa.
Greek History:
Truth be told, Greeks do not even have a unified history at all! There history is a light mixing, blending and mostly adaption of surrounding cultures African, Arabs and Indus valley cultures. Actually the Greeks lost their culture from mixing and eventually being conquered by the Arabs {Persians}. This is how Greek regained their history from the Arabs, Xerxes I of Persia conquer the Greeks.
Greek lanuage and script:
This is probably the greatest of all Western civilization lies. When studying Greek etymology less then 50% of all Greek words have Greek origin? Some scholars have placed it at less than 40%! This means that their language is a adopted language.
We are told in school that our English alphabet comes from the Greeks? Actually it comes from the Africans, the Phoenicians! The Phoenicians taught the Greeks how to write, which is called written language, known as script! The first two {2} letters of the Phoenician alphabet are alpha and beta!
Evidence of the Phoenician alphabet in the English language:
1. Phonetic: meaning sound- to speak
2. Phonetic spelling: is a conventional{orthography} spelling system.
3. Phonetic speech or pronunciation: the sound of speech of words to correspond to distinctive symbols {spelling of the word} constants and vowels.
4. Phonetic symbols: are constants and vowels.
5. Phone: a machine that transfer acoustic sounds into electric vibration.
As you see nothing that has to do with speech or script have no core words dealing with Greek or Greece? They all have the core word Phoenician, denoting to where they originally came from, now that was a short lesson in etymology, word origin!
European script:
According to Western culture if a culture does not have a script {written language} they are consider primitive and illiterate. So lets research European script and you will have some interesting finds?
There are only three {3} written scripts found in Europe? Greek, Latin and Russian.
These three {3} were spread through out the rest of Europe and modify, thence getting the Romance Languages, variants of Latin, French, Spanish, Bulgarian etc:
a. Greek is really Phoenician {African}, spelling and language.
b. Latin is really Punic- the Latin word for Carthaginian {African}.
c. Russian is a hodge- podge language like English. Russian is close related to Greek {Macedonian} which makes its origin Africa also? Next they say comes from Cyrill? But the most interesting thing is that a Black man invented the Russian alphabet, Alexander Pushkin! {a topic on him is on the blog}.
Who the Blacks the Greeks get their culture from:
That would be the Garamentes, Libyans, Carians and Pelasgians. Also the Amazons.
Amazon define: Amazon in its simplest meaning: A society of people that are ruled, governed or worship women {matriarchal society} ! This would denote to mostly all ancient African societies especially Kemet! The interesting thing is that with Africans it does not matter if we had a male ruler or female ruler, we still all prayed and worship women. The worship of male deities only started when we adapted to Western Christianity, shortly after we stop being Kings and Queens and became slaves!!!
These Black Africans found the primary cultural centers in ancient Greece Athens, Attica and Crete.
love, live and learn
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Black Cities of Ancient Greece: Crete
Black Cities of Ancient Greece: Crete
This will be a short summary of a larger and developing subject. I will name a few Black people, tribes and nations of ancient Greece. Surrounding the founding of the City- State Crete.
There are many Black cities settled and found by Black Africans.
Remember the Gramadli/ Black Africans were the first Blacks to enter Euro/ Asia, some 70 to 35 thousand years ago! They settle the southern coast- line along the Mediterranean coast line. This means you have small pockets of gather/ hunter of Black Africans in Asia very earlier.
There are a lot of factors that must be remember, climate being the first. What is known as the Shara desert was not a desert at this time. It was a tropical and lush wet land. It also had a ancient rivers flowing though it. Europe especially in Northern mountain region was frozen. Oceanic water levels were a lot lower then now also, which helped to cross and navigate them.
Entering the Euro/ Asia:
We are not sure when Black Africans continuously enter Asia? These migration patterns are still being researched and debated. In our modern ancient recorded era about 5,000 years ago, we have some records and a lot of evidence of Africans entering the Asia Minor. This information comes from African and Greek sources!
Modern Africans:
From Greek sources and mythology they mention the earliest people in the Asian minor {Greece}being Black African, Libyco- Thracians! But this is suppose to be a Indo- European people?
Remember Ethiopians went east into modern day Arabia and India first before going north into Euro/ Asia! So these Indo people they speak of are actually a off-shoot or cousin of Black Africans? This is all word play by Europeans, to deny the African presence in Greece.
Libyco: means a person from Libya, Africa. When you do not know yourself or your people the White European man will play word games with you! But we clearly have records of Egyptians {Kemetians} founding Greece? Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian, whats the difference?
Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian:
This is basic genealogy, which can be found in the Bible.
a. Mizraim is the founding father of the Egyptian people, according to the Bible.
b. Phut/ Put is the founding father of the Liberian people, according to the Bible.
So what all this is saying is that they are cousins? Mizraim and Phut are brothers both sons of Ham in the Bible. The other two {2} brothers are Cush founder of the Ethiopians and Canaan founder of the Phoenicians, according to the Bible.
These means all the people the Greeks dealt with the Ethiopians, Egyptians/ Kemetians, Liberians and Phoenicians were all actually BLACK and were all cousins!!! Now you can see clearly the word games the White European play when you do not know yourself!
The first mention of them was in Greek historian and writer Homer Iliad. It is said by Homer that they took sides against the Greeks in the Trojan War. This is a strong clue that they were not White European looking people at all.
They lived in Thrace, which is the modern day country of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. Not much is known of their origins. They are believed to be Celts, which was probably the Black Celts that moved to Gaul {Spain and France} which are also known as the Silures.
Which are another Liberian people. There name came up a lot also in my research, at this point am not sure which one is the oldest or first to enter the Asian Minor? At this point am going to say they are probably the same people or very closely related since there origin is the same.
Both stories end the same, this is why I, came to this conclusion in my research. The Garamentes are the founders of the Greek Island Crete! So the story seem to match up very closely as both being from Libya and being founders and the original people in the area.
So know matter which angle you approach it, it still comes back being Black Africans!
love, live and learn
This will be a short summary of a larger and developing subject. I will name a few Black people, tribes and nations of ancient Greece. Surrounding the founding of the City- State Crete.
There are many Black cities settled and found by Black Africans.
Remember the Gramadli/ Black Africans were the first Blacks to enter Euro/ Asia, some 70 to 35 thousand years ago! They settle the southern coast- line along the Mediterranean coast line. This means you have small pockets of gather/ hunter of Black Africans in Asia very earlier.
There are a lot of factors that must be remember, climate being the first. What is known as the Shara desert was not a desert at this time. It was a tropical and lush wet land. It also had a ancient rivers flowing though it. Europe especially in Northern mountain region was frozen. Oceanic water levels were a lot lower then now also, which helped to cross and navigate them.
Entering the Euro/ Asia:
We are not sure when Black Africans continuously enter Asia? These migration patterns are still being researched and debated. In our modern ancient recorded era about 5,000 years ago, we have some records and a lot of evidence of Africans entering the Asia Minor. This information comes from African and Greek sources!
Modern Africans:
From Greek sources and mythology they mention the earliest people in the Asian minor {Greece}being Black African, Libyco- Thracians! But this is suppose to be a Indo- European people?
Remember Ethiopians went east into modern day Arabia and India first before going north into Euro/ Asia! So these Indo people they speak of are actually a off-shoot or cousin of Black Africans? This is all word play by Europeans, to deny the African presence in Greece.
Libyco: means a person from Libya, Africa. When you do not know yourself or your people the White European man will play word games with you! But we clearly have records of Egyptians {Kemetians} founding Greece? Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian, whats the difference?
Libyco/ Liberian or Egyptian/ Kemetian:
This is basic genealogy, which can be found in the Bible.
a. Mizraim is the founding father of the Egyptian people, according to the Bible.
b. Phut/ Put is the founding father of the Liberian people, according to the Bible.
So what all this is saying is that they are cousins? Mizraim and Phut are brothers both sons of Ham in the Bible. The other two {2} brothers are Cush founder of the Ethiopians and Canaan founder of the Phoenicians, according to the Bible.
These means all the people the Greeks dealt with the Ethiopians, Egyptians/ Kemetians, Liberians and Phoenicians were all actually BLACK and were all cousins!!! Now you can see clearly the word games the White European play when you do not know yourself!
The first mention of them was in Greek historian and writer Homer Iliad. It is said by Homer that they took sides against the Greeks in the Trojan War. This is a strong clue that they were not White European looking people at all.
They lived in Thrace, which is the modern day country of Bulgaria in Eastern Europe. Not much is known of their origins. They are believed to be Celts, which was probably the Black Celts that moved to Gaul {Spain and France} which are also known as the Silures.
Which are another Liberian people. There name came up a lot also in my research, at this point am not sure which one is the oldest or first to enter the Asian Minor? At this point am going to say they are probably the same people or very closely related since there origin is the same.
Both stories end the same, this is why I, came to this conclusion in my research. The Garamentes are the founders of the Greek Island Crete! So the story seem to match up very closely as both being from Libya and being founders and the original people in the area.
So know matter which angle you approach it, it still comes back being Black Africans!
love, live and learn
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Black Kingdom of Ancient Greece: Colchis
Black Kingdom of Ancient Greece: Colchis
To prove Black Africans found Greece! These accounts come from meticulous research of Greek Mythology. Greek Mythology is the story told by Greeks of their origins! Prometheus created mankind from clay, the beginning.
Ancient Kingdom Colchis:
Colchis is now modern day Georgia, Soviet Union
Colchis is a kingdom of ancient Greece. Colchis is of great important, because it provides us with a lot information concerning Black Africans in Greece in the beginning! When researching and studying the history of the country Georgia, it clearly states that Colchis and Iberia were ancient Kingdoms of Georgia.
Greek Mythology:
In Greek mythology the King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia were the rulers of Colchis. These are the parents of Andromeda, wife of Perseus {Clash of the titans/ movies}. It was Queen Cassiopeia boasting about her and her daughter's beauty, being better than all the sea nymphs that angered Poseidon which caused his wrath to come against the nation of Ethiopia!
Historical Colchis:
Herodotus the Greek historian gives us a full account of the first inhabitants of Colchis. Herodotus claims that the Colchis were original Nubian's from ancient Egypt {Kemet}, sent there on a conquering campaign by the Pharaoh Senusret /Sesostris of the 12th dynasty {1971- 1926 B.C.E.}. This would be 250 to 400 years older than the founding of the Greece we are familiar with today! This would put us more closely to the Mycenaean era of early Greece, with would put us closer to the Kemetic rulers Senusret II and Senusret III, all three {3} Senusret were rulers within the 12th dynasty{Grandfather, Father and Grandson}.
The story goes that during Senusret conquering campaign into Asia {modern day Greece} that some of his troops were cut off, being surround by the enemy they settle Colchis building a fort, and waited for reinforcements, which never came. Eventually they began to interact with the surrounding people, the Mycenaean!
This means that the Greeks we know of today did not exist yet!!! The Mycenaean are the people who we are talking about now. It is well believed that Senusret found the city of Athens as a outpost in Asia. During this time frame of the Mycenaean Greece, the word "Europe" does not even exist yet this part of the world is referred to as Asia or the Asian Minor.
This means that all Greek history before the 8th century B.C.E. was told to the Greeks from non- Greeks source because no Greeks existed yet as we know them to be today!
The Black Sea:
The Black Sea is a body of water that is connected to a larger body of water the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Kingdoms of Colchis and Iberia make- up part of the coastline of the Black Sea.
Defining the term Black Sea:
1. a body of water that is rough and hard to navigate.
2. the older definition, related to the hostile people that lived around the Black Sea, which referred to it being rough because there was no safe place to land, without being attacked.
The people that would have lived near the eastern board of the Black Sea would have been the descendants of the Kemetic troops that were cut off, from ancient Kemet!
The founding of Athens was by King/ Pharaoh Senusret as a outpost. The name Athens itself comes from the goddess Athena? But this has two {2} major problems? Which I will resolve quickly!
1.Athena and her role in Greek mythology is a adaptation of the ancient Egyptian {Kemetian} goddess of war Neith!
2. Athena is the daughter of the Greek god Zeus, but the city Athens predates Zeus so the name could not have originated with Athena, cause her father was not born yet, let along her being born?
Athena is a word from old and classical Greek. Athena is a hodge- podge translation of words from Phoenicians, ancient Crete and Greek. They are all translation of the word Neith- the ancient Egyptian {Kemetic} goddess of war!
Kemetic belief is based upon scared feminine, for the most part we believe in the worship of women. So in the ancient world many cities found by Black Africans or dedicated to African Deities will be name after women, this would be carried on in our conquering and influence in ancient Europe Athens, Paris and Sofia.
Pottery define:
Pottery is the next piece of evidence that I bring to support my case! Greek vases are priceless for more than one reason, for Africans and African descendent people it tells a specific story who we our!
In the case of Greek vases, in the early stages of Greek civilization, there is a specific art type known as Black- figurines? This is where epic scene of Greek history and mythology have been painted on vases, but most of the major characters are painted Jet- Black? Why is this, if ancient Greeks where all White people? I will tell you why cause the ancient Greeks where originally Black Africans! These art work themes are centered in Athens, Attica and Corinth, all were major cultural centers of ancient Greece!
No one else looks like us in the world, especially in Europe! So when you see Black or Brown people painted in Europe you know exactly who they are referring to, not the case of ancient Greece? Racism has blinded the White man again, nobody depicts themselves totally opposite from how they really look! Whites and Europeans insists that these are all White people even if they are depicted in jet- Black paint? This is how hatred drives you crazy!!!
I purposely saved the best for last! This is known as the death blow to racism! African involvement in the Trojan War!!!
Trojan War: The Undisputed Truth
In 1270 B.C.E. King Memmon of Ethiopia left his capital city in Susa, Persia taking 200,000 men Black and White {Arabs} to aid his uncle, King Priam of Troy, . Prince Hector heir to the throne of Troy was King Memmon 1st cousin.
King Priam is also known as King Podarces, this is the same person! Which is the same blood- line of Romulus and Remus the founders of Roman!!! {another topic}
King Memmon and Prince Hector were both killed by the Greek warrior Achilles! After Memmon death he is grant immortality by Zeus!
To my enemy racism and all those who support it, mark my words your days are numbered and they are short! Your house is collapsing, like a deck of playing cards! The lies are being exposed everyday, greater is the generation that comes after me, they we will be armed to the teeth, and will wage war on this injustice and morally forsaken place you call the Western World {HELL}! The truth is the light it will set you free spiritually, mentally and physically!
love, live and learn!
To prove Black Africans found Greece! These accounts come from meticulous research of Greek Mythology. Greek Mythology is the story told by Greeks of their origins! Prometheus created mankind from clay, the beginning.
Ancient Kingdom Colchis:
Colchis is now modern day Georgia, Soviet Union
Colchis is a kingdom of ancient Greece. Colchis is of great important, because it provides us with a lot information concerning Black Africans in Greece in the beginning! When researching and studying the history of the country Georgia, it clearly states that Colchis and Iberia were ancient Kingdoms of Georgia.
Greek Mythology:
In Greek mythology the King Cepheus and Queen Cassiopeia of Ethiopia were the rulers of Colchis. These are the parents of Andromeda, wife of Perseus {Clash of the titans/ movies}. It was Queen Cassiopeia boasting about her and her daughter's beauty, being better than all the sea nymphs that angered Poseidon which caused his wrath to come against the nation of Ethiopia!
Historical Colchis:
Herodotus the Greek historian gives us a full account of the first inhabitants of Colchis. Herodotus claims that the Colchis were original Nubian's from ancient Egypt {Kemet}, sent there on a conquering campaign by the Pharaoh Senusret /Sesostris of the 12th dynasty {1971- 1926 B.C.E.}. This would be 250 to 400 years older than the founding of the Greece we are familiar with today! This would put us more closely to the Mycenaean era of early Greece, with would put us closer to the Kemetic rulers Senusret II and Senusret III, all three {3} Senusret were rulers within the 12th dynasty{Grandfather, Father and Grandson}.
The story goes that during Senusret conquering campaign into Asia {modern day Greece} that some of his troops were cut off, being surround by the enemy they settle Colchis building a fort, and waited for reinforcements, which never came. Eventually they began to interact with the surrounding people, the Mycenaean!
This means that the Greeks we know of today did not exist yet!!! The Mycenaean are the people who we are talking about now. It is well believed that Senusret found the city of Athens as a outpost in Asia. During this time frame of the Mycenaean Greece, the word "Europe" does not even exist yet this part of the world is referred to as Asia or the Asian Minor.
This means that all Greek history before the 8th century B.C.E. was told to the Greeks from non- Greeks source because no Greeks existed yet as we know them to be today!
The Black Sea:
The Black Sea is a body of water that is connected to a larger body of water the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Kingdoms of Colchis and Iberia make- up part of the coastline of the Black Sea.
Defining the term Black Sea:
1. a body of water that is rough and hard to navigate.
2. the older definition, related to the hostile people that lived around the Black Sea, which referred to it being rough because there was no safe place to land, without being attacked.
The people that would have lived near the eastern board of the Black Sea would have been the descendants of the Kemetic troops that were cut off, from ancient Kemet!
The founding of Athens was by King/ Pharaoh Senusret as a outpost. The name Athens itself comes from the goddess Athena? But this has two {2} major problems? Which I will resolve quickly!
1.Athena and her role in Greek mythology is a adaptation of the ancient Egyptian {Kemetian} goddess of war Neith!
2. Athena is the daughter of the Greek god Zeus, but the city Athens predates Zeus so the name could not have originated with Athena, cause her father was not born yet, let along her being born?
Athena is a word from old and classical Greek. Athena is a hodge- podge translation of words from Phoenicians, ancient Crete and Greek. They are all translation of the word Neith- the ancient Egyptian {Kemetic} goddess of war!
Kemetic belief is based upon scared feminine, for the most part we believe in the worship of women. So in the ancient world many cities found by Black Africans or dedicated to African Deities will be name after women, this would be carried on in our conquering and influence in ancient Europe Athens, Paris and Sofia.
Pottery define:
Pottery is the next piece of evidence that I bring to support my case! Greek vases are priceless for more than one reason, for Africans and African descendent people it tells a specific story who we our!
In the case of Greek vases, in the early stages of Greek civilization, there is a specific art type known as Black- figurines? This is where epic scene of Greek history and mythology have been painted on vases, but most of the major characters are painted Jet- Black? Why is this, if ancient Greeks where all White people? I will tell you why cause the ancient Greeks where originally Black Africans! These art work themes are centered in Athens, Attica and Corinth, all were major cultural centers of ancient Greece!
No one else looks like us in the world, especially in Europe! So when you see Black or Brown people painted in Europe you know exactly who they are referring to, not the case of ancient Greece? Racism has blinded the White man again, nobody depicts themselves totally opposite from how they really look! Whites and Europeans insists that these are all White people even if they are depicted in jet- Black paint? This is how hatred drives you crazy!!!
I purposely saved the best for last! This is known as the death blow to racism! African involvement in the Trojan War!!!
Trojan War: The Undisputed Truth
In 1270 B.C.E. King Memmon of Ethiopia left his capital city in Susa, Persia taking 200,000 men Black and White {Arabs} to aid his uncle, King Priam of Troy, . Prince Hector heir to the throne of Troy was King Memmon 1st cousin.
King Priam is also known as King Podarces, this is the same person! Which is the same blood- line of Romulus and Remus the founders of Roman!!! {another topic}
King Memmon and Prince Hector were both killed by the Greek warrior Achilles! After Memmon death he is grant immortality by Zeus!
To my enemy racism and all those who support it, mark my words your days are numbered and they are short! Your house is collapsing, like a deck of playing cards! The lies are being exposed everyday, greater is the generation that comes after me, they we will be armed to the teeth, and will wage war on this injustice and morally forsaken place you call the Western World {HELL}! The truth is the light it will set you free spiritually, mentally and physically!
love, live and learn!
Sunday, October 20, 2013
The Church in the community
The Church in the community!
This topic is not an attack on the Black Church, but a reflection and comparison to other churches in other ethnic communities. Maybe, in all honesty to those who read my blog you will start regenerating these ideas and concepts to our Black church leaders.
Kemetic Studies:
Kemet is the origins of the modern Black Christian Church. This study of ancient Ethiopia and Egypt was the start of my observation of the Black church. The Priesthood of Kemet was every strong also, just like our ministers, preachers and pastor are today in the Black community. Then and now the Black church was and has been the back-bone of the Black community!
Then and now the Priesthood became unfocused and greedy, but then versus now the Priesthood never placated to Europeans. Plus the Priesthood then were more educated then now, it took a little more than a calling to be a Priest! Last but not least, the Priest were in-touch with the community because they lived in it, which gave them a direct interest in the community.
The Black community is ravished by crime and poverty! This will be the focus of my topic today!
Explanation of topic:
This is one of few opinionated topics on this blog!
"To truly love self, you must first find true love for others, then and only then you will have true love in you heart"!
First many of you are new to Kemetic Belief System and Studies we in no way oppose any religion and we respect all religions, and everyone belief system except Atheist and Satanic worship!
It is our duty in Kemetics, to always help improve our community and the progression of our people in a God like manner and belief! We must not let politics get in the way of love, unity and progression of all people but especially Black people!
In my study of churches and communities in my personal travels in America, Brazil, Senegal and Spain with many more, I found the church of all ethnic groups was the back- bone of the community. The concerns and the interest of the community became the concerns and interest of the church. Whatever the community need the church played a role by making that come true!
In my reflection, in America and its major cities {Detroit} this concept has been long abandoned by Black church leaders? Why, because of greed!
Example: 1
Why is there a need for a ten {10} million dollar church in a community where the average income is less than thirty- five thousand {35,000} a year. Why are churches being built in communities that look like war- zones? When some of that money should have been allocated towards after- school programs, head- start programs and child- care services allowing young parents the excess to work and go to school which strengthens our community over all. Also in return this would also provide some much need jobs in the community. The more jobs in the community, the less crime and poverty in the community!
When talking to other ethnic church leaders Europeans/ Whites, Korean, Jewish and Latinos they had community invest programs set up within the church. The programs work like such, if a member of the church had a idea for a business the church would help in a number of different ways.
1. Providing seed money for business
2. Providing reference for qualified employees.
3. Providing support with contracts with church services, if possible
4. Supporting the member, by encouraging other church members to buy from them.
5. Advertisement of business in church bulletins, also in good and welfare announcements during service.
It is imperative that the Black Church take a direct interest in the communities they are in!
love, live and learn
This topic is not an attack on the Black Church, but a reflection and comparison to other churches in other ethnic communities. Maybe, in all honesty to those who read my blog you will start regenerating these ideas and concepts to our Black church leaders.
Kemetic Studies:
Kemet is the origins of the modern Black Christian Church. This study of ancient Ethiopia and Egypt was the start of my observation of the Black church. The Priesthood of Kemet was every strong also, just like our ministers, preachers and pastor are today in the Black community. Then and now the Black church was and has been the back-bone of the Black community!
Then and now the Priesthood became unfocused and greedy, but then versus now the Priesthood never placated to Europeans. Plus the Priesthood then were more educated then now, it took a little more than a calling to be a Priest! Last but not least, the Priest were in-touch with the community because they lived in it, which gave them a direct interest in the community.
The Black community is ravished by crime and poverty! This will be the focus of my topic today!
Explanation of topic:
This is one of few opinionated topics on this blog!
"To truly love self, you must first find true love for others, then and only then you will have true love in you heart"!
First many of you are new to Kemetic Belief System and Studies we in no way oppose any religion and we respect all religions, and everyone belief system except Atheist and Satanic worship!
It is our duty in Kemetics, to always help improve our community and the progression of our people in a God like manner and belief! We must not let politics get in the way of love, unity and progression of all people but especially Black people!
In my study of churches and communities in my personal travels in America, Brazil, Senegal and Spain with many more, I found the church of all ethnic groups was the back- bone of the community. The concerns and the interest of the community became the concerns and interest of the church. Whatever the community need the church played a role by making that come true!
In my reflection, in America and its major cities {Detroit} this concept has been long abandoned by Black church leaders? Why, because of greed!
Example: 1
Why is there a need for a ten {10} million dollar church in a community where the average income is less than thirty- five thousand {35,000} a year. Why are churches being built in communities that look like war- zones? When some of that money should have been allocated towards after- school programs, head- start programs and child- care services allowing young parents the excess to work and go to school which strengthens our community over all. Also in return this would also provide some much need jobs in the community. The more jobs in the community, the less crime and poverty in the community!
When talking to other ethnic church leaders Europeans/ Whites, Korean, Jewish and Latinos they had community invest programs set up within the church. The programs work like such, if a member of the church had a idea for a business the church would help in a number of different ways.
1. Providing seed money for business
2. Providing reference for qualified employees.
3. Providing support with contracts with church services, if possible
4. Supporting the member, by encouraging other church members to buy from them.
5. Advertisement of business in church bulletins, also in good and welfare announcements during service.
It is imperative that the Black Church take a direct interest in the communities they are in!
love, live and learn
Saturday, October 19, 2013
The Discovery of America pt.3
The Discovery of America pt.3
I want discuss events surround the ambiguous character Christopher Columbus. He is famous in America and Western culture, but not for reason you may think so I will give some inside information on him.
ambiguous: define. open to more than one interpretation; double meaning of something or someone.
Christopher Columbus Facts:
He help start covert operation of the African slave trade, for European Kings and Kingdoms!
Please sit down and take notes, because am not sure why all these educated Negros, with all these Western education titles {B.A, M.A & PhD} can not read or research properly to get slavery right?
Trans-Atlantic slave trade is explained total wrong!
Slavery in its purest form is a transportation business, you basically take people from one place to another to be enslaved, this is the simple definition of slavery! So now looking at slavery from the shipping side of the business, I can explain the story better.
Explanation of Slavery:
European slave catchers and sellers left Europe with some money, goods and material, but mostly liquor {some sort of spirits} to Africa. When they was not out stealing Africans to be slaves, they were brokering deals with the aid of strong liquor given to African Royal Courts and African business men for favorable deals? The Africans were drunk most times when these deals were made! After obtaining the required amount of slaves in Africa by what ever means necessary, they set sell for the New World {Americas} mostly the Caribbean Islands. When they came to colonies in the America they dropped off slaves and goods, pick up other goods and more slaves, this time Native Americans {Indians}. These Native American slaves were then sold in Europe as house servants and women to the sex slave trade in Europe, which still exist strongly in Europe today.
The reason being for Native American slaves:
1. They could not withstands many of the diseases, that Europeans had bought with them from Europe, compound by the horrific working conditions they would die very quickly. Thus making them a very bad investment from a colony standpoint, needing field works!
2. Indians were cheaper as slaves because they were not as strong as African and other White slaves. But could handle domestic work indoors.
3. White Europeans hidden agenda they need melanin reintroduce back into their blood- line for health reasons. Brown and yellow Indians are a lot easier to White- Wash out then Black Africans!
4. When in the transportation business to be efficient and maximize profit you also want cargo when ever you are coming and leaving, This meant cargo to Africa, then cargo to the New World, then Indians taken to Europe to be sold. So the Trans-Atlantic trade is really a big triangle from Europe to Africa back to Europe and all over again.
5. One of the private financier of Columbus trip to the New World was Gabriel Sanchez {Jewish}, told him it would be wise to bring back some Indians to sell on the European slave trade market in Seville, Spain,
6. It was the pale Arabs that told White Europeans about slavery, which had been going on with the pale Arabs already since around the 8th century C.E., once Whites learned the business they took it to a whole another level!
Columbus was Jewish {secretly}. He first sailed along the coast of Africa, before going to the New World, to secure finance and provision to pay to the kings of the New World which were Black! {1st Voyage}
Proof of Columbus being Jewish? When he died he set-up a dowry fund for young girls, this is not a Christian practice? Columbus wanted very much for Black Muslims to leave Europe especially Jerusalem.
He was well aware of Black Africans going to and living in the New World. He learned much of this from the Portuguese whom had been trading with Africans since around 1419. He had lived in Portugal, both him and his brother Bartholomew, had both married Portuguese women.
Remember part of Portugal was owned by the Black Royal Portuguese Family!!! The house of Braganza. The house Braganza was found in 1442.
After leaving Africa he set sailed for the New World.
You must understand what is going on at this time, there is a undercurrent of issues that over ride the prevalent issues of the day! White Europeans wanted nothing more then to end Black African Rule and Kingdoms in Europe, by whatever means necessary! But you need money to fight wars, alot of money! Plus all these European countries and kingdoms were fighting each other, while fighting the Black African and Arab Kings in Europe!
New World:
The key player in Christoper Columbus coming to the New World is a important but over- looked charismatic character named Pedro Alonso Nino, or better known as Pedro the Moor {Black}. He piloted {Captain of the ship} the course of the ship Santa Marie.
Pedro Alonso Nino and his brothers where established and veteran sailors by the time Columbus made his first voyage to the New World.
The four {4} Nino brothers where close friends with the Pinzon brothers who also made up part of Columbus crew on the first voyage to the New World. It was the Pinzon brothers whom recommend Pedro Alonso Nino, because of his vast knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean and the New World! The Pinzon brothers piloted the Pinta, for Columbus.
Pedro Alonso Nino and his brothers were instrumental in Columbus career as a establish discovery and sailor! Juan Nino was the owner of the La Nina, which was Columbus favorite ship! They sailed with Columbus on his 2nd & 3rd voyages. They also made their on voyages without Columbus to the New World, to what is now known as Venezuela!
It was Pedro Alonso whom was given the job and title "Master of the sea"{Atlantic} by the Royal Catholic Monarchy of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to be the official map- maker of the Atlantic ocean for the Spanish crown {kingdom}. He also taught their son Prince John, how to make maps.
Nino's Family:
They are from Moguer, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain. {Andalusia was a Black Moor town during these times}
Pedro the Moor learned to sail as a boy of the coast of Africa! Pedro young brother Fernandez Nino went on to become a Mayor of a city in the New World {Puerto Cortes, Honduras}.
Cristobal Perez Nino was one of the four {4} brothers, and was master of the Caldera during Columbus 2nd voyage to the New World.
The Nino brothers and their sons accompanied Columbus on nearly all his voyages! Some how this is often missed by all scholars, Black and White?
love, live and learn!
I want discuss events surround the ambiguous character Christopher Columbus. He is famous in America and Western culture, but not for reason you may think so I will give some inside information on him.
ambiguous: define. open to more than one interpretation; double meaning of something or someone.
Christopher Columbus Facts:
He help start covert operation of the African slave trade, for European Kings and Kingdoms!
Please sit down and take notes, because am not sure why all these educated Negros, with all these Western education titles {B.A, M.A & PhD} can not read or research properly to get slavery right?
Trans-Atlantic slave trade is explained total wrong!
Slavery in its purest form is a transportation business, you basically take people from one place to another to be enslaved, this is the simple definition of slavery! So now looking at slavery from the shipping side of the business, I can explain the story better.
Explanation of Slavery:
European slave catchers and sellers left Europe with some money, goods and material, but mostly liquor {some sort of spirits} to Africa. When they was not out stealing Africans to be slaves, they were brokering deals with the aid of strong liquor given to African Royal Courts and African business men for favorable deals? The Africans were drunk most times when these deals were made! After obtaining the required amount of slaves in Africa by what ever means necessary, they set sell for the New World {Americas} mostly the Caribbean Islands. When they came to colonies in the America they dropped off slaves and goods, pick up other goods and more slaves, this time Native Americans {Indians}. These Native American slaves were then sold in Europe as house servants and women to the sex slave trade in Europe, which still exist strongly in Europe today.
The reason being for Native American slaves:
1. They could not withstands many of the diseases, that Europeans had bought with them from Europe, compound by the horrific working conditions they would die very quickly. Thus making them a very bad investment from a colony standpoint, needing field works!
2. Indians were cheaper as slaves because they were not as strong as African and other White slaves. But could handle domestic work indoors.
3. White Europeans hidden agenda they need melanin reintroduce back into their blood- line for health reasons. Brown and yellow Indians are a lot easier to White- Wash out then Black Africans!
4. When in the transportation business to be efficient and maximize profit you also want cargo when ever you are coming and leaving, This meant cargo to Africa, then cargo to the New World, then Indians taken to Europe to be sold. So the Trans-Atlantic trade is really a big triangle from Europe to Africa back to Europe and all over again.
5. One of the private financier of Columbus trip to the New World was Gabriel Sanchez {Jewish}, told him it would be wise to bring back some Indians to sell on the European slave trade market in Seville, Spain,
6. It was the pale Arabs that told White Europeans about slavery, which had been going on with the pale Arabs already since around the 8th century C.E., once Whites learned the business they took it to a whole another level!
Columbus was Jewish {secretly}. He first sailed along the coast of Africa, before going to the New World, to secure finance and provision to pay to the kings of the New World which were Black! {1st Voyage}
Proof of Columbus being Jewish? When he died he set-up a dowry fund for young girls, this is not a Christian practice? Columbus wanted very much for Black Muslims to leave Europe especially Jerusalem.
He was well aware of Black Africans going to and living in the New World. He learned much of this from the Portuguese whom had been trading with Africans since around 1419. He had lived in Portugal, both him and his brother Bartholomew, had both married Portuguese women.
Remember part of Portugal was owned by the Black Royal Portuguese Family!!! The house of Braganza. The house Braganza was found in 1442.
After leaving Africa he set sailed for the New World.
You must understand what is going on at this time, there is a undercurrent of issues that over ride the prevalent issues of the day! White Europeans wanted nothing more then to end Black African Rule and Kingdoms in Europe, by whatever means necessary! But you need money to fight wars, alot of money! Plus all these European countries and kingdoms were fighting each other, while fighting the Black African and Arab Kings in Europe!
New World:
The key player in Christoper Columbus coming to the New World is a important but over- looked charismatic character named Pedro Alonso Nino, or better known as Pedro the Moor {Black}. He piloted {Captain of the ship} the course of the ship Santa Marie.
Pedro Alonso Nino and his brothers where established and veteran sailors by the time Columbus made his first voyage to the New World.
The four {4} Nino brothers where close friends with the Pinzon brothers who also made up part of Columbus crew on the first voyage to the New World. It was the Pinzon brothers whom recommend Pedro Alonso Nino, because of his vast knowledge of the Atlantic Ocean and the New World! The Pinzon brothers piloted the Pinta, for Columbus.
Pedro Alonso Nino and his brothers were instrumental in Columbus career as a establish discovery and sailor! Juan Nino was the owner of the La Nina, which was Columbus favorite ship! They sailed with Columbus on his 2nd & 3rd voyages. They also made their on voyages without Columbus to the New World, to what is now known as Venezuela!
It was Pedro Alonso whom was given the job and title "Master of the sea"{Atlantic} by the Royal Catholic Monarchy of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to be the official map- maker of the Atlantic ocean for the Spanish crown {kingdom}. He also taught their son Prince John, how to make maps.
Nino's Family:
They are from Moguer, Huelva, Andalusia, Spain. {Andalusia was a Black Moor town during these times}
Pedro the Moor learned to sail as a boy of the coast of Africa! Pedro young brother Fernandez Nino went on to become a Mayor of a city in the New World {Puerto Cortes, Honduras}.
Cristobal Perez Nino was one of the four {4} brothers, and was master of the Caldera during Columbus 2nd voyage to the New World.
The Nino brothers and their sons accompanied Columbus on nearly all his voyages! Some how this is often missed by all scholars, Black and White?
love, live and learn!
Thursday, October 17, 2013
The Discovery of America: pt2
The Discovery of America: pt2
A wonderful partnership:
This is the other half of a great relationship unknown to African- Americans. Black Africans and Asian people have been friends and allies since the beginning of time. No, other two{2} groups of people on the face of the earth have shared such a long and prospers friendship!
The famed "Silk of Roads" that are mentioned in the tales of European adventurer Marco Polo, were actually trading routes between China and Ethiopian Empires! These two {2} cultures are mirror cultures of each other. Chinese and Africans still have a loving and peaceful relationship to this day!
The Chinese are the biggest outside investors in Africa today!
I have, studied both cultures for over 20 years, and they are almost identically in ancient times. I have personally traveled to Africa and China. In China the Chinese welcomed me with open arms, and was very kind to me! They are a great people like Africans, that have a true love of history and tradition!
Peace Treaty:
The other half of who discovered America is the Chinese people. To be truthful we can not say if Africans or Chinese came here first? We known they both show evidence of being here very earlier.
Some suggest that it might have been a joint venture in some ways of development and trade in the Americas?
This is a big cover- up! Their have been studies going on in Florida concerning ancient bodies found in Florida bogs. The bogs have peat- moss in them which naturally mummifies the body. The study is known as the " Bog People". Some of these remains have been date back far as 9000 years ago!!!
Native Americans:
This is going to come as a big shock to some? Native American people are really a biracial people like Arabs!
Native American: is a mixture of other people? The most common of Native Americans, which are known as the "Brown or Tan People" is a mixture between a Black African and Chinese {Asian} people!
Americans some times associate Native Americans as "Red People" but this is the result of already African/ Chinese Native American mixing with a European person! But actually true Native Americans are Black, Brown or a Yellow hue people. Red people came much later and was promoted by Europeans.
There are many Black Native American Nations in the Americas {North, Central and South}.
Olemecs of later,{ not the origin ones they were pure Black Africans}. Mayans, Aztecs and Incas!
The Blacked Civilized Tribes of United States, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Choctaw and Seminole. The state of California is named after the Black Queen of the Native American tribe of Calafia!
Many people think or feel these tribes were called Civilized, because they owned slaves like Europeans, this is a fabrication made up by Europeans for the sake of divide and conquering purposes of people! No, different then the bashing of Egyptians{Kemetians} in the Bible! My proof comes from non- other than a founder father Thomas Jefferson, who knew a lot about Black People cause half his children were Black! From the notes of Thomas Jefferson, when asked about what to do with the Native Americans and the taking of their land, he said " Enslave them also, honestly when looking at them, I can not distinguish them from Negros"!
We have to discuss Native Americans in order to get the clear picture of how large of a impact Chinese people had in America.
Before Columbus:
In recorded history Chinese General and Adventurer Zheng came here in 1434. Columbus did not reach America, but came to the Bahamas in 1492.
It is estimated 6 million people came to the so- called New World, but only about 1 million where of European descent and that was not until after the 1850s, when they had the Irish potato famine.
Ironically potatoes where introduce into Europe by the Chinese, through the trade with the French Friar's {Kings} of France between 1400s - 1600s, from the Silk Road trading routes.
love, live and learn
A wonderful partnership:
This is the other half of a great relationship unknown to African- Americans. Black Africans and Asian people have been friends and allies since the beginning of time. No, other two{2} groups of people on the face of the earth have shared such a long and prospers friendship!
The famed "Silk of Roads" that are mentioned in the tales of European adventurer Marco Polo, were actually trading routes between China and Ethiopian Empires! These two {2} cultures are mirror cultures of each other. Chinese and Africans still have a loving and peaceful relationship to this day!
The Chinese are the biggest outside investors in Africa today!
I have, studied both cultures for over 20 years, and they are almost identically in ancient times. I have personally traveled to Africa and China. In China the Chinese welcomed me with open arms, and was very kind to me! They are a great people like Africans, that have a true love of history and tradition!
Peace Treaty:
The other half of who discovered America is the Chinese people. To be truthful we can not say if Africans or Chinese came here first? We known they both show evidence of being here very earlier.
Some suggest that it might have been a joint venture in some ways of development and trade in the Americas?
This is a big cover- up! Their have been studies going on in Florida concerning ancient bodies found in Florida bogs. The bogs have peat- moss in them which naturally mummifies the body. The study is known as the " Bog People". Some of these remains have been date back far as 9000 years ago!!!
Native Americans:
This is going to come as a big shock to some? Native American people are really a biracial people like Arabs!
Native American: is a mixture of other people? The most common of Native Americans, which are known as the "Brown or Tan People" is a mixture between a Black African and Chinese {Asian} people!
Americans some times associate Native Americans as "Red People" but this is the result of already African/ Chinese Native American mixing with a European person! But actually true Native Americans are Black, Brown or a Yellow hue people. Red people came much later and was promoted by Europeans.
There are many Black Native American Nations in the Americas {North, Central and South}.
Olemecs of later,{ not the origin ones they were pure Black Africans}. Mayans, Aztecs and Incas!
The Blacked Civilized Tribes of United States, Cherokee, Chickasaw, Creek, Choctaw and Seminole. The state of California is named after the Black Queen of the Native American tribe of Calafia!
Many people think or feel these tribes were called Civilized, because they owned slaves like Europeans, this is a fabrication made up by Europeans for the sake of divide and conquering purposes of people! No, different then the bashing of Egyptians{Kemetians} in the Bible! My proof comes from non- other than a founder father Thomas Jefferson, who knew a lot about Black People cause half his children were Black! From the notes of Thomas Jefferson, when asked about what to do with the Native Americans and the taking of their land, he said " Enslave them also, honestly when looking at them, I can not distinguish them from Negros"!
We have to discuss Native Americans in order to get the clear picture of how large of a impact Chinese people had in America.
Before Columbus:
In recorded history Chinese General and Adventurer Zheng came here in 1434. Columbus did not reach America, but came to the Bahamas in 1492.
It is estimated 6 million people came to the so- called New World, but only about 1 million where of European descent and that was not until after the 1850s, when they had the Irish potato famine.
Ironically potatoes where introduce into Europe by the Chinese, through the trade with the French Friar's {Kings} of France between 1400s - 1600s, from the Silk Road trading routes.
love, live and learn
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
The Discovery of America: pt1
The Discovery of America: pt1
This is a hidden secret of America concerning who discovered it. These facts will not be in a text book nor any college {Western}. The primary reason for this is because of entitlement, Western culture believes if they find or settle land before another European nation or people it is theirs for the taking, regardless of what people or nation was already there of non- European descendent.
To be truthful nearly all people of the world came to the Americas before Europeans every heard of the New World, thus the name "New World", if they had prior knowledge of it they would not be calling it the "New World". Remember Europeans were lost in darkness for a long time, remember the age called the "Dark Ages".
Dark Ages: is the time when there wasn't any considerable intellectual thinkers and economic regressions in Europe. This was at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire circa 475 C.E. The Dark Ages are blamed largely on the Christian Church/ Vatican Church. The Vatican Church ruled Europe with a iron fist! This is known as the Papacy States/ Church ruled countries.
Entering the Americas:
The first people in recorded history of the world are the Black Phoenician people from North- Eastern Africa {Africa & Ethiopian Arabia}. The Phoenician sail the whole world before an other people in recorded history. There are many whom came to the Americas who's story was lost to history!
Where is my proof of Africans coming to America?
Please have a seat because am about to knock your socks off again!!!
1. The super- secret of American history. The Egyptian {Kemetic} and American connection:
1a. Black African Ethiopians, Ancient Black Egyptians {Kemetians} and Black Arabs {Phoenicians} settled part of the Americas and had working peace treaties with the Native Americans!
I will explain Native American later in this topic?
The evidence is that when modern scientist go into Egypt and open {violate the tombs of the ancestors} they keep making more and more bizarre finds to them Westerns/ Europeans. They have found many mummies buried with tobacco and coca leaves? Both plants are native and cultivated in the Americas in ancient times! So how does African Kings get their hands on American plants if they haven't been to the America's to get them?
This is dated back at-least to the 3rd century before Christ/ 3rd century B.C.E
The European scientist could not believe what they had found, because they thought Christoper Columbus found the New World!
So in 1992 German forensic scientist Svelta Balabanova examines mummies and finds remnants of hashish, tobacco and coca leaves. The experiment is known as the "Balabanova Mummies".
All pain killers and aspirin are synthetic types of the active ingredients that are found in coca leaves. Hashish or hash as it is commonly called is a medicinal herb, it can be smoked or chewed. In ancient times it was mixed with tobacco and smoked!
Next evidence of proof of Africans in the Americas:
2. The Black Olemecs of modern day Mexico and Central and South America, this culture pre- dates all other cultures in the Americas including Mayans.
Mayans worshiped Black Africans?
The biggest pyramid complex in the world is in Mexico, called Teotihucan or commonly called the "Sun Pyramids". Which is incorrect the pyramids are on the same trajectory as the ones built in ancient Egypt, in alignment with the star system "Orion Belt"! The first or biggest pyramid is called the sun pyramid.
The word Teotihucan when properly translated means "where men became Gods" denoting to the homage paid to the Black Africans that built them!
a. Mayan/ Aztec God: Tezcatlipoca is often painted Black.
b. Mayan God of War: Ekchuah is also painted Black.
c. There are many more Black painted Gods of the Mayans!
3. King Juba:
In 1982 amateur treasure hunter Robert E. Borrows finds a treasure in a Illinois cave?
The story is played down, because Mr. Borrows melted down much of the treasure or sold it on the black market?
3c. So the story goes King Juba II was son of King Juba I, whom killed himself after being defeated in battle by Julius Caesar in modern day Algeria {Numidia}, Africa. So Caesar takes, King Juba I son King Juba II back to Roman as a trophy of war. Juba II was raised by Caesars nephew Octavian after Julius Caesar death. Octavian made Juba II part of his royal court, because Juba II was so smart and well learned! Octavian then installed Juba II as ruler of Mauritania, Africa. Later with Octavian approval and paying the dowry for Juba II to marry Cleopatra Selena the daughter of Cleopatra VII and Marc Anthony. They had a prospers kingdom together. But during the rule of Roman Emperor Caligula the Mauritania Kingdom rebelled against the Roman Empire this angered Caligula and he wanted to persecute Juba II and his son Ptolemy, so they fled south into modern day Ghana.
From Ghana King Juba II and his son fled persecution and sailed to what is now known as North America today, taking the royal treasure and the royal library. So the rest is history as they say!
love, live and learn
This is a hidden secret of America concerning who discovered it. These facts will not be in a text book nor any college {Western}. The primary reason for this is because of entitlement, Western culture believes if they find or settle land before another European nation or people it is theirs for the taking, regardless of what people or nation was already there of non- European descendent.
To be truthful nearly all people of the world came to the Americas before Europeans every heard of the New World, thus the name "New World", if they had prior knowledge of it they would not be calling it the "New World". Remember Europeans were lost in darkness for a long time, remember the age called the "Dark Ages".
Dark Ages: is the time when there wasn't any considerable intellectual thinkers and economic regressions in Europe. This was at the decline and fall of the Roman Empire circa 475 C.E. The Dark Ages are blamed largely on the Christian Church/ Vatican Church. The Vatican Church ruled Europe with a iron fist! This is known as the Papacy States/ Church ruled countries.
Entering the Americas:
The first people in recorded history of the world are the Black Phoenician people from North- Eastern Africa {Africa & Ethiopian Arabia}. The Phoenician sail the whole world before an other people in recorded history. There are many whom came to the Americas who's story was lost to history!
Where is my proof of Africans coming to America?
Please have a seat because am about to knock your socks off again!!!
1. The super- secret of American history. The Egyptian {Kemetic} and American connection:
1a. Black African Ethiopians, Ancient Black Egyptians {Kemetians} and Black Arabs {Phoenicians} settled part of the Americas and had working peace treaties with the Native Americans!
I will explain Native American later in this topic?
The evidence is that when modern scientist go into Egypt and open {violate the tombs of the ancestors} they keep making more and more bizarre finds to them Westerns/ Europeans. They have found many mummies buried with tobacco and coca leaves? Both plants are native and cultivated in the Americas in ancient times! So how does African Kings get their hands on American plants if they haven't been to the America's to get them?
This is dated back at-least to the 3rd century before Christ/ 3rd century B.C.E
The European scientist could not believe what they had found, because they thought Christoper Columbus found the New World!
So in 1992 German forensic scientist Svelta Balabanova examines mummies and finds remnants of hashish, tobacco and coca leaves. The experiment is known as the "Balabanova Mummies".
All pain killers and aspirin are synthetic types of the active ingredients that are found in coca leaves. Hashish or hash as it is commonly called is a medicinal herb, it can be smoked or chewed. In ancient times it was mixed with tobacco and smoked!
Next evidence of proof of Africans in the Americas:
2. The Black Olemecs of modern day Mexico and Central and South America, this culture pre- dates all other cultures in the Americas including Mayans.
Mayans worshiped Black Africans?
The biggest pyramid complex in the world is in Mexico, called Teotihucan or commonly called the "Sun Pyramids". Which is incorrect the pyramids are on the same trajectory as the ones built in ancient Egypt, in alignment with the star system "Orion Belt"! The first or biggest pyramid is called the sun pyramid.
The word Teotihucan when properly translated means "where men became Gods" denoting to the homage paid to the Black Africans that built them!
a. Mayan/ Aztec God: Tezcatlipoca is often painted Black.
b. Mayan God of War: Ekchuah is also painted Black.
c. There are many more Black painted Gods of the Mayans!
3. King Juba:
In 1982 amateur treasure hunter Robert E. Borrows finds a treasure in a Illinois cave?
The story is played down, because Mr. Borrows melted down much of the treasure or sold it on the black market?
3c. So the story goes King Juba II was son of King Juba I, whom killed himself after being defeated in battle by Julius Caesar in modern day Algeria {Numidia}, Africa. So Caesar takes, King Juba I son King Juba II back to Roman as a trophy of war. Juba II was raised by Caesars nephew Octavian after Julius Caesar death. Octavian made Juba II part of his royal court, because Juba II was so smart and well learned! Octavian then installed Juba II as ruler of Mauritania, Africa. Later with Octavian approval and paying the dowry for Juba II to marry Cleopatra Selena the daughter of Cleopatra VII and Marc Anthony. They had a prospers kingdom together. But during the rule of Roman Emperor Caligula the Mauritania Kingdom rebelled against the Roman Empire this angered Caligula and he wanted to persecute Juba II and his son Ptolemy, so they fled south into modern day Ghana.
From Ghana King Juba II and his son fled persecution and sailed to what is now known as North America today, taking the royal treasure and the royal library. So the rest is history as they say!
love, live and learn
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Health and Medicine Section: GMO
Health and Medicine Section: GMO
GMO is a abbreviation for genetically modified organism/ food. They are part of mostly all food now days. This is one of the major difference between organic and non- organic food.
These gmo have been connected to a wide range of health problems and medical disorders.
One major problems with gmo is that they create their own toxic insecticides known as {BT} like in corn and cotton, but are in a lot of different plant and food groups. They do not die easily like other natural insecticides.
Now add this to the multiple gastrointestinal problem, allergies and different cancers!!!
We the people must educate ourselves, because we need a lot of reforms in America, the first probably should be the F.D.A. Food and Drug Administration of the Federal Government. They are killing us in the name of capitalism.
White and European people in America should be very alarm more so then other ethnic groups due to the genetic factor of cancer. African- Americas and other ethnic groups should be cautious as we start to eat out more at fast food restaurants and dinning out! Its very bad for you, please learn to cook and prepare your own food!
There is tons of information on the subject please research for self!
love, live and learn
GMO is a abbreviation for genetically modified organism/ food. They are part of mostly all food now days. This is one of the major difference between organic and non- organic food.
These gmo have been connected to a wide range of health problems and medical disorders.
One major problems with gmo is that they create their own toxic insecticides known as {BT} like in corn and cotton, but are in a lot of different plant and food groups. They do not die easily like other natural insecticides.
Now add this to the multiple gastrointestinal problem, allergies and different cancers!!!
We the people must educate ourselves, because we need a lot of reforms in America, the first probably should be the F.D.A. Food and Drug Administration of the Federal Government. They are killing us in the name of capitalism.
White and European people in America should be very alarm more so then other ethnic groups due to the genetic factor of cancer. African- Americas and other ethnic groups should be cautious as we start to eat out more at fast food restaurants and dinning out! Its very bad for you, please learn to cook and prepare your own food!
There is tons of information on the subject please research for self!
love, live and learn
Monday, October 14, 2013
Noble Peace Prize
Noble Peace Prize:
The Noble Peace Prize, is a award for people or groups that have made contributes to the advance of humanity. The prize is attend for peaceful advancement, but that has caused a lot of controversy over the years because of whom some of the recipients have been and their inventions? The committee selects winners from five {5} areas Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine and Literature.
There is a parliament committee in Oslo, Sweden that decides on who are the winners and why they won. Then they are presented the award Oslo, Sweden.
The creator of the Noble Peace Prize is more controversy then the prize itself, he is none other then Mr. Alfred Nobel. Mr. Nobel is the inventor of dynamite and patient holder. He is was also the owner of Bofors a weapons manufacturer, mainly of high power military guns. Bofors also makes missiles and guided missiles for tanks.
Mr. Noble suffered from depression, many say it was because of all the lives, which had been taken {killed in war} which he felt responsible for because of his inventions.
The Nobel Peace Prize served as a good deed to help clear his conscious from guilt and to help clean- up his public image!
know thy self
love, live and learn
The Noble Peace Prize, is a award for people or groups that have made contributes to the advance of humanity. The prize is attend for peaceful advancement, but that has caused a lot of controversy over the years because of whom some of the recipients have been and their inventions? The committee selects winners from five {5} areas Chemistry, Physics, Physiology or Medicine and Literature.
There is a parliament committee in Oslo, Sweden that decides on who are the winners and why they won. Then they are presented the award Oslo, Sweden.
The creator of the Noble Peace Prize is more controversy then the prize itself, he is none other then Mr. Alfred Nobel. Mr. Nobel is the inventor of dynamite and patient holder. He is was also the owner of Bofors a weapons manufacturer, mainly of high power military guns. Bofors also makes missiles and guided missiles for tanks.
Mr. Noble suffered from depression, many say it was because of all the lives, which had been taken {killed in war} which he felt responsible for because of his inventions.
The Nobel Peace Prize served as a good deed to help clear his conscious from guilt and to help clean- up his public image!
know thy self
love, live and learn
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Woman: Religion's Hidden Truth
Women: Religion's Hidden Truth
This topic is in dedication to Auset and Heru/ Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.
In dedication to Auset, I dedicated the topic to all Black Women? Auset is the spiritual part of Black Women, you are the physical embodiment of Auset! She represents motherhood and life!
I have to try very hard to reach Black Women, because of our deteriorating condition and state of mind of Black People in general. I do not like releasing this information on the internet, I reserve this information for private mentoring only! But no, long can I watch the attack on Black Woman!
I know, from history what am about to mention, many people have been silenced by force, falsely jailed, and killed! But am at the point, I guess like all who have truly helped Black People, In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "I been to the mountain top, yes I would like to live a long life, but am not concerned about living here no more, I just want to do the will of God" My will is of the true God Auset {The Black Women}.
I challenge anybody in the world, no matter what race, color or creed! This is my challenge, before the Greek and Roman states {Western/ White Europeans} came into power and implement their version of religion, when did people especially Black people worship male only deities/ Gods, without a woman?
The answer is never!!!
Now i will bring undisputed charges against the worlds three {3} major religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
1. False teachings and lies!
2. The intentional cover- up of Black people in religion! {the true Israelite and Ishmaelites}
3. The cover- up and character assassination of the important roles of Black Women in religion!
4. The omitting and hiding of material concerning Black Women in religion!
In Eastern {African} culture our blood- lines go by our mothers not our fathers! White Europeans go by their fathers blood- line! This is how you properly trace who you our, if you are Black! This will be the basis of my argument in the truth and cover up of Black People, but especially Black Woman.
Kemetic Belief System:
Kemetic belief system out dates all other religions by at-least 2,000 years, this date comes from White European scholars, Black scholars say its more like at- least 20,000 years or more! {the more we study the farther the dates keep going back}
The first and oldest Kemetic Belief is the Osiris {Ausar} Belief system. Which makes up the true trinity the Black Family, Father, Mother and Child.
Ausar: Father/ Husband, God- the judge of the dead.
Auset: Mother/ Wife, Goddess of Motherhood, Child- Bearing and Spiritual Inspiration.
Heru: Child/ Savior, First Savior of the World, the Living God {Jesus, proto-type}.
Auset: is now know as Mary mother of Jesus the Savior.
Heru: is known as Jesus Christ the Savior.
Together they make up early Christianity as the Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.
Understanding the falsehood of religions, before you start. I will start with the cover up of Black Woman and their significant role in religion.
Judaism is where the lie began after the death of Jesus, which started the systematic genocide of Black Hebrews by White Jews, Romans and White Europeans.
At the council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. the religious heads and head of state meet to discuss Christianity and what should be done with it. They sat in a room and made up a plan for religions, and by controlling religion they could rule and control the world forever!
In order to be King or Queen, this is a divine right from God! Not like what we have today is warlords conquering people and lands then adopting a religion as divine right to cover up murder!
This comes directly from Constantine the Emperor of Roman during the council of Nicaea. Because he allowed the murder of Christians.
Now what they do not tell you in the holy text that Constantine made himself the first Pope of Christianity! His divine right was his mother, she was responsible for finding the relic "the true cross, that Jesus was crucified on" which made her a Saint, Saint Helena?
In Islam Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is named after the Saud family in Arabia. The Chief of the clan was a warlord and after his conquest of Arabia with the help of the British government, they installed him as King of Arabia. Then he installed his version of Islam, put his tribe and Iman's of his sect as religious leaders!
In the Jewish bible {Torah} you will find a two {2} creation story of mankind? Why is there two {2} creation story concerning Adam and Eve? Because, there are two {2} different women involved, Lilith which is Adam first wife, and Adams second wife Eve.
Lilith was created at the same time as Adam, {Torah/Tanakh, Gensis ch.1 ver: 26}. As the story goes Lilith, being the Black Woman she was had to keep reminding Adam, that he was not the boss over her God was her master, in short Lilith did not adhere to everything Adam wanted her to do.
*Hint: Parental Advisement before reading!!!
So when it came to sex Adam wanted Lilith to get on the bottom and he get on top of her! This is known as the missionary position or mercenary sex. Both meaning to dominate the person at the bottom. This position Adam prefer but Lilith did not, she suggest other positions but Adam did not like them. So this problem grew into other issues, very much like in relationships today, "bad sex life, bad relationship eventually"! So Lilith and Adam relationship became very hard and did not endure, but Adam went to God and complained about Lilith so much that God, eventually granted Adams wishes and gave him another wife Eve. Lilith was exiled out from the Garden of Eden, thus inheriting a negative image thought history, for being a strong woman and standing up for herself!
Does this sound like anybody you know or remind you of anyone Black Woman?
missionary position and mercenary sex, even in homosexuality {male on male}. The male on the bottom, is consider the female in the relationship between, two {2} males.
I, am not done yet, because you have to hear the whole story to understand the irony of the story! Now that Adam has his new wife Eve, who was not strong and did not adhere to her beliefs like Lilith, she was tricked by Satan in the form of a snake to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. {Torah/ Tanakh, Gensis ch.3}
The over-standing of the story, which no one talks about either, if God told Adam and Eve both not to eat from the tree, shouldn't have Adam already known,not to eat the fruit, even if Eve said it was okay, God already had said "NO"!
So, you see right from the start they began lying on the Black Woman, the first chapter!
This is a great cover- up in Judaism and Christianity/ Catholicism.
Judaism/ Christianity:
This cover- up is based on one of the biggest lies ever wrote in the bible! The true blood- line of Jesus!
At some point common- sense has to kick- in, I remember reading the genealogy of Jesus at age 13, and it made no sense to me then and less sense now!
Why is Joesph the so- called father of Jesus blood- line given as Jesus blood- line, Joesph is not his father , God is!!! Secondly, at best Joesph is the step father, who in their right mind gives the step- fathers genealogy to child everybody knows he did not father?
The reason why this is a cover- up against Black Women by a racists, male- chauvinist priest- hood called Christianity.
The real truth of the matter is that Mary mother of Jesus was a priestess and had a royal blood- line leading back to Moses and Aaron the two {2} brothers who establish the Hebrews as a people! She came from a priestly family, father and mother both priest. Her cousin Elizabeth {John the baptist mother} and her husband Zachariah were both priest.
Birth of Mary mother of Jesus:
The untold truth and cover- up is that when Mary mother of Jesus was born an angel {Gabriel} appeared to her parents, Saint Joachim and St Anne to announce her birth and she was born of a virgin also! Mary mother of Jesus was also born of immaculate conception before Jesus! {called perpetual virginity or conception}
The information comes from a aid that work for Pope Jerome in the 4th century C.E. whom picked up a book that Father Jerome had laying out and began to read it. So the church had a copy of these books, which were banned from the general public about 125 years earlier. Three different writers wrote about the story of Mary mother of Jesus, her son and Jesus brother James the Just. Matthew author in the New Testament, not all his works were allowed into the bible we have today, some of his works was withheld.
Islam/ Judaism:
This is in to regards to Ishmael mother Hagar {Hajar}. Hagar story is played down because she is not mentioned by name in the Qu ran.But yet she is symbolically very important in Islam as Sarah is in Judaism.
In Islam, the Qu ran has a section on the chronology of Egypt and Israel, why?
The part of Egypt, is a blurred line, because the people of modern Egypt are really invaders pale Arabs from the Asian Minor {Turkey, Iran and Iraq}. But in order to legitimize themselves they try to tie themselves in through the Qu ran, and other holy text! But, they are not the true Ishmaelites! The true Ishmealites are Black Africans from Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula!
The secret truth about modern religion, the three {3} major religions is that there is really one {1} big religion Judaism! Modern Christianity and Islam are simply offshoots of Judaism! Christianity and Islam were both part of Judaism that broke off, and started do their own thing, sort of?
a. Judeo- Christianity
b. The prophet Muhammad is the breaking point for Muslims from Jews {Qu ran received}
The only real difference in the three {3} religions is the last saviors?
1. Judaism- claim their last savior has not came yet?
2. Christianity- claim Jesus is their last savior!
3. Islam- claim the prophet Muhammad is their last savior
What is not mention is the deliberate cover- up and racism in the all the holy text concerning Hagar. Hagar was a royal princess, not some hand- maid a servant. She was a Royal Black Princess the daughter of the Pharaoh. She was given as a helper, not servant.
This would make Muslims, Black Egyptians {Kemetians}! Because of Ishmael mother Hagar. Thus giving them a royal blood- line! Proof comes from the Jewish Midrash.
Queen of Sheba:
Queen of Sheba is and was a important Black Women! She was Queen of Sheba which is a Ethiopian providence {modern day Yemen}. But, what is covered up by the holy text is that her and King Solomon of Israel had a child together name Menelik. Menelik went on to receive the ark of the covenant from his father, Solomon and became rule of all of Ethiopia and establishing a royal blood line!
This are the very short version of the stories, with many other cover ups of other Black Woman in the holy texts!
Live, love and learn
This topic is in dedication to Auset and Heru/ Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.
In dedication to Auset, I dedicated the topic to all Black Women? Auset is the spiritual part of Black Women, you are the physical embodiment of Auset! She represents motherhood and life!
I have to try very hard to reach Black Women, because of our deteriorating condition and state of mind of Black People in general. I do not like releasing this information on the internet, I reserve this information for private mentoring only! But no, long can I watch the attack on Black Woman!
I know, from history what am about to mention, many people have been silenced by force, falsely jailed, and killed! But am at the point, I guess like all who have truly helped Black People, In the words of Martin Luther King Jr, "I been to the mountain top, yes I would like to live a long life, but am not concerned about living here no more, I just want to do the will of God" My will is of the true God Auset {The Black Women}.
I challenge anybody in the world, no matter what race, color or creed! This is my challenge, before the Greek and Roman states {Western/ White Europeans} came into power and implement their version of religion, when did people especially Black people worship male only deities/ Gods, without a woman?
The answer is never!!!
Now i will bring undisputed charges against the worlds three {3} major religions Christianity, Islam and Judaism.
1. False teachings and lies!
2. The intentional cover- up of Black people in religion! {the true Israelite and Ishmaelites}
3. The cover- up and character assassination of the important roles of Black Women in religion!
4. The omitting and hiding of material concerning Black Women in religion!
In Eastern {African} culture our blood- lines go by our mothers not our fathers! White Europeans go by their fathers blood- line! This is how you properly trace who you our, if you are Black! This will be the basis of my argument in the truth and cover up of Black People, but especially Black Woman.
Kemetic Belief System:
Kemetic belief system out dates all other religions by at-least 2,000 years, this date comes from White European scholars, Black scholars say its more like at- least 20,000 years or more! {the more we study the farther the dates keep going back}
The first and oldest Kemetic Belief is the Osiris {Ausar} Belief system. Which makes up the true trinity the Black Family, Father, Mother and Child.
Ausar: Father/ Husband, God- the judge of the dead.
Auset: Mother/ Wife, Goddess of Motherhood, Child- Bearing and Spiritual Inspiration.
Heru: Child/ Savior, First Savior of the World, the Living God {Jesus, proto-type}.
Auset: is now know as Mary mother of Jesus the Savior.
Heru: is known as Jesus Christ the Savior.
Together they make up early Christianity as the Shrine of the Black Madonna and Child.
Understanding the falsehood of religions, before you start. I will start with the cover up of Black Woman and their significant role in religion.
Judaism is where the lie began after the death of Jesus, which started the systematic genocide of Black Hebrews by White Jews, Romans and White Europeans.
At the council of Nicaea in 325 C.E. the religious heads and head of state meet to discuss Christianity and what should be done with it. They sat in a room and made up a plan for religions, and by controlling religion they could rule and control the world forever!
In order to be King or Queen, this is a divine right from God! Not like what we have today is warlords conquering people and lands then adopting a religion as divine right to cover up murder!
This comes directly from Constantine the Emperor of Roman during the council of Nicaea. Because he allowed the murder of Christians.
Now what they do not tell you in the holy text that Constantine made himself the first Pope of Christianity! His divine right was his mother, she was responsible for finding the relic "the true cross, that Jesus was crucified on" which made her a Saint, Saint Helena?
In Islam Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia is named after the Saud family in Arabia. The Chief of the clan was a warlord and after his conquest of Arabia with the help of the British government, they installed him as King of Arabia. Then he installed his version of Islam, put his tribe and Iman's of his sect as religious leaders!
In the Jewish bible {Torah} you will find a two {2} creation story of mankind? Why is there two {2} creation story concerning Adam and Eve? Because, there are two {2} different women involved, Lilith which is Adam first wife, and Adams second wife Eve.
Lilith was created at the same time as Adam, {Torah/Tanakh, Gensis ch.1 ver: 26}. As the story goes Lilith, being the Black Woman she was had to keep reminding Adam, that he was not the boss over her God was her master, in short Lilith did not adhere to everything Adam wanted her to do.
*Hint: Parental Advisement before reading!!!
So when it came to sex Adam wanted Lilith to get on the bottom and he get on top of her! This is known as the missionary position or mercenary sex. Both meaning to dominate the person at the bottom. This position Adam prefer but Lilith did not, she suggest other positions but Adam did not like them. So this problem grew into other issues, very much like in relationships today, "bad sex life, bad relationship eventually"! So Lilith and Adam relationship became very hard and did not endure, but Adam went to God and complained about Lilith so much that God, eventually granted Adams wishes and gave him another wife Eve. Lilith was exiled out from the Garden of Eden, thus inheriting a negative image thought history, for being a strong woman and standing up for herself!
Does this sound like anybody you know or remind you of anyone Black Woman?
missionary position and mercenary sex, even in homosexuality {male on male}. The male on the bottom, is consider the female in the relationship between, two {2} males.
I, am not done yet, because you have to hear the whole story to understand the irony of the story! Now that Adam has his new wife Eve, who was not strong and did not adhere to her beliefs like Lilith, she was tricked by Satan in the form of a snake to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. {Torah/ Tanakh, Gensis ch.3}
The over-standing of the story, which no one talks about either, if God told Adam and Eve both not to eat from the tree, shouldn't have Adam already known,not to eat the fruit, even if Eve said it was okay, God already had said "NO"!
So, you see right from the start they began lying on the Black Woman, the first chapter!
This is a great cover- up in Judaism and Christianity/ Catholicism.
Judaism/ Christianity:
This cover- up is based on one of the biggest lies ever wrote in the bible! The true blood- line of Jesus!
At some point common- sense has to kick- in, I remember reading the genealogy of Jesus at age 13, and it made no sense to me then and less sense now!
Why is Joesph the so- called father of Jesus blood- line given as Jesus blood- line, Joesph is not his father , God is!!! Secondly, at best Joesph is the step father, who in their right mind gives the step- fathers genealogy to child everybody knows he did not father?
The reason why this is a cover- up against Black Women by a racists, male- chauvinist priest- hood called Christianity.
The real truth of the matter is that Mary mother of Jesus was a priestess and had a royal blood- line leading back to Moses and Aaron the two {2} brothers who establish the Hebrews as a people! She came from a priestly family, father and mother both priest. Her cousin Elizabeth {John the baptist mother} and her husband Zachariah were both priest.
Birth of Mary mother of Jesus:
The untold truth and cover- up is that when Mary mother of Jesus was born an angel {Gabriel} appeared to her parents, Saint Joachim and St Anne to announce her birth and she was born of a virgin also! Mary mother of Jesus was also born of immaculate conception before Jesus! {called perpetual virginity or conception}
The information comes from a aid that work for Pope Jerome in the 4th century C.E. whom picked up a book that Father Jerome had laying out and began to read it. So the church had a copy of these books, which were banned from the general public about 125 years earlier. Three different writers wrote about the story of Mary mother of Jesus, her son and Jesus brother James the Just. Matthew author in the New Testament, not all his works were allowed into the bible we have today, some of his works was withheld.
Islam/ Judaism:
This is in to regards to Ishmael mother Hagar {Hajar}. Hagar story is played down because she is not mentioned by name in the Qu ran.But yet she is symbolically very important in Islam as Sarah is in Judaism.
In Islam, the Qu ran has a section on the chronology of Egypt and Israel, why?
The part of Egypt, is a blurred line, because the people of modern Egypt are really invaders pale Arabs from the Asian Minor {Turkey, Iran and Iraq}. But in order to legitimize themselves they try to tie themselves in through the Qu ran, and other holy text! But, they are not the true Ishmaelites! The true Ishmealites are Black Africans from Egypt and the Arabian Peninsula!
The secret truth about modern religion, the three {3} major religions is that there is really one {1} big religion Judaism! Modern Christianity and Islam are simply offshoots of Judaism! Christianity and Islam were both part of Judaism that broke off, and started do their own thing, sort of?
a. Judeo- Christianity
b. The prophet Muhammad is the breaking point for Muslims from Jews {Qu ran received}
The only real difference in the three {3} religions is the last saviors?
1. Judaism- claim their last savior has not came yet?
2. Christianity- claim Jesus is their last savior!
3. Islam- claim the prophet Muhammad is their last savior
What is not mention is the deliberate cover- up and racism in the all the holy text concerning Hagar. Hagar was a royal princess, not some hand- maid a servant. She was a Royal Black Princess the daughter of the Pharaoh. She was given as a helper, not servant.
This would make Muslims, Black Egyptians {Kemetians}! Because of Ishmael mother Hagar. Thus giving them a royal blood- line! Proof comes from the Jewish Midrash.
Queen of Sheba:
Queen of Sheba is and was a important Black Women! She was Queen of Sheba which is a Ethiopian providence {modern day Yemen}. But, what is covered up by the holy text is that her and King Solomon of Israel had a child together name Menelik. Menelik went on to receive the ark of the covenant from his father, Solomon and became rule of all of Ethiopia and establishing a royal blood line!
This are the very short version of the stories, with many other cover ups of other Black Woman in the holy texts!
Live, love and learn
Monday, October 7, 2013
Brigid a Scottish Goddess of the Picts
Brigid a Scottish Goddess of the Picts.
The Pitcs are a Black African nation of people from Pictland once the whole country of Scotland and parts of Ireland. They come by way of Germany/ Germanic tribes, then Norseman from Normandy into the British Isle.
The Picts brought their culture and religion with them as they traveled across Europe.
This topic is not so much on the Goddess Brigid as it is a lesson. The lesson is how to research and identify clues of African people in the world! To confirm their identity!
Brigid is one of the main or and patron Goddess of ancient Scottish, Irish and Welsh people/ the Black African Pict people. Brigid is a triple goddess, trinity. She and her two {2} sisters are one. She has many roles fertility, healing and inspiration among other things.
How to identify clues of African people? The first thing about African people, no mater where they are, they will have a organized and formal religion!
1. The religion will have a Black Women as a main patron, or she is equivalent to the male deity!
2. There will be a unity aspect to the religion tying three {3} or Gods and Goddess together as one {1}, similar to Christianity Trinity.
The tying of Gods and Goddess together will usually consist of three {3} to nine {9} deity's tied together as one principle deity.
This tying together of deities is rooted in a African Proverb!
If you want to go fast, go along! If you want to go far, go together!
This was one of the major clues I used to identify the Picts as a Black African People!
To know thy self is to know thy people!
love, live and learn
The Pitcs are a Black African nation of people from Pictland once the whole country of Scotland and parts of Ireland. They come by way of Germany/ Germanic tribes, then Norseman from Normandy into the British Isle.
The Picts brought their culture and religion with them as they traveled across Europe.
This topic is not so much on the Goddess Brigid as it is a lesson. The lesson is how to research and identify clues of African people in the world! To confirm their identity!
Brigid is one of the main or and patron Goddess of ancient Scottish, Irish and Welsh people/ the Black African Pict people. Brigid is a triple goddess, trinity. She and her two {2} sisters are one. She has many roles fertility, healing and inspiration among other things.
How to identify clues of African people? The first thing about African people, no mater where they are, they will have a organized and formal religion!
1. The religion will have a Black Women as a main patron, or she is equivalent to the male deity!
2. There will be a unity aspect to the religion tying three {3} or Gods and Goddess together as one {1}, similar to Christianity Trinity.
The tying of Gods and Goddess together will usually consist of three {3} to nine {9} deity's tied together as one principle deity.
This tying together of deities is rooted in a African Proverb!
If you want to go fast, go along! If you want to go far, go together!
This was one of the major clues I used to identify the Picts as a Black African People!
To know thy self is to know thy people!
love, live and learn
Sunday, October 6, 2013
Black Tribes of the British Isles pt3
Black Tribes of the British Isle: Black Vikings/ Black Danes
Black Viking is a rather odd term? Even for me reading and studying Vikings, the only thing that really help me was my name is Erik which is the proper way to spell it or Erick, so I, had some prior knowledge of Norse language and Norse belief because, I researched my name, plus as a child I like Thor, the cartoon. Norse is the language Viking spoke. But never thought they might look like me in a million years.
This is a hard topic to research because there are so many myth about Vikings, especially Black Vikings. But, I think all the myth are to lead researchers on a cold trail? Am, going to give you, what my research found, but I highly advise you double check my work on this topic, because the information mostly comes from myths!
I have to go back a little before going into the Black Vikings to establish Black people in Europe from the start to debunk all ideas and notions that Blacks came much later or as slaves which is the total opposite of what really happened. Greeks and Africans had a working relationship for over 500 years? {recorded history}
European History:
European/ White Europeans have little or no history outside of the Greeks and Romans? But, this to is not true White European history because it comes from Black Europeans? Some of the first Greeks where Black Europeans, which taught the White Greeks!
Then all the early great White Greek scholar came to Africa to study Deodorise Siculus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thales and Homer.
History define: the study of past events, of human affairs.
Aristotle is believed to have raided the library of Alexandria, Egypt?
Fact and Fiction:
Greeks did eventually conquer part of ancient Egypt {Kemet}. But, the truth of the matter is that Greeks and Kemetians had a very prosperous relationship for a very long time. This was in part due to Black Greeks living in Greece. They were trading partners. They also traveled back and forth to each others countries often! Which would place Black Africans in Europe at the onset of Western culture, which means at the very least there would be pockets, bands, tribes and nations of Black African people leaving in ancient Europe!!! These people would also become part of the Germanic tribes that gave raise to Black Vikings.
This relationship can best be understanding by our current relationship or standing with China 2013. China and America are trading partners in world commerce, but absolutely do not like each other at all!
Black Vikings:
Black Vikings come from Germany like all other Vikings, the Germanic tribes that where pushed westward by the Romans. Black Viking would also be known as or part of the Norseman, which where later called the Normans, from Normandy!
Dates are important if they really mean anything? {most scholars cant agree on dates during this period} Most of these events take place after the fall of the Roman Empire around the 5th century C.E.
Note: Black Vikings
a. Gormund: King of Ireland
b. Halfdan the Black: King of Vestfold. His descendants go on to be Kings of Denmark.
c. Halfdan the Fairhair: Son of Halfdan the Black, First King of unified Norway!
d. Thorhall: The Viking that showed Erik the Red, to America!
e. Thorfinn the Mighty: {Earl Thorfinn} Earl over 9 providence's in Scotland and Ireland.
There are many others that may have been, research is still being done!
love, live and learn
Black Viking is a rather odd term? Even for me reading and studying Vikings, the only thing that really help me was my name is Erik which is the proper way to spell it or Erick, so I, had some prior knowledge of Norse language and Norse belief because, I researched my name, plus as a child I like Thor, the cartoon. Norse is the language Viking spoke. But never thought they might look like me in a million years.
This is a hard topic to research because there are so many myth about Vikings, especially Black Vikings. But, I think all the myth are to lead researchers on a cold trail? Am, going to give you, what my research found, but I highly advise you double check my work on this topic, because the information mostly comes from myths!
I have to go back a little before going into the Black Vikings to establish Black people in Europe from the start to debunk all ideas and notions that Blacks came much later or as slaves which is the total opposite of what really happened. Greeks and Africans had a working relationship for over 500 years? {recorded history}
European History:
European/ White Europeans have little or no history outside of the Greeks and Romans? But, this to is not true White European history because it comes from Black Europeans? Some of the first Greeks where Black Europeans, which taught the White Greeks!
Then all the early great White Greek scholar came to Africa to study Deodorise Siculus, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Thales and Homer.
History define: the study of past events, of human affairs.
Aristotle is believed to have raided the library of Alexandria, Egypt?
Fact and Fiction:
Greeks did eventually conquer part of ancient Egypt {Kemet}. But, the truth of the matter is that Greeks and Kemetians had a very prosperous relationship for a very long time. This was in part due to Black Greeks living in Greece. They were trading partners. They also traveled back and forth to each others countries often! Which would place Black Africans in Europe at the onset of Western culture, which means at the very least there would be pockets, bands, tribes and nations of Black African people leaving in ancient Europe!!! These people would also become part of the Germanic tribes that gave raise to Black Vikings.
This relationship can best be understanding by our current relationship or standing with China 2013. China and America are trading partners in world commerce, but absolutely do not like each other at all!
Black Vikings:
Black Vikings come from Germany like all other Vikings, the Germanic tribes that where pushed westward by the Romans. Black Viking would also be known as or part of the Norseman, which where later called the Normans, from Normandy!
Dates are important if they really mean anything? {most scholars cant agree on dates during this period} Most of these events take place after the fall of the Roman Empire around the 5th century C.E.
Note: Black Vikings
a. Gormund: King of Ireland
b. Halfdan the Black: King of Vestfold. His descendants go on to be Kings of Denmark.
c. Halfdan the Fairhair: Son of Halfdan the Black, First King of unified Norway!
d. Thorhall: The Viking that showed Erik the Red, to America!
e. Thorfinn the Mighty: {Earl Thorfinn} Earl over 9 providence's in Scotland and Ireland.
There are many others that may have been, research is still being done!
love, live and learn
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Black Tribes of the British Isle: Picts
The Picts are one of the largest Black Tribes or Nations that lived in the British Isle. The are a pre- Roman people, meaning that when the Romans invade the British Isle these people were already there!
I have to keep repeating that when the Romans came they where there, Black people, tribes and nations of them where in the British Isle! Because White European are obsessed with the idea that when you think of African people they must have been slaves! No slavery for us in our ancient past, this is a new thing for us about 1,200 years of the Arab slave trade and then the European slave trade. It was White Europeans that was the slaves to the Black Africans!!! {another topic} So, the answers is NO, there were no, African slaves in the British Isles during these time.
Picts are define as: a people of pre- Roman times in ancient Scotland. They remained undefeated by the Romans and in the 9th century C.E., they united with the other Scottish clans for the unification of Scotland!
Scotland is named after the Egyptian Princess Scotia/ Seba/ Sheba, her army captured these lands for her, and they named it after her to honor her!
Etymology of Pict: Latin {Picti}. meaning painted ones. Black and Brown hue/ color people!
If you watch any movie about the ancient warrior tribes of the British Isles {Scots} the men will fight naked and always paint themselves blue, to look like the purest blood- line of African people the Blue- Black- Purplish people of Africa! {Braveheart 1995}.
The Picts lived in mostly east and northern modern day Scotland. There Kingdom was Caledonia.
Caledonia is a proto/ pre- Celtic word. Roman historian and generals refer to these lands Pictland name after the Black people that lived there.
Pictish people spoke their on language which is now extinct. The Pictish language evolved into the Brythonic language, which is Old British, before the Anglo- Saxon era!
The Picts are believed to be originally from modern day Spain/ Gaul.
Gaul is being refereed to as northern Spain, parts of France and Germany/ Austria and westward! Remember these tribe people of Europe fought, back & forth with wins and loses against the Roman Empire for almost a thousands years. So these territory lines and areas always changed because of all the wars. Not only the tribes fight against the Romans but against each other.
After being pushed westwards by the Romans and other tribes the Picts made Northern Scotland their strong- hold it was named Caledonia later. This area of Northern Scotland was known as the nation of the Caledonian Confederacy of Tribes. The other tribes that made up Caledonian Confederacy were the Vacomagi, Taexali and Venicones. These are a mixture of people Black and White, that banned together against a common enemy the Romans.
Biology lesson: Understand color/ hue of people especially Black African people. Mixing of races makes new races. All races are consider hue race except White European. Color of skin is largely based on melanin! When mixing Black and White you get a Arab or Middle Eastern look person if the Black genes are stronger! Now the hidden secret, if you mix Black and White and the White genes are equal or stronger than the Black genes you get a Red colored hue person! Wait!!!, If you began to wash- out the Black blood by continuing to keep breeding with Whites only, the person will become Reddish color also! Thus hinting to the red hair, freckle face people of Europe whom still have large amounts of Black African blood in them! That's real science {biology} you not going to get that in school or college!
A list of Picts, cities, Kings and Kingdoms:
The founder of the Picts is said to be Cruithne and his seven {7} sons which he divide his Kingdom up and gave each son a part. The Picts where a matrilineal people!
*6 Tip
Matrilineal: Kingship meaning Queenship and also Kinship and for certain ownership comes from the mother and or mother- side of the family. This is a every African practice from Kemet {anicent Egypt & Ethiopia}. This stems from are women and women Goddess being held in very high regards as equals at the very least, but most of time in greater regards then the men and male Gods especially.
The main Deity/ Goddess of worship was a fertility Goddess! {Brigid- and her 2 sisters, the triple goddess} {another topic}
Cruithne and his descendants are thought to be the original natives of Alba. They are pre- Gaelic also!
Kingdom of Cait/ Cat in Pictland. Is modern day Caithness in Sutherland county in northern Scotland. Also referring to Shetland Islands, Shetland meaning: cat/ cat people, thus the name Cait/ Cat.
King Ce and the kingdom of Ce. Ce is modern day cities of Marr & Buchan. Ce came after the division of Alba. Alba is a old Gaelic name for Scotland.
Fife/ Fib, Fib is what the Picts called the city. It was a principle city in the Picts Kingdom, it is still called the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland!
*7 Tip
The Picts Empire was divide into 7 Kingdoms which Fife/ Fib is one of the 7 Kingdoms of Pictland.
It was not until Malcolm III King of Scotland 1058 to 1093, started moving power and principle cities away from Northern Scotland, the strong- hold of the Scottish people to Central and Southern Scotland.
Fortriu is also a foreign name giving to the Kingdom of Pictland.
love, live and learn
The Picts are one of the largest Black Tribes or Nations that lived in the British Isle. The are a pre- Roman people, meaning that when the Romans invade the British Isle these people were already there!
I have to keep repeating that when the Romans came they where there, Black people, tribes and nations of them where in the British Isle! Because White European are obsessed with the idea that when you think of African people they must have been slaves! No slavery for us in our ancient past, this is a new thing for us about 1,200 years of the Arab slave trade and then the European slave trade. It was White Europeans that was the slaves to the Black Africans!!! {another topic} So, the answers is NO, there were no, African slaves in the British Isles during these time.
Picts are define as: a people of pre- Roman times in ancient Scotland. They remained undefeated by the Romans and in the 9th century C.E., they united with the other Scottish clans for the unification of Scotland!
Scotland is named after the Egyptian Princess Scotia/ Seba/ Sheba, her army captured these lands for her, and they named it after her to honor her!
Etymology of Pict: Latin {Picti}. meaning painted ones. Black and Brown hue/ color people!
If you watch any movie about the ancient warrior tribes of the British Isles {Scots} the men will fight naked and always paint themselves blue, to look like the purest blood- line of African people the Blue- Black- Purplish people of Africa! {Braveheart 1995}.
The Picts lived in mostly east and northern modern day Scotland. There Kingdom was Caledonia.
Caledonia is a proto/ pre- Celtic word. Roman historian and generals refer to these lands Pictland name after the Black people that lived there.
Pictish people spoke their on language which is now extinct. The Pictish language evolved into the Brythonic language, which is Old British, before the Anglo- Saxon era!
The Picts are believed to be originally from modern day Spain/ Gaul.
Gaul is being refereed to as northern Spain, parts of France and Germany/ Austria and westward! Remember these tribe people of Europe fought, back & forth with wins and loses against the Roman Empire for almost a thousands years. So these territory lines and areas always changed because of all the wars. Not only the tribes fight against the Romans but against each other.
After being pushed westwards by the Romans and other tribes the Picts made Northern Scotland their strong- hold it was named Caledonia later. This area of Northern Scotland was known as the nation of the Caledonian Confederacy of Tribes. The other tribes that made up Caledonian Confederacy were the Vacomagi, Taexali and Venicones. These are a mixture of people Black and White, that banned together against a common enemy the Romans.
Biology lesson: Understand color/ hue of people especially Black African people. Mixing of races makes new races. All races are consider hue race except White European. Color of skin is largely based on melanin! When mixing Black and White you get a Arab or Middle Eastern look person if the Black genes are stronger! Now the hidden secret, if you mix Black and White and the White genes are equal or stronger than the Black genes you get a Red colored hue person! Wait!!!, If you began to wash- out the Black blood by continuing to keep breeding with Whites only, the person will become Reddish color also! Thus hinting to the red hair, freckle face people of Europe whom still have large amounts of Black African blood in them! That's real science {biology} you not going to get that in school or college!
A list of Picts, cities, Kings and Kingdoms:
The founder of the Picts is said to be Cruithne and his seven {7} sons which he divide his Kingdom up and gave each son a part. The Picts where a matrilineal people!
*6 Tip
Matrilineal: Kingship meaning Queenship and also Kinship and for certain ownership comes from the mother and or mother- side of the family. This is a every African practice from Kemet {anicent Egypt & Ethiopia}. This stems from are women and women Goddess being held in very high regards as equals at the very least, but most of time in greater regards then the men and male Gods especially.
The main Deity/ Goddess of worship was a fertility Goddess! {Brigid- and her 2 sisters, the triple goddess} {another topic}
Cruithne and his descendants are thought to be the original natives of Alba. They are pre- Gaelic also!
Kingdom of Cait/ Cat in Pictland. Is modern day Caithness in Sutherland county in northern Scotland. Also referring to Shetland Islands, Shetland meaning: cat/ cat people, thus the name Cait/ Cat.
King Ce and the kingdom of Ce. Ce is modern day cities of Marr & Buchan. Ce came after the division of Alba. Alba is a old Gaelic name for Scotland.
Fife/ Fib, Fib is what the Picts called the city. It was a principle city in the Picts Kingdom, it is still called the Kingdom of Fife in Scotland!
*7 Tip
The Picts Empire was divide into 7 Kingdoms which Fife/ Fib is one of the 7 Kingdoms of Pictland.
It was not until Malcolm III King of Scotland 1058 to 1093, started moving power and principle cities away from Northern Scotland, the strong- hold of the Scottish people to Central and Southern Scotland.
Fortriu is also a foreign name giving to the Kingdom of Pictland.
love, live and learn
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
Black Tribes of the British Isle pt1
Black Tribes of the British Isle: Silures
There is recorded information, concerning the Black people that lived in the British Isles before White European people did.
In my personal opinion both Black and White scholars are talking racial sides to prove a point, but this is not about a point, this is about the truth! The truth is that neither side can honestly say who was there first! Both, Black and White Europeans where early settlers of the area. The only thing that might be on the side of Black Europeans being there first is that they had technology to create a boat to go across the English Channel?
Some of the first historical contact with Black Europeans in the British Isles is when the Romans came to invade the British Isle. They documented in their notes, that the people of the British Isle looked Ethiopian! Black with curly hair!
One of the first names for Black People, before "Africans" is Ethiopians. At one point the continent of Africa was called Ethiopia and the Atlantic Ocean was called the Ethiopian Sea!
So there is no mistaking who the Romans seen in the British Isle. Some Roman historians and generals even give trace of where the Black Europeans come from? The Romans say they look like the Silures, the Black people of Gaul.
Gaul: is modern day; France, Luxemburg and Belgium and other parts of Western Europe. Gaul is the name of these areas during Roman times. Parts of Spain are also include in Gaul.
Tacitus a general and senator for the Roman Empire, who notes are used as describe the people of the British Isle. He is one of the more creditable source used in this study. Tacitus also said that he believed that the Silures had left Spain much earlier and settled the British Isles, mainly South Wales.
So they are consider a pre- Roman people of the British Isle. Why they are so well recorded by the Romans because of the fierce fighting they done, noted for their guerilla warfare style. The Romans could not subdue them either, which means they remained in this area and kept their culture intact for the most part!
It is believed but not proven the Romans made a peace treaty with the Black European Silures.
love, live and learn
There is recorded information, concerning the Black people that lived in the British Isles before White European people did.
In my personal opinion both Black and White scholars are talking racial sides to prove a point, but this is not about a point, this is about the truth! The truth is that neither side can honestly say who was there first! Both, Black and White Europeans where early settlers of the area. The only thing that might be on the side of Black Europeans being there first is that they had technology to create a boat to go across the English Channel?
Some of the first historical contact with Black Europeans in the British Isles is when the Romans came to invade the British Isle. They documented in their notes, that the people of the British Isle looked Ethiopian! Black with curly hair!
One of the first names for Black People, before "Africans" is Ethiopians. At one point the continent of Africa was called Ethiopia and the Atlantic Ocean was called the Ethiopian Sea!
So there is no mistaking who the Romans seen in the British Isle. Some Roman historians and generals even give trace of where the Black Europeans come from? The Romans say they look like the Silures, the Black people of Gaul.
Gaul: is modern day; France, Luxemburg and Belgium and other parts of Western Europe. Gaul is the name of these areas during Roman times. Parts of Spain are also include in Gaul.
Tacitus a general and senator for the Roman Empire, who notes are used as describe the people of the British Isle. He is one of the more creditable source used in this study. Tacitus also said that he believed that the Silures had left Spain much earlier and settled the British Isles, mainly South Wales.
So they are consider a pre- Roman people of the British Isle. Why they are so well recorded by the Romans because of the fierce fighting they done, noted for their guerilla warfare style. The Romans could not subdue them either, which means they remained in this area and kept their culture intact for the most part!
It is believed but not proven the Romans made a peace treaty with the Black European Silures.
love, live and learn
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Stonehenge came up in another topic but I want to discuss Stonehenge in a little more detail to help Black people understand their culture and history!
Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England. It is suggested it is 2,000 to 3,000 years old, many suggest older. It is made out of large stones/ rocks.
Many European and White {American} scientist have study it, none claim they know who made or what it is for!
I claim to know who made it and what it is for! I will give you my answer and my research in detail.
How am I able to figure out things simply, that European researchers can not? Easily, RACISM it blinds like a disease until you can no longer see clearly at all anymore. That's because it poisons your mind then your heart until you are consumed with hatred.
Who built Stonehenge?
We have to look at the people that lived in this area at the time. Most people think that White people lived here first, incorrect they came from North- Eastern Europe, near Ural and Caucasus mountain regions of Europe.
It is the Black African Grimaldi people that live in Southern Europe and along the Mediterranean coast- line and the British Isle. These areas of Europe, have similar climates to North Africa. The next thing you must understand that Europe has many periods of freezing and thawing weather patterns {eras}.
So about 5,000 to 3,500 years ago the Africoid people living in this area where the Picts, Silures and Celt?
Celt seems to be a early name for Phoenicians sailors and the Phoenicians that man the out- post of the British Isle. The original Brits/ Britons where also Black African people also.
Now we have identify 3 major groups living it what is now known as the British Isles.
Morien is the Black man responsible for building Stonehenge.
Gerald Massey a Englishmen {White-man} and Egyptology wrote a book called "A book of beginnings, to the Egyptian origins in the British Isle".
English Nobility knows the true history of their people. Unlike in America, not anyone can become a Knight, Manson, Druid or Rosicrucian! You have to come from Nobility or made great accomplishments in life to be let in and become on of the elite! But, every once in awhile one of these members of these groups becomes upset for what ever reason and leaks this information to the general public! This still happens today, this is how Blacks have learn so much, plus Whites did it to us this how they came into power in the first place, these things go back and forth in cycles!
Morien, was Kemetian/ Cushite, {Nubian/ Ethiopia}. He was believed to be a Black Druid.
Stonehenge is a place of prayer, a sacred place used by pre- Druids and pre- Christian ceremony. It is a stellar calender/ a star disk!
Love, Live and learn
Stonehenge came up in another topic but I want to discuss Stonehenge in a little more detail to help Black people understand their culture and history!
Stonehenge is located in Wiltshire, England. It is suggested it is 2,000 to 3,000 years old, many suggest older. It is made out of large stones/ rocks.
Many European and White {American} scientist have study it, none claim they know who made or what it is for!
I claim to know who made it and what it is for! I will give you my answer and my research in detail.
How am I able to figure out things simply, that European researchers can not? Easily, RACISM it blinds like a disease until you can no longer see clearly at all anymore. That's because it poisons your mind then your heart until you are consumed with hatred.
Who built Stonehenge?
We have to look at the people that lived in this area at the time. Most people think that White people lived here first, incorrect they came from North- Eastern Europe, near Ural and Caucasus mountain regions of Europe.
It is the Black African Grimaldi people that live in Southern Europe and along the Mediterranean coast- line and the British Isle. These areas of Europe, have similar climates to North Africa. The next thing you must understand that Europe has many periods of freezing and thawing weather patterns {eras}.
So about 5,000 to 3,500 years ago the Africoid people living in this area where the Picts, Silures and Celt?
Celt seems to be a early name for Phoenicians sailors and the Phoenicians that man the out- post of the British Isle. The original Brits/ Britons where also Black African people also.
Now we have identify 3 major groups living it what is now known as the British Isles.
Morien is the Black man responsible for building Stonehenge.
Gerald Massey a Englishmen {White-man} and Egyptology wrote a book called "A book of beginnings, to the Egyptian origins in the British Isle".
English Nobility knows the true history of their people. Unlike in America, not anyone can become a Knight, Manson, Druid or Rosicrucian! You have to come from Nobility or made great accomplishments in life to be let in and become on of the elite! But, every once in awhile one of these members of these groups becomes upset for what ever reason and leaks this information to the general public! This still happens today, this is how Blacks have learn so much, plus Whites did it to us this how they came into power in the first place, these things go back and forth in cycles!
Morien, was Kemetian/ Cushite, {Nubian/ Ethiopia}. He was believed to be a Black Druid.
Stonehenge is a place of prayer, a sacred place used by pre- Druids and pre- Christian ceremony. It is a stellar calender/ a star disk!
Love, Live and learn
Royal Black Families of Europe
Royal Black Families of Europe:
There where many Black Royal Families in Europe through- out history. The oldest of these would probably the Black Greeks. Finding these Black Royal Families are extremely hard, because White Europeans have almost been able to omit all record from history. One way of tracing Royal Blacks in Europe is by doing Moorish history.
Moorish History:
The word Moor is a Greek word meaning Black or Black people, {Marvo}. The Latin word for Black is Mavrvs. The English word is Mauri. The Spanish word is Moro. The German word Mohr. The Dutch word is Moor.
Many last names {surnames} of African- American are actually Moorish {African}, or had some Moorish people in the family or and have a Moorish bloodline. From translation they have become what we call English today.
Remember English is a hodge - podge language. This is why it is not the official language of the United States. So when you hear foreign people speaking their native language, they are not wrong or disrespectful at all!
Moorish surnames!
a. Andrews: Is Scottish from the Pict people. The Pict people are a group or and tribe of Black African people whom inhabited the British Isle. They are one of the oldest, if not the oldest native group of people in that area! The name also refer to "The Race of Andrews" because it was so many of them!
b. Amo, Amos or Amor: Is actually Spanish. They are the early settlers of modern day Spain. They were first record around Castile, Spain.
c. Ashford: Is English meaning where the ash trees live. This is where the Black Ashford clan lived in England.
d. Big or Biggs: Is actually French, but became known as English after Normandy attacked and occupied England. They are prominently from Essex.
e. Black or Blacke: First mention of them are during the Anglo- Saxons times or Anglo and Saxon wars. By this time much of the Black blood had already been White- wash out. They had a strong hold in Scotland.
f. Bower or Bowman: Is actual German or and Austria, some of the early inhabitants of this area where Black people. They were later push westward by invading force {Huns & others} to the
British Isles mainly modern day Ireland.
g. Christies or Christian: They are also part of the Picts tribe of Scotland. They were first mention in Edinburgh as a seat of power and wealth of that area!
h. Lindsey: The name is actually in reference to the northern area of England. When warring with Normandy they were forced to move to Scotland.
All these families have Black people on their coat- of- arms!
I have provided a few Royal Black Families in Europe.
Septimius Severus: Was a Carthaginian from Africa. He fought and with political savvy was able to take the throne and become Emperor of The Roman Emperor! His two {2} son also rule as Emperor of Rome.
Queen Philippa of Hainault: is the first Black Queen of England in 1300s. She is from the Royal Black branch of Belgium. She is the mother of Edward {the Black Prince}.
Edward- the Black Prince of Woodstock. He was a great military lead, and won great victories over France.
Probably the most famous Black in Europe is the "Black Queen" of England, Sophie Charlotte of Mecklenburg- Strelitz. She comes out of the Black branch of Portuguese Royal Family.
love, live and learn
There where many Black Royal Families in Europe through- out history. The oldest of these would probably the Black Greeks. Finding these Black Royal Families are extremely hard, because White Europeans have almost been able to omit all record from history. One way of tracing Royal Blacks in Europe is by doing Moorish history.
Moorish History:
The word Moor is a Greek word meaning Black or Black people, {Marvo}. The Latin word for Black is Mavrvs. The English word is Mauri. The Spanish word is Moro. The German word Mohr. The Dutch word is Moor.
Many last names {surnames} of African- American are actually Moorish {African}, or had some Moorish people in the family or and have a Moorish bloodline. From translation they have become what we call English today.
Remember English is a hodge - podge language. This is why it is not the official language of the United States. So when you hear foreign people speaking their native language, they are not wrong or disrespectful at all!
Moorish surnames!
a. Andrews: Is Scottish from the Pict people. The Pict people are a group or and tribe of Black African people whom inhabited the British Isle. They are one of the oldest, if not the oldest native group of people in that area! The name also refer to "The Race of Andrews" because it was so many of them!
b. Amo, Amos or Amor: Is actually Spanish. They are the early settlers of modern day Spain. They were first record around Castile, Spain.
c. Ashford: Is English meaning where the ash trees live. This is where the Black Ashford clan lived in England.
d. Big or Biggs: Is actually French, but became known as English after Normandy attacked and occupied England. They are prominently from Essex.
e. Black or Blacke: First mention of them are during the Anglo- Saxons times or Anglo and Saxon wars. By this time much of the Black blood had already been White- wash out. They had a strong hold in Scotland.
f. Bower or Bowman: Is actual German or and Austria, some of the early inhabitants of this area where Black people. They were later push westward by invading force {Huns & others} to the
British Isles mainly modern day Ireland.
g. Christies or Christian: They are also part of the Picts tribe of Scotland. They were first mention in Edinburgh as a seat of power and wealth of that area!
h. Lindsey: The name is actually in reference to the northern area of England. When warring with Normandy they were forced to move to Scotland.
All these families have Black people on their coat- of- arms!
I have provided a few Royal Black Families in Europe.
Septimius Severus: Was a Carthaginian from Africa. He fought and with political savvy was able to take the throne and become Emperor of The Roman Emperor! His two {2} son also rule as Emperor of Rome.
Queen Philippa of Hainault: is the first Black Queen of England in 1300s. She is from the Royal Black branch of Belgium. She is the mother of Edward {the Black Prince}.
Edward- the Black Prince of Woodstock. He was a great military lead, and won great victories over France.
Probably the most famous Black in Europe is the "Black Queen" of England, Sophie Charlotte of Mecklenburg- Strelitz. She comes out of the Black branch of Portuguese Royal Family.
love, live and learn
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