Saturday, December 28, 2013

Astrology/ New Moon

Astrology/ New Moon:

Astrology: is the study of the movements and relative points of celestial bodies interpreted as having a influence on human affairs and the natural world.

New Moon: the phase of the moon when it is in conjunction with the sun and is invisible from earth, or shortly thereafter when it appears as a slender crescent moon.    

2014 Event:
The new moon of Capricorn will fall on New Years day in 2014.

New Moons:

New Moons are very important for a lot of different reasons?
One of the most important, but unknown reason is the calendar, in Judaism and Islam the months of the calendar are set by lunar {moon} cycles, actually new moon cycles.

 Crescent Moon in Religion:
The crescent moon is represented in a lot was in religion, which I will discuss.

Judaism use of the crescent moon only indicates a beginning of a new month.  

In Islam, the Islamic flag has a crescent moon and star on it. Actually the crescent moon and star symbolic predates Islam by thousands of years. The origins of Islam can be found in the Kemetic Belief System concerning Allah!

But the concerning the crescent moon a closer and deeper connection can be made from Greek Mythology which is the religion of the Ancient Greeks which that adopted the Kemetic Belief System loosely, before the rise of Zeus and the Olympians!

Islam is rooted in sacred feminism! But when the Pale/ White Arabs reintroduce Islam the female aspect of Islam had been removed and erased. In southern Saudi Arab {Yemen/ providence of Ethiopia} this was once Queen of Sheba  territories and lands! Alters and temples can still be found in honor and, of her worship! 

Ancient Greek adaption of the Kemetic Belief System can be found and traced through the Titans Gods and Goddess of Ancient Greek Mythology from the worship of women and the prominent position of women in the culture.

Greek Goddess Phoebe/ Selene:
Phoebe: is the daughter of Uranus and Gaea. Phoebe is a Titan in Greek Mythology. Phoebe is also the name of one the moons of Saturn, which is named in her honor in association of being the Goddess of the moon. Although Phoebe is associated with the moon, I could not find any pictures to prove her symbolism.

Selene: She is the daughter of Hyperion and Theia. Selene brother is Helios {sun} and her sister is Eos {dawn}. Selene is always shown with a crescent moon as her crown upon her head.

Mother Mary:
Contrary to most Christians beliefs Mother Mary of Jesus is also represented in Islam? In modern times Mother Mary of Jesus is now represented by the crescent moon, the crescent moon is symbolic to the crescent moon meaning virgin moon/ birth of a new moon. Mother of Heaven!

In nature or the natural world the moon {full moon} is associated with birth among all animal life on earth including humans.

A woman menstrual cycle is related to the moon, which controls her natural cycle. The core word for menstrual is "menses" which is Latin for the Greek translation "mene" which means moon! The moon in the force of nature pulls on the oceans cause them to ebb and flow "the tide".

This information actually comes from the Persians which are the modern day Pale/ White Arabs that we see today whom control Islam now! The Greeks had lost all their information of self, when they were conquered by the Persians. Luckily for the Greeks the Persians revered and love Greek knowledge and Culture so much they copied it all down and saved it!   

love, live and learn


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Names of the days of week!

The Origins of the days of the week.

1. Sunday: Sun- Day. Egyptian {Kemetic}

2. Monday: Moon- Day. Egyptian {Kemetic}

3. Tuesday: Tius- Day. {Anglo Saxon} God of War

4. Wednesday: Wodens Day. {Anglo Saxon} Chief God

5. Thursday: Thors Day. {Norse} God of Thunder

6. Friday: Friggs Day. {Norse} God of love and fertility   

7. Saturday: Saturn. {Roman} God of agriculture

7 Layers of the Atmosphere

7 Layers of the Atmosphere

The 7 Layers of the Atmosphere are sometimes confused with the 7 realms of heaven. But they are totally different. On this topic I, will discuss the 7 layers of the Atmosphere.

The 7 {seven} scientific layers of the atmosphere.

1. Troposhere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Troposphere
5. Exosphere
6. Ionosphere
7. Homosphere

These 7 {seven} layers consist from earth to outer space!  

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Black Knights Templar

Black Knights Templar

The founding of Knight Templar. I am not boasting the acts of the Knight Templar in any way shape or form. I am promoting the truth that a Black man found or co- found the order.

Hugues de Payne:
Hugues de Payne is the Black man that found the Knights Templar. He is from around the area of Blois and Champagne, France.

Over the years Knights Templar became a infamous group, you want really see this story told in Western culture because many powerful people still belong to the order, only if just symbolically.

Hugues de Payne was the first Grand Master of the Order along with Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. Together they created the Latin Rule, which basically are the rules of conduct for the order.

Many stories may be conflicting because of the White- washing of Blacks out of European history. But if you trace his bloodline it will show how strong Black families where in France. His father is Theobald of Blois.

live, love and learn