Sunday, April 22, 2012

Earth Day!

Earth Day!

The Earth Day was created because of the destruction being done to Earth! The destruction happening to Earth is wide and rapid!

There are some products we are using that is causing great harm like plastic! Plastic need a lots of oil to be made. Plastic is not bio degradable! That means it does not break down, or takes a very long time to break down depending on the mill of the plastic!

The other big effect on the earth is the burning of fossil fuels (oil and natural gas). They have a green house effect on the Earth, where certain elements and materials are not absorbed into the environment. They are trapped and cause heat, which cause global warming artificially. Global warming does happen naturally but not at this fast of a pace! It is done at a pace where animals and plants have a chance to adapt.

As humans we are tied to the faith of this planet! We do not have the technology to go some where else if the earth becomes inhabitable! We are tied to the Earth spiritually, physically and mentally (emotionally).

African and Native American religion was found on natural principles of the universe! This is before Roman Catholic Church slaughter many High Priest and Medicine men and Spiritual Oracles (women) and gave its permission for slavery of non-white people all over the world, along with modern day Jews and Muslims, who all had a part in this falsified version of religions {Christianity, Judaism and Islam}. They have all systematically taken out the Natural (Earth) part of religion!

The planet will win in the battle to survive! That does also mean humans might go extinct in the process! This process has happened before! The Great Flood was the last time.

The Process:

The Earth works like the human body when it has a virus! In this case humans are the virus! When the body and earth has a challenge that they are losing they go into self destruct mode {a fever}. They heat up burning up everything good and bad! The only thing is we can artificially cool are bodies down! But we can not cool the Earth down? But the even bigger problem, we are the problem so the Earth we heat up to temperatures that humans can not stand!

It is your planet love it!

peace, love and unity!                    

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