Saturday, July 28, 2012

What happen to the Hebrews?

What happen to the Hebrews?
Before we can find the Hebrews we need to know what they look like!
What possible places they can be found? These and many other question we will attempt to answer!

The answers I give may be shocking to some and others it will make perfect sense! Where will you stand, on this topic?

The first question we must ask is what do Hebrews look like?

Taking what we know from the Holy Bible, we know Moses was a Hebrew- Israelite. So what did Moses look like since he is suppose to be one? Well according to the Holy Bible Moses passed as the Pharaohs grandson, because it was the Princess daughter of the Pharaoh who found Moses in the river.

Now this is a major problem for many different reason which I will try to sort out!

 Most of the Pharaohs were dark in skin hue {color/ Black}. Thus Egypt being in Africa. So the first clue we have is that, Moses passed as the Pharaoh grandson, which means he most of had some African traits, maybe dark- skin, tightly- curled hair, a board- nose and thick lips?

This present the first dilemma, some scholars say that during this time in Egypt there were foreign invaders who lived in Egypt and also ruled for a short time. We know all invaders were light in hue or pale in color {light brown to white}. Some Africans are very light brown and have some European features {certain Ethiopians}.

The problem in researching Ethiopians is they are so old as a people no one knows exactly where they come from or the different places they have traveled? It is safe to say they are the oldest living people on the planet! I said that to say this, there is no such place called the Middle East! What we call the Middle East is a made up name used by Europeans in more modern times for what is really North- East Africa! Which is the area Hebrews lived in East Africa and Arabia.

So it is probably safe to say Hebrews and Ethiopians look very much alike since they lived so close together for so many years, there had to be some marriages and relationships between the men and women of these two people?

The next dilemma is tracking down where they are, since we have a general description of what they may look like.

According to the Holy Bible they left Egypt and went into the land of Canaan. Canaan is modern- day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Jerusalem.

Now this is the tricky part because you have to know a little world history to help solve the mystery of where did the Hebrews go? The people who inhabit North- East Africa {Middle- East} are not the original inhibitors of those lands! Those are the pale Arabs from the north near Turkey. They settled there after the Crusades, the wars between European Christian and the Arab Muslims.

Now we have a blue print to find out who the Canaanites where! This is important because the Hebrews took their land, according to the Holy Bible! If this true there had to be some relationships between the two people over time? If not with the Canaanites, then some of the people of the surrounding area.

Canaan is the son of Ham! Black people {Africans} in general are known as Hamites. So this makes Canaanites Black Africans. Lets look further into the people who lived around the Canaanites and Hebrews whom took their land according to the Holy Bible. Hams oldest son is Cush. Cush is known as the father of the Ethiopian people, which are called Cushites some times! Which makes them Black Africans also. Ham next son is Mizraim. Mizraim is known as the father of the Ancient Egyptian people, the Kemites! Which also makes them Black Africans also! Ham next son is Phut. Phut is known as the father of the Libyans. Which makes them Black Africans also!

Even if the Hebrews where pale {white}, {which they are not} how could they have survived around so many Black Africans. If they did they would still be wipe- out by breeding with the other Black nations surrounding them.

So am going to say its safe to say no matter how you add it up and divide it Hebrews are Black Africans!

So how did Jews get white, if Hebrews are Black? That is another topic!

love, peace and unity                       

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