Sunday, October 21, 2012

Unions/ Understanding Them?

Unions are of great importance to members as well as non- members in America. The middle class was created by the labor unions in this country!

Lets look at unions from the top down to get a better understanding of them. The biggest unions are formed by countries the best known is the European Union which has 17 members (countries). If unions are not important why would countries form unions together? For the same reason people do, there is strength in numbers! With numbers you can collectively bargain a better deal.

Lets look at unions that are on the companies side lobbyist. Lobby is just a fancy word for union. So which companies or sectors lobby very hard to government officials, insurance, pharmaceuticals, oil and defense sectors. This keeps us on the losing end all the time with these companies. These companies have huge profits, because they regulate policy behind the scene. If you notice these sectors I named, the price for their service keep raising and raising unchecked.

Lets look at a couple of these sectors, the oil sector, gas the price just keeps going up and up. But the reason we went to war with Iraq, because we need to control oil prices. Now that we have Iraq, oil prices are still going up? Why?

The next sector is insurance companies why does the rates keep going up? Then when you call about your bill their answer is "is not just you, everybody bill is going up across the board!" That's not a real good answer nor fair answer!

Not going to get to political on the blog, but to help those out who haven't figured out why Republicans are attacking unions so strongly.

1. To collapse the middle class! Why? This insure that the rich will stay rich because we will be forced to work for nothing.

2. Unions contribute heavily to the Democrat party from local, state and federal levels. So if Republicans can break unions they cut off major funding for Democrats. The UAW (united auto works) have a fund in which it's members donate money to out of their checks to contribute to Democrats.

So the question you have ask yourself is "Why does the guy with 30 million in the bank, tell the guy who makes 30 bucks a hour he doesn't need a union, when he contributes to lobbyist regularly"?

So what is the middle class? not exact numbers but roughly if you make, 30 to 60 thousand a year, you are consider lower, middle class. If you make about 50 to 100 thousand a year you are consider middle, middle class. If you make 85 to 150 thousand a year you are higher, middle class. Typically this is where you start to lose some of your tax breaks at until you become rich?

So you see how many people fall into the middle class in America, mostly all of us. We are all in this together!!! If you do not think so let me explain to you how.

In America every 7 out of 10 jobs are related to the auto industry! So many people were against President Obama's auto bail out, until they found out their job was next to be cut!

It takes a lot to make a car or truck, so here is the short list of jobs involved- the iron- ore must be dug from the earth. Then carried by trucks to the shipping dock and loaded on a ship. Then shipped to another shipping dock and unload. Then trucked to a iron ore refiner where the ore is melted down and made into different kinds of metals {steel}. From the refiner it is trucked or by train to different factories where the metal is manufactured into different parts for the car or truck, {bumpers, frames, gas tanks etc:} Now look at all the people it took along the way with logistic {engineering} and communication before one car was even assembled!

Please do not repeat history again!

The Roman Empire lasted a 1,000 years, it was one of the most ruthless empires to ever rule if not the most ruthless! They killed everybody that stood in their way. {Jews, Africans and Christians along with others}. But a couple ways they were able to control their citizens so well from speaking up and out against the crimes of humanity to others was: They created a class society in their empire were the people at the top felt they were better than people on the bottom classes. Then to keep people from watching or thinking about what the politicians were doing they gave them beer, bread and entertainment! So a thousand years later what do we have beer, pizza and football!

Wake up everyday we get closer to being a 3rd world country and becoming slaves! But in the Roman world color had nothing to do with it, they had White European slaves also! {what color you think Spartacus was? WHITE!!!}

love, peace and unity          


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