Saturday, May 12, 2012

Character of Interest?

Character of Interest?

Is a small list of many, people whom have some how seem to have received a good report from history, but were villains when they lived!

Adam Weishaupt - Founder of the Illuminati / Order of Perfectibilist - May 1, 1776. Member Of Free Mason and other Secret Orders.
 Illuminati main purpose is to infiltrate Secret Orders and Governments! Whereby causing a favorable outcome for the elite in society! All new Secret Orders are built upon the principles of Illuminati.

George Washington - 1st / 8th President of the United States of America. A Deist and Free Mason. Rewrote his diary many years after the Revolutionary War then gave the revised diary to be published as his autobiography. Him and the founder fathers are some of biggest liars and cheats the world has ever know! Except, some what, Benjamin Franklin and John Adams maybe a couple others were okay?

*Tip - When a country rewrites its constitutions, that does not change the country at all. The Articles of Confederation and the Perpetual Union is the first Constitution of The {United - States - of America}.
Perpetual - means = never ending and never changing!

*Tip 2 - If it means never ending or changing, how can they exclude the first 7 President and the history before George Washington? Because that would give evidence of African People {Black Moors} influence and contribution to the founding of this country!        

*Note - South Africa elected Nelson Mandela as its President in 1994. Their Constitution was rewritten and approved in 1996. This did not change the history of the country before 1996. They did not omit prior Presidents before Mandela!

J. P. Morgan - Founding Father of the American banking system. Member of many Secret Orders, mainly the House of Rothschild / Bliderberg Group. J.P Morgan is one the architects who help design the Federal Reserve Bank System, which was illegally sign under President Wilson administration.

*Tip - The government can not make you pay taxes legally because the I.R.S and Federal Reserves are not part of the government!!! They are Quasi- Government Branches / Companies of the Government set up to pay tribute to the Royal Family of England. {read knowthyself11 archives for more info}.

But J. P. Morgan biggest crime against humanity was he killed N.Tesla free energy project {he pulled the funding on the project}.

*Note - The motion picture Avengers by Marvel Comics, they give you a peek that they been understood how to mass produce free energy for the world!!! {go to Sci- fi section on blog}.

Mayer Rothschild - German / Jew who designed the modern bank system as we know it! {The Fiat Money System revised}. The art of taking nothing and making something! The current heir on the throne in the House of Rothschild is Evelyn Rothschild. Evelyn Rothschild is THE RICHEST MAN IN THE WORLD!!! He has over 1.5 trillion! He is the private banker for the richest family in the world and also the richest woman in the world THE QUEEN OF ENGLAND! Her wealth is so vast it can not be measured or counted? She is the largest land owner in the world! England, Canada, Australia and New Zealand with many more island and small countries under her rule and control!

There are many more characters of interest, but these will help understand that you are a slave!

peace, unity and love! 


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