Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade/ the real story!

This is more than slavery this is about understanding self? This is what, happens when you refuse to read and learn about your people! Other people can tell you anything about you, and because you don't know yourself, you start to believe it no matter how crazy it may seem!

This is the real story of The African Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade!

First you must view it has a business to even start to began the grotesque treatment of Human- Beings! Then the you have to understand the low moral standards of all those whom where involved in the Slave Trade!

First let me explain the shipping business to help you understand the Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade. Ships would leave Europe with some goods mostly spirits {alcohol}, tobacco, guns and gun powder! What the European Captains took mostly was lies and false promise! To become trade partners with the Africans when their original attention was to subdue them!

Once they reached Africa they signed peace treaties with Kings of certain kingdoms usually rival Kingdom to pit them against one another! They mostly offered the service of being a mercenary of war to the King! They really had nothing else to offer the Kings of Africa! What they brought from Europe was simply gifts, to pay homage!

This relationship with Europeans as mercenary has gone on forever! The Ancient Black Egyptians {Kemetians} ruled the Greek isle in the Asian Minor. The Greeks were the mercenary for the Egyptians to make the other European pay taxes, {homage to the Black Kings, thus the phrase Black Mail was created}. 

Once the Europeans and African collaborates had enough African slaves they sail to the Americas. This part everyone knows!

This is the untold part of the story!!!
The African slaves were sold to mostly to Whites {Europeans}, but some to Native- American Chiefs and Kings! But a few were sold to free Blacks {Africans} living in the Americas!

Now to reveal the BIG WHITE LIE! Native- Americans where ship to Europe as house servants, wives, mistress and concubine! This was in part to add melanin to the Europeans skin color! Native- Americans especially the yellow and red ones where used for this purpose. The Black Native- Americans  inmost cases where not used for this purpose to hard and to long to wash out of blood- line!

Read the real story of Pocahontas {Rebecca Rolfe her English name}!
Read about her life when she is living in England, this is the part they leave off, not to leave evidence of the full Trans- Atlantic Slave Trade! This slave trade served many different purpose this is why it look so long to end!

Ships leave Europe, head to Africa. Ships leave Africa head to the Americas. Ships leave the Americas with cargo of raw materials and Native- American indenture- servants {slaves} mostly for sex to Europe!

Read the real story of Pocahontas and her Father, and their dealings with the Europeans. This will give you all kinds of leads and new information!

peace, love and unity           


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