Saturday, September 8, 2012

Understanding Blacks (African) in Europe pt2

Understanding Blacks {Africans} in Europe pt1, touched on some contribution of Blacks in Europe. In pt2, we take a deeper look and start to discuss how Blacks moved into Europe.

Jesus Christ/ Shrine of the Black Madonna/ Catholicism/ Catholic! Black Mother and Child {Jesus Christ} helped Europe move from a people whom had no religion and those that did had a pagan religion system of belief! Jesus had the biggest effects on Europe because they had no ligament belief system in Europe before him! "Jesus probably had a far less impact on African people because we had a sense of strong religious belief that consigned with Christianity, since the times of the Pharaohs!" {The Osiris, Isis and Horus belief system}      

Septimius Severus the First Black African Roman Emperor! He also started a dynasty of Black Africa Emperors/ son & grandson also ruled Rome! His contribution to Europe is under his leadership he restored the stability back to the Roman Empire. Known as a great speaker, Latin comes from the Punic/ Carthaginian language, which he used to unite Rome! He appointed the First Black Pope to the Vatican, Pope Victor I. These two (2) men temporarily halted the killing of Christians in the Roman Empire. The month of September is named after him! 

Russia has two (2) notable Africans whom shaped their culture. The first is Alexander Pushkin, Pushkin setup and design the Russian alphabet! He was also a great poet and wrote some of Russia greatest literary works! "Also like mordern American poets Tupac and Notorious B.I.G., he wrote about his untimely death! He died just like he wrote it before he died!   

The next Black Russian is Abram Petrovich Ganibal/ Hannibal, was the top General and adviser to King Peter {The Great}. Under these two (2) men Russia seen its greatest growth and expansion since the time of Tsar {King} Ivan {The Terrible}! Actually this period under King Peter and General Ganibal/ Hannibal is known as Russia classic or golden age! " Abram Petrovich named himself after the Black Carthaginian King/ General Hannibal who seized Rome! He said it has not been a great Black General like me in Europe since Hannibal!"

The greatest impact on Europe was not one person per say, more so then a group of Black Africans/ The Black Moors of Europe! They civilized Europeans, moving the animals {dogs, sheep etc} out of the house! Europeans were plagued by disease all the time! {Humans are to unclean to live with animals/ this will be another topic}. They brought technology of running water/ sewers, paved streets and street lights and muilt- story homes{castle}.

Ethiopia in the providence of Gondor, has more castle in this area then any other place in the world!!! 

Before the official/ unofficial date of slavery 1492! When the Black Christian Moors and Black Hebrews/ Jews and Black Muslims were deported/ exiled out of Europe! You do not have not one stand out White European scholar, inventor or scientist? Why?
I will tell you why! White Europeans did a force removal!

 Hitler did the same thing to the Jews during WWII, they only could take certain things with them mostly only what they need and could carry! After the Jews were removed the Germans quickly moved in their homes fully furnished! This is common practice in European Culture!

So if Black Africans who had business, shops and commerce in Europe, then White European took their belongs as their own, then you see the development and emergence of the European Renaissance, from Black Moorish technology!

If this is not true! Why do so many White Europeans original coat-of-arm bearing Black African faces and symbols, like "elephants, there are no elephants in Europe? Well not since the last Ice Age, Wholly Mammoths!  
Even the current Pope Benedict XVI has a Black African face on his coat-of-arms!

Now we get into some of the ways Black African and African decedent people moved into Europe.
First you have to be re- educated to understand what am about to say about individuals, people and geography!
1st. When tracking people you do not really, track them by their current position! People move and migrate constantly. Skin color and hue can not really be used because when people move environment plays a minor role in their appearance. When living in close proximity to other races of people whom they mate with this has a strong effect on their appearance! " I will explain later"

2nd. You track people by their speech/ language! Even if they move, they take their native tongue with them and use it has a primary or secondary language!

Example: America has many cultures in it, but when people come from other place they still speak their native tongue, usually for the first three (3) generation will speak some or little of their native tongue. Grandparents usually speak or teach grandchildren some words of their native tongue as culture and for fun!

1. People from England speak English.
2. People from Spain speak Spanish.
3. People from France speak French.  

So this takes us to the heart of the subject! European languages how did they come to be? From the Indo- European language groups! What does that actually mean? They are saying that their speech and dialect comes from Asia.

Now this is what they failed to teach you in school. The very first inhabitants of all of Asia was Black Africans! It is safe to say Africans inhabitant the whole planet, because there were no other people on the planet besides Black African!

So if White Europeans learned to speak from the Indian/ Asians {Indo}. Which the Black African taught the Brown and Black skin Indians and Asians that means the Black Africans had to live in close proximity to Indians and Asian.
Therefore Black Africans would have had to live in the Asian Minor {Eastern Europe, Southwest Asia, what we call to today the Middle East}.

What proof of these claims do I have? In school they teach you Mesopotamia and Sumeria {mordern day Iran/ Iraq} are the oldest cultures in the world. Which is a BOLD face lie! But, lets work with it, if so who are some of the people whom lived there? One group were called the Akkadians! So who are the Akkadians? When you look up the word Akkandian- it says Akkandian  a Afro- Asiatic language group belonging to the Semitic language group! {Not a Asiatic- Afro language group} So that means Africa comes first!

If their culture is older than Africa based cultures, how is it possible to speak a African sub- language? Let them tell it we had no culture at this time which includes a formal language. {do not be trick by the proto- language type}

When you look up the meaning of the Akkadian it means Black- Headed People! Why would White European call themselves "Black- Head- People"?
So this means the first people to live in Eastern Europe where Black Africans!

The other thing, I ran into is they said Indo- Languages came from Asians invading Europe over time. This is very true! But what Asians invade Europe, The 1st is not a Asian but many people think he is, General Ganges from Ethiopia, whom the Ganges River is named after because this is where he stop his invasion going east! The other two are descendents of African people but are Afro- Asiatic people, Attila and Genghis Khan! So we took at these two (2) men and the empires they ruled.

1st. Attila the Hun ruler of the Hunnic Empire. The Hunnic Empire is base from mordern day Hungary in Eastern Europe. The Hunnic Empire stretched far west as Germany and France where he was defeated by the Roman Empire in the battle of Orleans in France! Tracing back the Hunnic Empire puts it right in the Asian Minor were many Blacks lived for centuries! Hunnic people are of a mixed ancestry mostly of Phoenician which is basically African, but more like a dark complexion Arab? But not Arab- they just look alike! African people come in all colors and hues from Blue- Black- Purple to a fair skinned Caucasian complexion looking person! Not Caucasian- what we call Caucasian features are really fair skinned Ethiopian features! "Remember people at one point and time there were no White people on the planet, so nobody can really look like a White European because they come from us!"

That is like saying your mother and father look like you? No, you look like your mother and father! They came first! This miss- education of self and people must be corrected!  

2nd. Genghis Khan ruler of the Mongolian Empire. Is modern day Mongolia. His empire stretched from Japan and far west as Poland and Germany. If you look at Mongolia people today they are still every dark skinned/ hue people a dark brown to yellowish hue people. Like their cousins Eskimos/ Native Americans who crossed the Bering Strait from Russia into Alaska at the end of the last Ice Age! They originated from the Iranian Plateau to East- North Asia/ China. Once again you have these dark skinned people migrating all over Asia. This how Asian people get their dark in many cases Black complexion!

Germans really had no problems with Black Africans in their culture until the Victorian Age when White Germans became the elite power in White Europe. But Hitler was the one who really destroyed what African culture that was left in Germany. Replacing it with White Aryan culture and proclaiming himself as GOD!

Please read and research for self!
Please pass this information on to others or tell them about the blog!
If the young people start reading this we can quickly reverse these lies about African people!

peace, love and unity!                 

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