Friday, March 2, 2012

Sci- fi Section / Starwars

Star Wars is the biggest cult epic film in history! How come? Because it is woven in history, religion and philosophy. Thus tying into your subconscious. This is the art of postmodernism.


The force {Jedi energy} is the Chi {Qi}- a life force that lives in all things! This force or bond of living things together form a symbiotic relationship!
The force is the bio- rhythm, music and color, express through the diatonic scale  {octave}.

Jedi Temple is based upon the Hagia Sophia in Turkey. It is associated with the logos{logic / wisdom} of Christ. Thus the Jedi Temple is the think- tank for the Jedi.

Jedi- is from the Biblical Priesthood, son follows the priesthood of the mother! Luke Skywalker followed after his mother, as John the Baptist after his mother. 

Yoda- Grand Master of Jedi, Yoda is symbolic in every way! His color green is extremely important.
Yoda mannerism is based on the Dahlia Lama.
Yoda dialect is based upon native African dialect, the Khosian /  Koi and San people!   
Green- higher thinking, nature, growth and renewal. In Kemet {Ancient Egypt} you will see Osiris, Thoth and Imhotep depicted green, representing higher learning {conscious}.
Grand Master Yoda resembling the Masonic Order, thus the name Grand Master of the Jedi Order. 
Yoda is of a ancient race, early people on earth {hominids- early humans} in central Africa were short people, {I do not like this term, but they are know as pygmy people or bushmen, proper name Khosian}

Master Jedi- Defender of the peace! Model after the origins of material arts, peace keepers not warriors. This is why they use lightsaber {a sword}.

Jedi Knight- Also based on material arts, warriors, but should not be the aggressors!
The concept on Buddhist Monks.

Padawan Learner- The apprentice, based on priesthood {monks}. Where young children {mostly boys}are raised by the monks.

Many of the Jedi have Asian names. example: Qui- Gon Jinn

 Anakin Skywalker- Is the religious part of the movie in its theme?  Anakin is born of immaculate conception, {without a physical father.} Representing he is a savior! All the world savior are born fatherless, Horus{Heru}, John the Baptist, Jesus{Yeshua}, Krishna{Christ}.

Luke Skywalker home planet Tatooine, has a binary (2) star system. This is taken from Sirius {B} the brightest star system in our galaxy. Which is charted and recorded in Ancient Egyptian {Kemtic} belief system.

Princess Leia- Is Luke's twin sister which represents the original birth! In the begin twin birth were normal and single birth less common! This is representing the two (2) divine half of the creator! A Ancient Egyptian {Kemetic} belief! 

Sirius (2) stars system, star B the small one is the brightest and most dense star in our galaxy!
Osiris- Deity of Ancient Egypt {Kemet} name comes from his home planet Sirius.   

Darth Vader- Is a man who will do anything for power, control and wealth! Therefore losing himself in darkness, becoming bad and evil! Happens everyday?

Darth Vader role is loosely tied to many Popes within the Catholic Church History, they did many bad and evil things in the name of God such as slavery of Africans. 

Darth Vader image is based upon Japanese Samurai warriors. He is a Shogun, and command the Sith Lords Army.
Sith is a play on words for Seth, Seth is taken from the Ancient Egyptian {Kemtic} belief system. Seth is one of the oldest known forms of evil or a evil Deity in the world! One of Darth Vader soilders whispers to Darth Vader "no one believes in that ancient religion any more".

Darth Vader- soldiers, the stormtroopers. They are based on Hitlers fighting elite army, nicknamed the SS, which represents two (2) lighting bolts, known for the speed they attacked with.    

This inside fighting between the Jedi and Darth Vader is loosely associated with the Second Vatican Council, as the Roman Catholic Church fights to make all people in the world Catholics or Christians even by force {African Slave Trade}.

George Lucas study under Joesph Campbell who at the time was one of the most knowledgeable people on the topic of Mythology and Religion!

peace, love and unity!




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