Tuesday, December 13, 2011

women section 11- 11- 12

where are black women in history? first lets look at self! there are very few modern black women who embrace afrocentric culture. this makes it very easy for anyone to erase you from the pages of history. if it is not important to you, how could it be to others? you embrace others culture so strongly while throwing your away!

example: mothers day- mothers day in america, largely came out of the woman suffrage movement. it took almost (40) forty years for american society to adopt it as a holiday. this is due to the oppression of women in european culture as second class citizens or in some case not a citizen at all!

in contrast to african culture which is largely dominated by women with mostly all holidays be specified to women or for women. there was no women suffrage in africa until the invasion of europeans. if you would celebrate your own culture it would give you great pride and self- esteem! simply said, "there is no african culture without black women period"! they had the most and largest amount of contribution to our society.

so where are the beautiful black faces in history? the most celebrated woman of beauty in history is a black women, nerfertiti. in the court system you see the blind-lady-of- justice she is a black women (maat- egyptian goddess of truth & justice). statue of freedom on top of the u.s. capital building is a black women, cast by slave philp reid. andromeda in the movie "clash of titans" in greek mythology is a black ethiopian princesses, if it is all myth and no truth to it why is there a star galaxy named after her? medea (not tyler perry) andromeda niece princess of colchis (was originally black egyptians) whom helped jason and the argonauts find the golden fleece in greek mythology. mary mother of jesus is a black woman (shrine of the black madonna). in detroit there is a church and book store that bares her name on livernois ave.

i hope you share this information with the women you know after you research for self first! especially are baby girls they need to grow up proud of who they are. thank you! love you all! the beautiful ones!

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