Sunday, August 26, 2012

Symbolism pt3

Symbolism section now moves into a far reaching place of thoughts, ideas and concepts!
Combining all other symbols plus the usage of words! This is very powerful, for those who know and understand!

Content: The content of this topic is not my own personal views! As a researcher this is the information that was affiliated with the symbolism of the word...COLUMBIA?

You have seen it everywhere! Let me help, some of you who are still in the MATRIX and are having a tough time waking- up!

The first place you seen or heard and was taught about Columbia, was Washington D.C./
Washington District of Columbia. If Washington D.C is the capital of America why is it not called the District of America or the United States? You are going to be amazed why not?

First of all Washington D.C has nothing to do really with the United States? Because its a company! The President is the President of the company also! Lets look at some facts concerning Washington D.C. The story told goes,"the Federal Government wanted to have a state or land set aside to take care of the newly formed country. That was free and independent from the other 13 states. Reason being when the capital was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania some rebels (dissidents) storm in on congress while in secession. Congress ask for the Pennsylvania militia to be sent for to disband the rebels! When the Pennsylvania state congress refused to impede on the rebels, the Federal congressman felt they need to have their on territory/ land for military protection"!

The next story told about the name Columbia is that the name comes from a poetic name for America by Europeans {Englishmen} mostly, Our Lady of Columbia. The Statue of Liberty replaced the Roman Goddess Columbia as the symbol of United States.

The next story probably fits best for what really is the meaning of the name for Columbia. The intention of English Parliament was to name America, Columbia to pay homage to Christopher Columbus! This was before the Revolutionary War.

*Tip- understanding the English language. English for the most part is a hodge- podge of the Romance Languages (Latin). When you see {ia} after a country's name, that means "the state of"!
example- The state of Georgia is named after King George III of England who ruled England when Georgia was colonized.

So why would they name the country after a man who did not discover it nor step one foot on the land? The same reason why, you have Christopher Columbus Day?
What naming America, Columbia really means is that in 1492, Columbus reached the New World!

*Symbolically this means a lot! Christopher Columbus is a European Icon! He is the first European to reach the New World! "Remember until then, Europeans though the world was flat, and if you sailed to far you would fall off the planet"!

In the Cathedral of Seville in Spain, there are four (4) four Kings carrying the tomb of Christopher Columbus! The 4 kings represent the 4 original kingdom of Spain Aragon, Castile, Leon and Navarre. He delivered the New World into the hands of European Monarchies {Kings of Spain & Portugal}!
This was the turning point between the European and African {Moors}Monarchies for control of power and trade of the world!!!

The Ethiopian Monarch's {African-Moors} had establishes monarchies all over the world! They control power and trade over the world until 1492! This is where their power started to decline. Due to Europeans killing {germ warfare}, raping and pillaging the lands and people of the New World at alarming rate!

The Europeans were so vile at their attempts for power, wealth and control within ten {10} years there were numerous groups of natives that were extinct never to be seen again like the Tanios people of the Bahamas and Puerto Rico!

Germ Warfare then is equivalent to biochemical warfare today! Killing tens of thousands in weeks! {measles, small pox, tuberculosis, and SYPHILIS}! Not so much with guns as portrayed in the movies.      

So now we start to see what Columbia might mean for some? What or who might these groups, organization and companies be? This list is long I will only name a few.

1. Washington District of Colombia is a corporation! {controlling money, law and policy}
2. Colombia Pictures is a corporation/ controlling what you see.
3. Colombia News/ {C.B.S./ Colombia Broadcasting System/ the word system is used instead of station!!! Controlling what information you get! 
4. Columbia Records is a corporation/ controlling what you hear.
5.Columbia University/ controlling what you learn.
6. Pepsico Columbia foods/ controlling what you eat.
7.Columbia Bank/ controlling your money.
8. Columbia Insurance/ controlling your life policy.
9.Columbia Gas/ controlling your energy.
10. Columbia Clothing Company/ Sportswear.

A few more things associated with Columbia
1. Columbia- capital of South Carolina.
2. Columbia, was the name of command module for Apollo 11 in 1969
3. Columbia, name of the space ship. The first ship put into the reusable shuttle program. 

Images of Columbia
1. Colombia Pictures- The lady you think you see is not the image dedicated to the statue of liberty, but to the Roman goddess Columbia!
2. Starbucks Coffee- The green lady {siren} they say? Which are still bad creatures to sailor! It looks more like it is probably image of Columbia.
3. University of Columbia- a statue of a lady sits.

Columbia is not really a Greek nor Roman Goddess, she is a American Goddess! After Roman Lady Libetas they sort try to switch them around to throw you off course. Also throwing Roman goddess Lady Freedom.

Lets look at Washington D.C. and its function in regards and association to America.

First if Washington D.C. is not a state and is the capital of the United States why does it have a different flag from the United States? White and Red with 3 red stars and 2 red bars? What do the 3 stars and 2 bars stand for?

"They say it represents the coat of arms of George Washington"? Why would he have a coat of arms? {that's for royalty and nobility in Europe} Why would England acknowledge George Washington coat of arms when he defeated them in Revolutionary War? Unless he did something that made them feel loyal to him and in return they acknowledge him as knight?

Some say it secretly symbolize, Washington D.C. as 1 part of a part City Empire!
Washington being the military force of the world/ Inner of City London being banking center for the world/ Vatican City being the spiritual guide for the world! All 3 are in countries but are legal separate City States!

The law that Washington D.C. operates under is a Roman Law called "Lex-Fori"! This give them the loop- hole they need to operate separately, but how can they operate under Roman Law in America? America is modeled after Roman! {America is commonly known as the 4th Reich}.

It wasn't until 1961 that the citizen of Washington D.C. could not vote in a Presidential election? why? {23rd amendment}.

In 1967 Lydon B, Johnson by Executive Order passed the Home Rule, allowing citizens to vote for a mayor and 13 member council of the city!

Washington D.C. citizen do not have representation of congressman in neither house.

The home rule act 1973, allows congress to supersede any law or office by local elected officials! Congress controls all funds in Washington D.C.

Is it just me or was these the same injustices that started the Revolutionary War!
                                               "Taxation no Representation"!


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