Thursday, August 9, 2012

Women Section- Female Sexual Evolution

In a simple definition what makes women different from men?

Mostly chemical and hormones which control physical characteristics and attributes!  

This is hard to accept and understand because of the way we were taught in a Western style of thinking,{European}. In Western thinking their culture is centered around the man! Their male Gods control the majority of the worship of their culture, Zeus- father of the Gods and men. Even beauty has been attributed to a male God Adonis!

In Eastern {African} style of thinking we are female centered in our culture. The females control majority of our worship! Auset, {Isis}- the MOTHER of all of us! MA-AT, the goddess of balance and harmony within the universe! Hathor, goddess of motherhood.

Amen-Ra in the earliest form is depicted was hermaphrodite {both male and female sex}.

Now we can take a big step forward, to understanding female dominance sexual over males.  Yes, women are superior genetically over men! All human children are born female first! "This is why the sex of the child can not be determine until after the first three (3) months"!

The sexual changes are as following:
Estrogen becomes less to testosterone!
The clitoris grows outward unto a penis!
The ovaries drop and become testes!

This is explained in a simple form! {There are kids who visit the this web site}. But much more happens within this cycle! please, research for self!

peace, love and unity!