Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wolmen Section/ Parthenogenesis

I was watching Life- {the nature series} narrated by: Oprah Winfrey on DVD.
I was thinking of my next topic. Being a biology major it hit me! Trying to explain how dominate the female species is.

Human belief system {modern religion} has take us away from the natural order of things. In the natural world in mostly all species of animals from small to large females dominate the social order, except Human- Females?

In the largest social communities in the animal kingdom Females reign supreme! Ants and Bees the Queen is the boss! The largest land animals the Elephant, the oldest female is the Matriarch is the leader of the parade (group of elephants).

Some animals have adapted or evolved sexually.
Certain types of fish can change from female to male! Like the Parrot fish. If the one male that swims with his school of females is killed or caught, the alpha female will transform into the male! 

There are some species of animals that are born all female! Whip-tail lizards, Komodo Dragons, Hammerhead Sharks some insects.

Many years ago I read about parthenogenesis in humans! Yes, like the story of Jesus! John the Baptist was born the same way, except his mother Elizabeth was not a virgin!

The Roman Catholic Church and their agents the Jesuit Priesthood did a cover up and suppressed all information because they feared it would endanger the foundation of the Church, that Jesus was the only one born of a virgin birth! But all the saviors of the world were born by a virgin starting with the African God Heru {Horus} and his mother Auset {Isis}. In fact in order to be a savior one of the criteria is that you be born of a virgin!

For the non- believers if none of this is true, how could the word parthenogenesis be in use before the birth of Jesus? Jesus lived in Roman times, which is after the Greek era. 

Parthenogenesis- is Greek and means- Virgin Birth.
Please research for self!!!

peace, love and unity!

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