Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Disciple comes from the core word of Discipline!

Discipline- the practice of training people to obey rules or a code of behavior!

At know-thy-self 11, we help people to train their minds to be fee thinkers. Like you train your body, we specialize in mind exercise. We work on the reconditioning of the mind back to a more natural state of harmony.

We do not allow others to think nor speak for us, we equip people with the proper tools {knowledge of self}. We are not like modern religion groups, although we are HIGHLY SPIRITUAL! All the topics and subjects are taught to free your mind from the matrix {controlling government and religious groups}.

What we do is make you lighter so that you will be able ascend to a higher plane. Thus become closer to God, and the God in you will be greater! You all are Goddess and Gods!

In order to align yourself with the Creator, we help you identify problems and issues within self! Then by priority we began a process of deselection.

This is where the Discipline comes in to making you a Disciple of Righteousness! We have many that have came before us, that we learn and follow from, John the Baptist {Jesus 1st Cousin}, James the Just {Jesus Brother} and Jesus Christ- The Master Teacher! 

We obey and follow all religions that promote peace and universal harmony!
The only requirements is that you have:

1. A True heart!
2. The most serious mind!
3. The deepest commitment unto self!

To be true to self is to know thy self!          

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Symbolism pt3

Symbolism section now moves into a far reaching place of thoughts, ideas and concepts!
Combining all other symbols plus the usage of words! This is very powerful, for those who know and understand!

Content: The content of this topic is not my own personal views! As a researcher this is the information that was affiliated with the symbolism of the word...COLUMBIA?

You have seen it everywhere! Let me help, some of you who are still in the MATRIX and are having a tough time waking- up!

The first place you seen or heard and was taught about Columbia, was Washington D.C./
Washington District of Columbia. If Washington D.C is the capital of America why is it not called the District of America or the United States? You are going to be amazed why not?

First of all Washington D.C has nothing to do really with the United States? Because its a company! The President is the President of the company also! Lets look at some facts concerning Washington D.C. The story told goes,"the Federal Government wanted to have a state or land set aside to take care of the newly formed country. That was free and independent from the other 13 states. Reason being when the capital was located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania some rebels (dissidents) storm in on congress while in secession. Congress ask for the Pennsylvania militia to be sent for to disband the rebels! When the Pennsylvania state congress refused to impede on the rebels, the Federal congressman felt they need to have their on territory/ land for military protection"!

The next story told about the name Columbia is that the name comes from a poetic name for America by Europeans {Englishmen} mostly, Our Lady of Columbia. The Statue of Liberty replaced the Roman Goddess Columbia as the symbol of United States.

The next story probably fits best for what really is the meaning of the name for Columbia. The intention of English Parliament was to name America, Columbia to pay homage to Christopher Columbus! This was before the Revolutionary War.

*Tip- understanding the English language. English for the most part is a hodge- podge of the Romance Languages (Latin). When you see {ia} after a country's name, that means "the state of"!
example- The state of Georgia is named after King George III of England who ruled England when Georgia was colonized.

So why would they name the country after a man who did not discover it nor step one foot on the land? The same reason why, you have Christopher Columbus Day?
What naming America, Columbia really means is that in 1492, Columbus reached the New World!

*Symbolically this means a lot! Christopher Columbus is a European Icon! He is the first European to reach the New World! "Remember until then, Europeans though the world was flat, and if you sailed to far you would fall off the planet"!

In the Cathedral of Seville in Spain, there are four (4) four Kings carrying the tomb of Christopher Columbus! The 4 kings represent the 4 original kingdom of Spain Aragon, Castile, Leon and Navarre. He delivered the New World into the hands of European Monarchies {Kings of Spain & Portugal}!
This was the turning point between the European and African {Moors}Monarchies for control of power and trade of the world!!!

The Ethiopian Monarch's {African-Moors} had establishes monarchies all over the world! They control power and trade over the world until 1492! This is where their power started to decline. Due to Europeans killing {germ warfare}, raping and pillaging the lands and people of the New World at alarming rate!

The Europeans were so vile at their attempts for power, wealth and control within ten {10} years there were numerous groups of natives that were extinct never to be seen again like the Tanios people of the Bahamas and Puerto Rico!

Germ Warfare then is equivalent to biochemical warfare today! Killing tens of thousands in weeks! {measles, small pox, tuberculosis, and SYPHILIS}! Not so much with guns as portrayed in the movies.      

So now we start to see what Columbia might mean for some? What or who might these groups, organization and companies be? This list is long I will only name a few.

1. Washington District of Colombia is a corporation! {controlling money, law and policy}
2. Colombia Pictures is a corporation/ controlling what you see.
3. Colombia News/ {C.B.S./ Colombia Broadcasting System/ the word system is used instead of station!!! Controlling what information you get! 
4. Columbia Records is a corporation/ controlling what you hear.
5.Columbia University/ controlling what you learn.
6. Pepsico Columbia foods/ controlling what you eat.
7.Columbia Bank/ controlling your money.
8. Columbia Insurance/ controlling your life policy.
9.Columbia Gas/ controlling your energy.
10. Columbia Clothing Company/ Sportswear.

A few more things associated with Columbia
1. Columbia- capital of South Carolina.
2. Columbia, was the name of command module for Apollo 11 in 1969
3. Columbia, name of the space ship. The first ship put into the reusable shuttle program. 

Images of Columbia
1. Colombia Pictures- The lady you think you see is not the image dedicated to the statue of liberty, but to the Roman goddess Columbia!
2. Starbucks Coffee- The green lady {siren} they say? Which are still bad creatures to sailor! It looks more like it is probably image of Columbia.
3. University of Columbia- a statue of a lady sits.

Columbia is not really a Greek nor Roman Goddess, she is a American Goddess! After Roman Lady Libetas they sort try to switch them around to throw you off course. Also throwing Roman goddess Lady Freedom.

Lets look at Washington D.C. and its function in regards and association to America.

First if Washington D.C. is not a state and is the capital of the United States why does it have a different flag from the United States? White and Red with 3 red stars and 2 red bars? What do the 3 stars and 2 bars stand for?

"They say it represents the coat of arms of George Washington"? Why would he have a coat of arms? {that's for royalty and nobility in Europe} Why would England acknowledge George Washington coat of arms when he defeated them in Revolutionary War? Unless he did something that made them feel loyal to him and in return they acknowledge him as knight?

Some say it secretly symbolize, Washington D.C. as 1 part of a part City Empire!
Washington being the military force of the world/ Inner of City London being banking center for the world/ Vatican City being the spiritual guide for the world! All 3 are in countries but are legal separate City States!

The law that Washington D.C. operates under is a Roman Law called "Lex-Fori"! This give them the loop- hole they need to operate separately, but how can they operate under Roman Law in America? America is modeled after Roman! {America is commonly known as the 4th Reich}.

It wasn't until 1961 that the citizen of Washington D.C. could not vote in a Presidential election? why? {23rd amendment}.

In 1967 Lydon B, Johnson by Executive Order passed the Home Rule, allowing citizens to vote for a mayor and 13 member council of the city!

Washington D.C. citizen do not have representation of congressman in neither house.

The home rule act 1973, allows congress to supersede any law or office by local elected officials! Congress controls all funds in Washington D.C.

Is it just me or was these the same injustices that started the Revolutionary War!
                                               "Taxation no Representation"!


Saturday, August 18, 2012

Symbols pt2

I want to concentrate on one particular symbol, pyramids!

PYRAMIDS are the most powerful symbol ever created by man! They are so powerful some people believe we {Africans} did not build them, Aliens did or help us to build them! That has got give you a little clue of how powerful they are if they think a man did not build them!

First we have to get some things corrected to help understand some of what we are going to study now! We are all going to have to deal with self, because we live in denial to some degree! If you humble yourself you can have a better chance of taking in what am about to say! I will use a classical proverb to help convey the idea am trying to express! "a glass that is full, can not take on any more because has reached its capacity for being full"! Learning works the same way if you know everything or better yet, can not be told anything how can you continue to learn or grow? We live in a era of "self importance" we think for some strange reason we are smarter than the ancestors! The farther you go back in time the closer you get to the beginning of human creation. Closer towards Adam and Eve, so we think that we are smarter than Adam and Eve, GODS firstborn children that walked with the Creator?

Universal principle to help, when dealing with genetics {humans} the farther you get away from the original or first the weak it becomes!

Now hopefully we are some what humble (emptier glass} we can try to take on what the Africans where building! The pyramids serve more than one purpose. They are multipurpose buildings!

Some facts on the pyramids!
1.They are built in the middle of the planet! {if you took all the land and put them together the pyramids would be in the center}! 
2.They are perfectly aligned to the four cardinal points of the earth!
3.The Great pyramid alignment represents true north!
4.The only monuments of the ancient world still here.
5.They are perfectly aligned with the stars of Orion Belt! {thus the saying"as it is in heaven as it is on earth"}
6.The stones are cut more preciously than with a mordern day laser! {within 5/32 of a inch} 
7.They used power tools of some sort? because granite is one of the strongest & hardest rocks know to man.
8. So how did they sand it buff {polish} it to get it to look like a glass mirror?
9.There are miles of passage ways and tunnels under pyramids!
10.There are no candle holders, nor soot marks on walls and ceilings? how did they light them under ground? if we think they had no electricity?

These are just a few of thousands of facts! This is some of what makes them powerful! The mental and spiritual power they have is unbelievable!

We were taught not to use African languages, customs and religions!!! So if they were bad, evil and pagan ideas and concepts, why do some European owned companies use pyramids and other African {Egyptian} symbols to represent their companies? Because they are very powerful symbols! And who ever use them becomes powerful!
What companies use them? The ones you see everyday?
1.U.S. Treasury- Eye of Ra & The Pyramid {double power combining both} 
2.CBS Television- Eye of Ra
3.Hard Rock Cafe-  Pyramid
4.Adidas- {logo} is a Pyramid
5.Aol- Pyramid
6.Ameritrade- Pyramid
7.Republic Party- {logo} Elephant and Stars
8.Churches Chicken- Star
9.Henieken Beer- Star
10.BET Network- Star

These are just a few everyday companies and government agency! Ask your self  why did that beat and kill African slaves for using their culture! Then turn right around and European culture adopted African culture and symbols as their on?

*They even said in the Holy Bible the Egyptians were bad and evil people? Where they really? Every time GODS so-called people had a problem they ran into Egypt for relief!
1. Abram & Sarah: he lied about being his wife, not sister?
2. Israelite: a famine in their own land, had to flee to the bread-basket of the world, Egypt! 
3.King Herod want to kill the baby boy Jesus Christ, they fled to Egypt?

For those who think different! I will give you a couple more that are undeniably African {Egyptian} symbols! 

1.Sirius Satellite Radio- {logo} a dog with a star eye
1a. Sirius star system is where the Egyptian God Osiris {Judge of the dead} comes from, aka- the dog star {Canis Major}.
1b.Star {Sothis} important star to the Egyptians, paint in tombs and reliefs!

2. Nova Nordisk {a pharmaceutical company}- {logo}the Apis Bull
2a. The Black bull represent the reincarnation of the King.
2b. A scared animal unto the Egyptians: a sun- disk between the horns, the horns are a crescent moon.

Wake up brothers and sister of all races and nationalities, we are in the Matrix, free your mind, especially African descent people, the version of religion you were given was false! Why do you think they killed for it then turn around and adopt yours!
 *Martix- another mans/ group religion, philosophy or idealism of what he/ they think the world should be like to support his/ their interest!

peace, love and unity         

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Symbols pt1

Symbols are powerful, very powerful! They represent a idea or concept. Symbols are a language within itself. People are so naive to symbols that organization {secret societies and governments} can use these symbols openly to express ideas to one another.

We will start off slow, so this topic will be in three (3) different parts. Now to expose the naive to symbolism.

Symbol: a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially an abstract!

Abstract- (adjective): existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

We have identified what we are working with and looking for. Now we will take  everyday symbols that are over looked or simply not understood?

The stop sign is universal for STOP! No matter where you go in the world they are red and octagon in shape. Sometimes with words, sometimes without, no matter it means to stop while driving all over the world!

Next symbol is also a common site but overlooked, because people just do not know what it means? "When walking through most parks in America, you will see a soldier on horseback. Sometimes the horse might be on all fours (4), or one (1) legs is raised up, or two (2) legs maybe raised up". All of them have a particular meaning!

1. When all four (4) horse legs are on the ground, it means the soldier was unharmed in battle.
2. When one (1) horse leg is off the ground, it means the solider was wounded in battle.
3. When two (2) horse legs are off the ground, it means the soldier was killed in battle!

Symbols in advertisement, this a biggie! Did you know companies pay millions to have logos designed for them! Logo designers have been doing a good job for companies because companies like Walmart, McDonald's and Amazon have been making billions from their famous logos! How do they do it? Mostly it is metaphysics! Yes, metaphysics, in metaphysics everything has a hidden, double or tri-fold {triple} meaning!

*Example- the color yellow, the color yellow has a triple meaning, depending on how you use it:
1. yellow can mean a coward or scarey. A yellow belly coward or they have a yellow line or stripe down their backside, meaning they are a coward!

2. yellow can mean cool/ laid back or happy! The soft {soda} drink is called mellow- yellow! Which goes with mellow fellow {a calm man} drinking a mellow- yellow soda!  Walmart and McDonald's use yellow for its hidden meaning.....
3. yellow is also a color of attraction like red! So people are naturally attracted to yellow or drawn-in by it. This is why the arches of McDonald's are yellow {golden}, with a red back ground, red another color of attraction. Walmart uses the yellow smiley face in their logo!

* Maybe this why blondes have more fun? lol. attraction to yellow? maybe? maybe not? 

The next advertisement logo is a really cleaver one using a triple meaning but you never noticed it? They are also a industry leader in sales making billions!
Amazon (online store), when looking at the logo there is a crooked arrow underneath the word amazon. The arrow starts on the letter A and stops on the letter Z. This means they sale everything from A to Z! The arrow also crooked to represent a smile, which means symbolically "customer satisfaction". The arrow it self represents it self as, fast and or expedite service to the customer, receiving merchandise quickly!

Learning can be fun sometimes! Please share with young children they like this topic! "shopping, eating and going to the park"! lol

peace, love and unity!              

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Grand Master Teacher- Imhotep

Before I began to tell about The Great Imhotep!

I would like to pay homage to him! I would like to say "blessing be onto Imhotep and may you continue your journey in the after life"! "Here on earth we thank you for all you done for us, you personally make me proud to be a African {Kemite} like you! 

It is very important African {Kemetian} tradition to give honor and praise to our African Ancestors!

 Imhotep is so important to all of us!

His first honor of praise is that he is the first commoner {regular person} to be raised from commoner to GOD status! Imhotep is a GOD!

What he is to us who study, Eastern Meta- Physic Philosophy: He is our Grand Master Teacher! {aka The Truth} Our learning platform is constructed the way he taught!

In the East {Africa} we use Imhotep philosophy and platform!
In the West {European} they use Aristotle philosophy and platform!

*The difference between the two styles.

Imhotep we are students for life! / Aristotle be a master by 40 years old!
Imhotep taught his pupils seating above him! / Aristotle taught his pupils seating beneath him {on a stage or platform}. If you go to college you are taught Aristotle style.
Imhotep style, because you are the teach, that does not always make you right! {learning is a two way street}. / Aristotle style, you should not offend the teacher by challenging what they say!


Imhotep- the one who comes in peace, is with peace.

He was the High Priest of Ra at Heliopolis. The adviser to the Pharaoh Djoser. He was Master of the Grand Masonic Lodge. A architect, engineer, and physician.

You have to understand schooling system to understand the foundation of  Ancient Egypt & Ethiopia{Kemet}! They invented the kindergarten through 12th grade system! Mostly all Kemtian had some sort of formal education! 

***This is for the young people! You have been tricked and deceived really bad! I am going to tell you how it really is! If you live in America, especially in the inner cities or rural area and attend a public school! Your education is a joke! The U.S. public school system has been under performing since the late 1950s! In ranking with other developed countries in the world we ranked 25 or less in a valued education! {since desegregated school}.

Now COLLEGE, college was also invented in Kemet by Black African people!!!
College was a lot different from now days. In order to graduate you had to be a master in all the subjects!!! {Math, Reading, Religion and Science} all required you get a master in them verse today you get a master in one subject. This took about 40 years to do! {you started training for college at seven}.
Imhotep is best know for being the Father of Medicine! His scrolls are still use! Grey's Anatomy the book all physicians study is structured the same as Imhotep scrolls! {treatment head to feet}.

Imhotep was the son of a architect. He is the Grand Architect of the step pyramid in Egypt. He is the first man, that we know of to build a building out of stone in the world! The building also holds in design deep religious and masonic symbolism.  

Thank you, Brother!

peace, love and unity           

Friday, August 10, 2012


Teaching young people to understand and use the universe around them and the universe within them!

They teach you from childhood you have five (5) senses? This is not total correct, you do have five (5) sense! Plus two more very powerful senses and a divine gift!

1. Sight- the ability to see with your eyes
1a. the sense most used by humans

2. Hearing- the ability to perceive sound
2a. second in usage, after sight/ when we can not see or see something, hearing becomes more keen 

3. Touch- the ability to feel objects, surfaces and temperatures
3a. touch aids in sight/ if you can not determine depth perception or smoothness, you use touch to feel the contour {visual picture}
3b. often used when sanding something, like dry-walling 

4. Smell/ olfactory system- the ability to use chemo-sensory
4a. chemo-sensory ability to take chemical signals into perception
4b. chemo-sensory in use/ smelling smoke, then perceiving that danger is near. smelling food and your mouth starts to water {activating Salivary glands}

5. Taste- the sensation of flavor perceived in the mouth
5a. sour taste is usually perceived as harmful like poison
5b. Smell and Taste work together in tandem.
5c. If a human becomes sick {ill} ears, mouth and nose may all become infected because the tracts are linked and in multiple use

Now the ones they did not teach you!

6. Intuition- the abitlity to understand right and wrong immediately. to know right and wrong without being taught. you know from being part divine {created by GOD}.
6a. example: when you startled a small child when they are doing wrong, but you did not teach them that was wrong nor right!     

7. Telepathy- the ability to speak without words. a mental massage/ reading of the mind.
7a. example: when a child hears its mother voice, the child answer to the mother, the mother response "I did not call you? but I was thinking about you"!
7c. One of the closet bonds is mother and child, so this happens often through- out the child life!

The last one is not a sense but a gift! Only for the most beautiful in their inner beauty form!

Clairvoyance- the ability to perceive present, past and future events without having been physically present. This gift is only passed down from a matriarch {mother, grandmother or aunt} to a female child! 

The pineal gland is believe to control or aid in this ability?

In Africa this relationship is held very close to the ruler especially a male ruler! He will not make in major decisions without consulting with the Oracle or Oracles {the clairvoyant females} first before, he makes his decision!
This originated in Ethiopia! The King's virgin daughters were his Oracles! In Kemetian {ancient Ethiopian & Egyptian} culture the blood line goes through the daughter not the son! You carried your mother last name {maiden name} also!  

Example: movies
The Matrix- Neo goes to see the Oracle {the old black lady}
Shaka Zulu- Shakes always goes to the old lady {witch doctor or medicine woman} before going to war!
300- King Leonidas I of Sparta {Greek} goes to see the Oracles before going to war.

*The Greeks adopted this practice from the Ethiopians, she is know as the Oracle of Delphi  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Women Section- Female Sexual Evolution

In a simple definition what makes women different from men?

Mostly chemical and hormones which control physical characteristics and attributes!  

This is hard to accept and understand because of the way we were taught in a Western style of thinking,{European}. In Western thinking their culture is centered around the man! Their male Gods control the majority of the worship of their culture, Zeus- father of the Gods and men. Even beauty has been attributed to a male God Adonis!

In Eastern {African} style of thinking we are female centered in our culture. The females control majority of our worship! Auset, {Isis}- the MOTHER of all of us! MA-AT, the goddess of balance and harmony within the universe! Hathor, goddess of motherhood.

Amen-Ra in the earliest form is depicted was hermaphrodite {both male and female sex}.

Now we can take a big step forward, to understanding female dominance sexual over males.  Yes, women are superior genetically over men! All human children are born female first! "This is why the sex of the child can not be determine until after the first three (3) months"!

The sexual changes are as following:
Estrogen becomes less to testosterone!
The clitoris grows outward unto a penis!
The ovaries drop and become testes!

This is explained in a simple form! {There are kids who visit the this web site}. But much more happens within this cycle! please, research for self!

peace, love and unity!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Parthenogensis part 2

Some brief definitions to help understand and explain parthenogenesis pt 1.

 Allele: there are different variants of most genes; these variants are properly known as alleles (aka / genes).

Autosome: any non- sex- determining chromosome; there 22 pairs in humans! any other than x and y chromosome.

Genotype: the genetic make up of an organism.

Phenotype: the outward appearance of an organism.

Dominant: genes that are stronger then others, when mix or put with others they will be expressed strong.
* African genes are the most dominant of all other humans!

Recessive: not strong as others, will not express them self when mix with stronger genes.
*European genes are the most recessive of all humans! This is one reason they do not care for the mixing (breading) of the races!

Hermaphrodite: having the sex organs of both female and male.

Intersex: having undifferentiated sex organs, which neither fully female nor male, but intermediate between the two.

Mosaic: cell who have different genetic composition.

Somatic mosaicism: a mutation or damaged cell, chromosome with abnormalities.

Germ- line mosaicism: a mutation early in the development of the embryo, which can be passed on to others through heredity.

Chimaera: an individual with two or more distinct gene- lines.
*Europeans are of this group more then others. They are offshoots of different human races. There has been a on going study in Europe, hopefully they will "tell the truth about their studies" This could help in the fight against racism that Whites hold so close in their belief system. Everyone they hate, they come from!

peace, love and unity!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Wolmen Section/ Parthenogenesis

I was watching Life- {the nature series} narrated by: Oprah Winfrey on DVD.
I was thinking of my next topic. Being a biology major it hit me! Trying to explain how dominate the female species is.

Human belief system {modern religion} has take us away from the natural order of things. In the natural world in mostly all species of animals from small to large females dominate the social order, except Human- Females?

In the largest social communities in the animal kingdom Females reign supreme! Ants and Bees the Queen is the boss! The largest land animals the Elephant, the oldest female is the Matriarch is the leader of the parade (group of elephants).

Some animals have adapted or evolved sexually.
Certain types of fish can change from female to male! Like the Parrot fish. If the one male that swims with his school of females is killed or caught, the alpha female will transform into the male! 

There are some species of animals that are born all female! Whip-tail lizards, Komodo Dragons, Hammerhead Sharks some insects.

Many years ago I read about parthenogenesis in humans! Yes, like the story of Jesus! John the Baptist was born the same way, except his mother Elizabeth was not a virgin!

The Roman Catholic Church and their agents the Jesuit Priesthood did a cover up and suppressed all information because they feared it would endanger the foundation of the Church, that Jesus was the only one born of a virgin birth! But all the saviors of the world were born by a virgin starting with the African God Heru {Horus} and his mother Auset {Isis}. In fact in order to be a savior one of the criteria is that you be born of a virgin!

For the non- believers if none of this is true, how could the word parthenogenesis be in use before the birth of Jesus? Jesus lived in Roman times, which is after the Greek era. 

Parthenogenesis- is Greek and means- Virgin Birth.
Please research for self!!!

peace, love and unity!