Thursday, October 25, 2012

Ethiopia, To be proud of!

Why we must be proud of Ethiopia!

The word it self comes from the African language Kushite/ Cushite.
Ityopis {Kushite}/ Aithiops {Greek}/ Ethiopia {English}

Meaning- {Eastern/ African}- kissed by the Sun
Meaning- {Western/ Europe}- burnt by the Sun 
They say the meaning is burned face/ misunderstanding/ the meaning actually means kissed by the Sun! (you will see the same saying in songs of Solomon/ KJV Holy Bible)

The Greeks worshiped the Sun! The Greek God for the Sun was Helios. This burnt/ kissed by the Sun was a good thing/ later through racism it became negative. The Greeks held the Ethiopians in high regards! Greeks also consider Ethiopians to be the most religious people on the earth!

The Greeks often said that their Greek Gods came from Ethiopia! Not sure if they meant the country of Ethiopia or the whole continent of Africa as it was called Ethiopia at this time.

Ethiopia is mentioned in the oldest and greatest writings of the Greeks twice (2) in the Iliad, and three (3) times in the Odyssey!  

In the English/ Latin Bible {KJV}, the word Ethiopia is mentioned 58 times in the Holy Bible.

The Garden of Eden is also in Africa located around Ethiopia?

Garden of Eden/ Garden of God, it located  that their was four (4) river heads.

The Ethiopian Bible is thousands of years older than the Jewish Bible {Torah} which the Torah is loosely copied from!
Moses the Israelite leader/ who wrote the Torah / grandson of the Pharaoh/ husband to a Ethiopian Princess!

Princess Tzipora/ Zipporah was a Ethiopian Princess! The Princess of Midian
{now in mordern day Sudan}.

If Moses was White or Middle Eastern { Pale-Arab}. He must been really dark- skinned to pass, with all the Black Africans he like to surround himself around?   
Ethiopian are some of the oldest people in the world, If not the oldest!
With a culture even older adopted and infused from the interior of Africa.

Ethiopian culture is so strong that at one time the whole continent of Africa was called Ethiopia!
Also the Atlantic oceans was called the Ethiopian Sea. 

In the Ancient World Ethiopia and Egypt was the Holy Land. This is way before Christianity as we know or the new Jesus we call Christ.

The old Jesus is called Heru- {this is where we get the words Hero and Hour}
Heru is known as the Hero of the Hour, because he save us from evil, thus becoming the first messiah of the world! But not to worry Jesus Christ is the same as Heru. {Why do you think years from 12 to 30 are missing out the Bible of Jesus Life} I know they told you they were lost? and you believed them, okay!

Please read and research! Be proud of who you are a African!  

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