Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Garden of Eden / Gods Garden

The Garden of Eden/ Gods Garden

This topic goes with the topic Ethiopia, to be proud of. I feel it needs special attention so it has its own page.

Looking at the Holy Bible {KJV}, The Garden of Eden reads from Genesis Ch.2 verse. 8.

A river went out of the Garden of Eden of four (4) river heads.
River head- means origin or split.

The Nile River has four splits,
1. the main Nile River
2. the Blue Nile
3. the Yellow Nile
4. the white Nile
The origin for the White Nile River is Lake Tana in Ethiopia.

The first river mentioned is the Pishon which skirts around the land of Havilah where there is gold.
Land of Havilah- Havilah  is the son of Cush!

* Tip
Havilah - Cush - Ham
Ham- is known as the father of the African {Black} race of people. Known as Hamites. Cush is known as the the father of Ethiopians, also known as Cushites. His son Havilah lands are in Ethiopia, where the Pishon River runs from out of the Garden of Eden.

The second river mentioned is the Gihon and it goes around the whole land of Cush. Cush is another name for Ethiopia.

The third river is the Hiddekel, which goes toward the east of Assyria. Not in or from Assyria but heading towards it! That's a big difference, cause this often misread.

The Assyrian Empire originates out of Syria/ Cannan/ Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia was founded by the Akkadians.
Akkadian means- Black head people!
These lands were given to Cannan by his father Ham! Cannan named a city after his son Sidon! Sidon is the 3rd largest city in mordern day Lebanon.

The forth river mentioned is the Euphrates. No details are given with the Euphrates?

  Which might mean it was add later since Europeans only navigated the Nile River in the 17th century and the King James Bible was wrote in the 16th century.The King James bible was only commissioned because there was major translation problems with the other two (2) Bibles in use at the same time. So they combined the two (2) Bibles. The Great Bible and The Bishops Bible.

Please ask your Ministers, why they are not teaching this stuff to the people! After all you are paying him?

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