Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Unions- WHY?

                        Unions this topic is dedicated to my cousin Keisha!

Unions- The state of being united! Bring people together collectively for the sake for a better lifestyle. So why does it seems unions are not helping us? The answer may be more complex than you may think! We will look a different types of unions and the history of unions in America.

The purpose of history is to help us understand how things evolve over time. When you study origins, you get a better understanding of the purpose and true nature of things!

First lets look at the origins of unions in America. The first unions were formed in the 19th century around the late1870s. After the Civil War, why after the Civil War. Because the country was in ruins especially the southern states were most of the fighting had taking place. So men were put to work to start repairing and building the country. But what many White men soon found out only a few of them had any working skills in the southern states. Many had been plantation owners and overseers or shop keepers. Plantation overseers were not need any more because slavery had been abolished and defeated!

These White men stood to lose a lot more then just the war if they could not act quickly to resolve their issue of being under skilled. They face encroachment from all angles, White men from the Northern states, known as {carpet- baggers} coming to the south with skills taking jobs and government contracts. They had a flooding of immigrants from Ireland and Eastern Europe coming to America after the European economy collapsed and the potato famine of the 1850s to 1880s. These European immigrants would work all day and nite for little of nothing!
But what southern White men hated the most was their former Black slaves getting jobs and commanding a higher pay scale then southern White men because the Black slaves had learned to harness and perfect their skills during slavery.

Black Slaves had become great Blacksmith during slavery, because many southern White men no longer did physical labor anymore. But after slavery ended and the reconstruction of south began, these skills were in high demand!

The answer to all the southern White man's problems was unions. A few men could train many quickly. Union also address the low wages southern White men received due to their low skills. They could improve their skills and collectively bargain for higher wages. But the best part of unions they could accepted or deny whom ever they wanted.

Lets look at Union local 25 Ironworkers of Detroit, which I am a former member. This Local was formed in 1901 but did not take its first Black apprentices until 1970! It took Blacks 69 years to get into this union. "The only reason why blacks were allowed in then is because the union had taken government money for their apprenticeship program, but one of the stipulations was they could no longer discriminate against Blacks anymore!"

What has the union done for you? In short everything!!!!

Unions created the middle class in America, before unions became strong, The American economy was set- up into two (2) classes "The haves and The have not" Does this sound familiar? Funny how history repeats itself for people who do not study it!Lets name a few of many.

1. 8 hour work days
2. 40 hour work weeks
3. benefits- health and life insurance
4. paid holidays and vacations
5. safe working conditions and many more! 

Where are unions at today?
Unions for the most part are dying or dead! Mostly all unions in all sectors have seen their membership decrease year after year since the 1970s. Unions have been under attack since 1950s. When most began to grow strong until 1970s.

Why are union not protecting their members anymore?
This has become a major problem to union members from UAW members to School Teacher Unions. There are a few reason for the about change in attitude from unions towards its members.

One of the major reasons is that union official's have been educated at colleges and university. These school also educate business presidents and ceo of companies. Now you have union presidents acting like a business president of a company. They only one thing on their mind making more money! Making more money often gets in the way of the unions first obligation its members. This often seen with the teachers unions across the country! The teachers should be protected at all cost, they make all other careers possible! They are the backbone of this society. Education is the single most important fact in life besides the Creator in determining how far and where you will end up in life.

In the case with the UAW, they have become major shareholders in General Motors and Chrysler the UAW loan the auto makers billions of dollars in the bail out. Now the UAW has become in part a car manufacturing company, because they want these car companies to do well so they can get their loan money back. This puts members on the back burner for now? 

The hidden hand is the ultra- rich whom own many companies. The ultra- rich guy who has $30,000,000.00 tells the guy who makes $30.00 an hour he does not need a union to protect his job or wage? But the ultra- rich have lobbyist in Washington D.C. to look after and protect their interests. Lobbyist are like a union for the rich! Please become familiar with these code words.

Please support your unions there not perfect at all! But it beats nothing at all!
We have to support primary education (k- 12th grades). College is become way to expensive. Please support your local teachers union!

peace, love and unity! 



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