Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Founding Fathers were not Christians

The Founding Father were not Christians!
They were Deist, and belong to the Deism Movement!

These are definitions of what Deism is, please check for self! 

Deism define- is a philosophy which holds reason and observation of the natural world, without the need for organized religion, can determine that the universe is the product of an all powerful creator. {wikipedia}

Deism define- belief in the existence of GOD on the evidence of reason and nature only, with the rejection of a supernatural revelation / distinguished from theism! {}

Theism define- the belief in one GOD as the creator or ruler of the universe, without rejection to revelation / distinguished from theism! {}

Deism define- the belief, based solely on reason, in a God that created the universe and then abandoned it, assuming no control over life, exerting no influence on natural phenomena, and give no supernatural revelation! {the free}

Deism is part of the enlightenment movement that sweep through Europe and United States in the 18th and 19th centuries. The Illuminati is the group that Deism was formed from. Illuminati and Deist consider them self free thinkers? The one thing  different from the Illuminati and Deist, from other free thinking groups is that they do not believe that God is involved in the everyday lives of men? 

Now you have to really consider the action and motives of the Founding Fathers? In review, as more information becomes available to the public. The hypocrisy of their lives and beliefs become more clear, especially dealing with slavery! In every turn of establishing America there are lies and cover- ups!


In dealing with Thomas Jefferson specifically, the so called author of the current United States Constitution? He copy, The Iroquois Confederacy, which is a peace treaty between five (5) Sovereign Native American Nations! If that is not enough lets look at his personal dealing. The first is his wording in the United States Constitution, which he based of the Declaration of Independence.

The Declaration of Independence, from Great Brittan say specially "We hold these truths to be self- evident, that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUALLY, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS!
He signed this in 1776 and agree to this but, yet owned slaves and had a Black {African} concubine?

Now in a short form of the story, because there are lengthy books wrote on it and there are still books being written as the story continues to unfold to this day! Dealing with Thomas Jefferson's BLACK CHILDREN!

The story goes Sally Hemings was a slave of Thomas Jefferson? yes and no, but not really! She was more of a house-keeper of the estate. This being she was the half- sister of Thomas Jefferson wife Martha Jefferson. After Martha dies Thomas Jefferson takes Sally Hemings his wife's half sister as his concubine! Now you half to look at a man who sleeps with his wife sister! Not only that she is also Black {African} and fathers children with her (6 or 7) of them. So this is clear this was a long on going relationship! Thomas Jefferson did free his on children which he denied {he kept silent on the matter}.

Dealing with other slaves he refuse to free! After he served under the First Black President John Hanson in the Continental Congress of the United States. He also served under Benjamin Banneker{African} who was the Grand Master of the Masonic Order in America! He also was under the Native American Chief {Kings} which some were Black{Indians} Native Americas.

It should be clear that Thomas Jefferson and the views of all The Founding Fathers need to be reconsider and reevaluate by all Americans Whites but especially Blacks {Africans}!

There belief in Deism, "GOD does not play role in men lives" is clear based upon many of their actions.

Young people it is time for a change if we plan on staying here {America}! There are many who do not know the truth, but there are more who do not want to know!
You all will be the next leaders, knowledge is power! It is the only power in the UNIVERSE! Why do you think these secret societies {Illuminati} go through great lengths to hold and hide their knowledge! It is true power, like one you have never known! Let it go and free your minds from the material world it is a trick!!!

In the Holy Bible Jesus said, "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"

peace, love and unity        



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