Wednesday, November 7, 2012

President Obama

                                             President Obama

Here at the blog we want to congratulate President Barack Obama on being re-elected to his second term as President of the United States.
We thank you for your services the last four (4) years, and look forward to the next four (4) years!

President Obama is at the very core of what this blog is for and about social change!

President Obama, presidency is about social change being the 1st African American President of the United States. {read the tip below}

The 1st law he passed was that women would get equal pay in the work force!

He nominated the 1st Hispanic person to the Supreme Court of the United States Judge Sonia Sotomayor!

He pass the 1st universal health care bill in the United States that all citizens of the United States would have health care.

These are actions of true social change! We Thank you again President Obama!

actually President Obama is not the 1st Black President of the United States!
John Hanson was the 1st President of the United States and he was a Blackman!
Please stop letting other people tell your story! They will deny you your glorious past every time! Please try learn and know thy self

live, love and learn

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