Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Queen of Beauty pt.2 Women Section

                                     Queen of Beauty/ Understanding pt.2

This topic will deal with the combining of spiritualism {religion} and science of the beauty of the Black/ African Women.

First we will deal with your inner beauty and work our way to your outer beauty. So we will start with the soul/ ba/ spirit this is what your outer beauty is connected to and is suppose to enhance through science.

The Black/ African Woman body is a perfect micro universe. Her body is a perfect copy of the universe in which we live in! This is why most religions in ancient times especially African and Native American cultures were centered around female worship{The Sacred Feminine}.

This started to change with the European Hebrew Bible {Roman authorized version of the bible}. Then when the Greeks translated the bible they add the aspects and traits of Zeus to give God a more warrior type image! Thus eliminating the woman out of religion/ or down playing her role.

In African culture it was the Black/ African Woman whom we looked to and studied to learn about the universe, because Africans understood the woman was a perfect copy of the universe!    

The Black/ African Woman skin: what gives you your beautiful Black skin is melanin. This is the most dominant factor in determining your skin color. It is found or produce all over the human body. But the part we are going to concentrate on is the brain {pineal gland}.

The pineal gland is located in the middle of the brain, between the two (2) hemispheres of the brain. This is very important because this is your spiritual transmitter to the Heavenly Creator and universe!

In our Eastern Meta-physic teaching the pineal gland is know as the "third eye". The eye or window to the soul. Being able to see into spiritual realm.

In relation to the universe melanin is "dark matter" it is more dark matter in the universe then any other substance. European scientist just stumbled across dark matter in recent times {Albert Einstein}. The ancient Africans understood and knew of this. They knew all black things yield a strong energy force or could produce energy.

On earth black things that produce energy oil, coal and black soil. In the universe dark/ black matter is the energy force, when gathered or clumped together it starts to burn or heat up letting of gases these are the gases which start a nebula!
Nebula are where stars are born. {a star nursery} 

 This is why ancient Egypt is called Kemet by the indigenous people of Africa/ Al- Kebulan. Land of the Blacks!!! Not the soil/ black silt, but the people Black skin color!

Now moving on to the Black/ African Woman hair. In this part of the topic I will use religion the Holy Bible, I will have to refer to men, because of the lesser role women have been given in the Holy Bible, but the subject matter is still the same.

If Blackness gives you power and energy and is produced in the pineal gland. If the pineal gland is the transmitter how does the signal get out into the universe or another way to lift your prayers up to the Creator? The hair!!!

The hair is the antenna that carries the signal  into the universe! This is the spiritual meaning of dread- locks. Tying the hair together to strengthen the signal.

Now we are going to look at some people in the Holy Bible who wore dread- locks! Jesus Christ wore dread- locks.

"I have to clear up a play on words in the Holy Bible before we can go on about Jesus and others who wore dread- locks"

The play on words is Nazirites which is a priesthood and Nazarene the city where Jesus was from.

Jesus belong to a few priestly orders, one of the main orders he belong to is the High Priesthood of Melchizedek! Another High Priest order he belong to is the Nazirite! If you go to the book of Numbers in the Holy Bible chapter 6 you will see the laws governing the priesthood of the Nazirite. If you go to verse 5 in Chapter 6 of Numbers it says "let the LOCKS of hair of his head grow".
 Nazirites are part of the High Priest Order of Levites after Aaron and Moses. Jesus was a descendant of Aaron and Moses on his mother side of the family! This order had women in it also, which Elizabeth, John the Baptist mother and her cousin Mary, mother of Jesus belonged to also! {another topic}

Samson the Judge of the Israelite and Saul the King of the Israelite were also a Nazirite! This is the real meaning of why Samson lost his power when his hair was cut!

Now do you see or understand the importance of hair to the Black/ African Woman spiritually? If you are made to feel uncomfortable about your hair you want realize the spiritual importance of it, thus you damage it by perm, weave or burn it up and out by pressing it.

"Am just giving a little food for thought about tattoos also, for those who want to know, they are not permitted, read Leviticus chapter 19 verse 27"

please pass this information on to others as we try to reverse negative stereotypes of Black/ African people! Black is Beautiful! But it is more powerful than you can ever guess!

I want think all the woman in my life, especially my Mother, who is my physical Goddess on earth/ representation of the Creator. She made many sacrifices for my education and supported me in my studies even if they seem strange to her belief system! Please moms remember this as this knowledge goes into the universe and the young people get it and bring a social change to this backwards world we live in and defend out ignorance! 

thanks to music artist India Arie/ song brown skin. help me to channel my thoughts!

this is only a summary of this topic, there is mass information on this topic! please pass blog site on to others as we embrace are Blackness! cant love nobody else until you love yourself!

live, love and learn

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