Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Precision and Understanding of Numbers

                                     Precision and Understand of Numbers

I have been introducing numbers in a new way. So far we have looked at hidden meanings of numbers through playing cards and tarot cards. But a lot of viewers are Christians and their holy text forbids them from exploring and researching. "But many have called psych lines, so I guess it is okay to call, but as long as they don't actually touch the cards themselves? Because the psych's are using tarot cards?"

The next way we looked at numbers was physically and spiritually using African/ Kemetic application of Metaphysics!

Physical aspect of numbers: odd numbers represent male/ masculine attributes and characteristics. even numbers represent female/ feminine attributes and characteristics       

Kemetic Metaphysic: is a way that Africans used science to understand the world around them especially the spiritually realm! We that believe and study Kemetic Metaphysic, believe the science was originally developed to talk and communicate with the Gods! Then spread into other aspects of life.

Now I want to show you the application of numbers and by understanding this power what has been done and could be done!

                                 The Great Pyramid of Giza Facts

This is the greatest building ever built on the face of the planet! This is the close thing to perfection man has ever achieved! This building has never been duplicate, nor even attempted to be built because of the perfection of its numbers!
Not even with mordern computers, lasers and cranes!

 It wasn't built with slaves, but if you look a billion slaves you couldn't do it. This very lie is the one that Europeans told about slaves building the pyramids, was the one that undid all the other lies! They brought in 100 of the best scientist in very subject from all over the world to research the Great Pyramid. After they studied it they concluded:

1. Slave laborer couldn't have built it, because of the precise work and measurements. If you took the best skilled work force of today they couldn't do the work, they claim slaves did!

2. We currently do not possess the mathematical, technology or machinery to duplicate the Great Pyramid.

3. They were clueless at where to even begin a project like this? what do you do first?

For those who think we are smarter than the Ancient Africans, you might want to reevaluate your current position you live in false world {The Matrix}.

                                                   The Facts
1. If you put all the land mass together. All the continents and islands {pangea}. The Great Pyramid would be the center of all the land mass. {now reconsider the age of the pyramid/ a serious clue} 

2. There are about 2,300,000 stone blocks used. Some say each stone represented the known years that African have known of their existence! That makes African history over 2 millions years old.

3. Each stone weighted between 2 to 30 tons! Some as much as 70 tons! Each stone is a single block.

4. There are so many stones used at the Great Pyramid, that the temperature is a constant and equal to medium temperature of the earth 68 degrees {Fahrenheit}.

5. The Great Pyramid at its base is about 592,000 square feet. Each side is about two (2) miles long. About 14 acres.

6. There are two (2) kinds of limestone used. The interior or core blocks were made from a nummultic type of limestone. The outer shell in a harder limestone!
{When Muslims took control of the area they stripped the white limestone from the outer shell of the pyramids to build their mosques around the world}. This means that the sides of the pyramids were originally smooth, and not the steps you see today!

7. The casting stones average weight is 15 tons. There are 144,000 casting stones. They are all 100 inches thick and polished to 1/100th of a inch! All six sides are perfect right angles, which means by computer calculations which stone weighed forty (40) tons before being cut! Each stone was placed 5/1000th apart, with a intentional gap of 2/100ths for mortar. The mortar is unknown in origin? The chemical composition is known, but can not be reproduce! The mortar it self is stronger than the actual stones! {remember 144,000 the number of people {tribes of Israelite} going to heaven.

8. The sidereal sockets of the pyramid is 9131 cubits Pi (3.14) or pyramid inches      365.256. {365 days in a year}

Sidereal means: measurements based on or taken from stars. Fixing a point on earth to match or align with a star. This is based on sidereal time. Sidereal is time used for astronauts or people who leave the earth and spend time in space! A sidereal day is 23 hours 56 minutes. How did they know that? Mathematics! {24 hours day}

9. The Great Pyramid is measure by Pi to the 10th digit.

10.  The Great Pyramid weights 6.5 million tons.

11. The height of the Great Pyramid is 455 feet.

12. The height of the Great Pyramid times one billion, is almost the exact distant  from the earth to the sun.

13.The longitude that runs through the Great Pyramid divides oceans and continents into two (2) equal halves.

There are many more numbers to talk about I did not mention. I would have to write a book on all the numbers facts. These will be part 1.

 African children do you see how smart you really are! Use your D.N.A. maps {genes} to break through and regain your glorious past!

live, love and learn

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