Thursday, January 12, 2012


Eugenics: the belief or study in the possibilities of improving the human species.

Method #1 - by discouraging the reproduction of those deemed by society to have less than favorable traits (America). Such traits include being African-American, living in poverty, mental retardation etc: (many of the people we know possess at least 2 out 3 of these traits).

Method #2 - by encouraging reproduction of those deemed by society to have favorable traits (America). Such traits include being of European descent, having a job, possessing the ability to learn (basically performing well on the IQ Test, which has been proven to be biased and irrelevant), etc. This is why when white couples have multiple births (even with fertility drugs) they are given many perks, such as cars, homes, finances, educational packages for children, etc. This is due to the modern day practice of eugenics.    

This was a general practice in western societies, particularly in Europe, where Nazi-Germany used this pseudo-science to justify their eradication of the Jews.  America also used this in their systematic eradication of African-Americans. Some African-Americans were euthanize! Many others were sterilized against their own will, in order to control African-American population rates! Many leading people in society (Whites) felt that African-Americans breed too fast when compared to Whites. Therefore, something had to be done to control the population growth of African-Americans before their numbers grew too large. Many Whites feared that African-American would overrun them causing Whites to lose their position of power in America.

From the 1930s to the 1970s, eugenics was commonly practiced throughout the United States of America. Recently, North Carolina rewarded its victims in the form of a $50,000 cash settlement.

I have found that this is a difficult topic to discuss with older people, but they may have some money coming as other states weigh their options in the way of a settlement! 

Peace, Love and Unity!

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