Saturday, January 14, 2012

health section 1- 14- 2012

health is a state of mind you have to think healthy in order to be healthy! we are going to do a little biology 101 and a little history first so you can understand what am saying and why am saying it.
PLEASE stay away from all the pills, to many side effects! vitamin are okay but there is better way!

history: the first aspirin pill was invented in the 1860s by bayer a german chemical company. this more or less is where the idea you can take a pill for everything comes from {a cure all} not true at all! actually when the body becomes ill or sick this is really known as a disease. now a little etymology {study of words} of the word disease.
dis- {latin} = negative force or opposite
ease- {old english}= freedom from, relax, tranquility
so when you have headaches, aches and pains this is your body telling you something is wrong, it is at a dis-ease.
history: so pills have only been around about 150 years! humans more then 3 million years! so what did people do before pills? they ate certain foods to heal them! this is what you MUST DO also! {research, simply google or yahoo, any search engine will do on the internet, type in whats wrong & what food will help}.

the best way to do this is using alot of fresh vegetable and fruits. you want to put them in a blender and blend them, then DRINK THEM! at least 8oz per day or more. why drinking because when you apply heat to vegetables you can cause them to lose some of the vitamins. plus by drinking you can consume more rather than eating.
you will need beans, nuts, grains{cereal} and meat also in your diet. DO NOT PUT IN BLENDER! PLEASE!!!

the first thing you must do is to detoxify your body! why detox first? the average amercian has 7 to 21 lbs of fecal matter {feces} in their colon!
biology 101: this is really how the body works all the blood in your body pass through the intestines taking the nutrients from the foods you ate to your muscle and organs so that they can perform. the problem is that the blood takes everything, even the toxins so you invertedly poisoning your bodies muscle and organs! this is why you need to detox at least 3 days before you start working out.

 here are some the good foods for detoxification.
fruits- antioxidants, green leafy vegetables- chlorophyll, lemons- enzymes,

FIBERS: there are 2 types of fibers soluble and insoluble
1. soluble fiber - breaks down easy in water.
2. insoluble fiber - does not break down easy in water.
what does this mean?
1. soluble fiber- turns to gel and soaks up water controlling blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels.
foods: apple, pears, oatmeal, carrots, barley etc:
2. insoluble fiber- helps promote movement of material in digestion system, for more regular and bulk to stool.
foods: nuts, wheat bran, kale, beans, bananas etc:

simple blender drink to start off with and what it does?
fresh pineapple- are good for digestion, has bromelian which has co-q-10 in it helps absorb nutrients in food. anti- inflammatory fight against gout. manganese for cell repair and energy.

bananas- has more vitamins then any other fruit! has potassium good for heart. lots of fiber helping control blood pressure. thick fibers coat stomach against ulcer. fibers help with digestion.

kale- is good for cholesterol, fiber aid in bile acid helps fight CANCER and has {ITCs} made from glucosin for more CANCER prevention. has more vitamins then other lettuce.

spinach- has a lot of zinc, good for cell repair. has more vitamins then any other vegetable, does everything great against CANCER prevention.

understanding health is the key to being health and losing weight. BEING SKINNY DOESN'T MEAN YOUR HEALTH! {that's another topic}

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