Sunday, January 15, 2012

mlk legacy

When talking to others they ask what can our generation due to continue the dream! Before Dr. King was killed he had become more progressive in his thinking and his actions he had started protesting the Vietnam war. This is one area we can definitely pick up the torch and continue. America is involved in all kinds of wars around the world. We can start becoming more responsible by finding out what wars are we in, and what wars are we aiding? {if your helping someone fight, your fighting also}. Start demanding of our politicians what is our reasoning for being there? Start with city officials put the heat on their butts! Then on statesmen {senators & governor}. Under the freedom of speech act, you can write letters to all! But especially to the President! Start letting them know we are tired of all the wars and wasted tax dollars! {they spend billions on rebuilding Iraq & the U.S is falling apart}! The real reason I think they killed Dr.King, he started speaking out about the economic injustice in this country! Everything else was just a smoke- screen to keep us preoccupied while the rich got richer! Dr. King was telling poor blacks as well as poor whites there something wrong with this system. Black or White you still poor! White people were starting to listen to Dr. King also, so you know he had to go then, as they say the rest is history!

So as black people we need to start owning more business in our community! So what if the black business charge a little more then the other man, look at it as helping out a donation, cause you know black business get charged more insurance and everything else to be in business!

So my idea of MLK legacy to my generation, denounce all these wars! We must start helping each other and start owning business in the community we live!

A little insight for some of these advance Negros living in the suburbs, try opening a black business out there where you live! Then tell me how nice it is out there then! I grew-up in the suburbs, I know how things change when you start talking about putting some of their dollars in your pocket! {your black butt need to leave then!} You think its nice, that's when the racism really going to come out! 

love, peace and unity       

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