Tuesday, January 24, 2012

study lesson clocks & times

The earliest time keeping comes from Africa. The ancient ones {Ethiopians} came up with the concepts of time. Clocks and calendars are used for keeping track of time. They teach you that the Mayan calendars is the most accurate calendar.
This is wrong! The African calendar challenges everything that we think we know about humans in time {history}.

First you must understand that like Mayan calender, the Egyptian {kemetian} calender is the original tri- fold calender. This meaning that you use 3 into 1. The same concept of 3 in 1 like the holy Trinity in the bible. There is a little metaphysics in this that three (3) stands for perfect nature of man!

Now to explain the calender and clock. The calender and clock were devised to pre- plan events and set goals.The clock or watch is simply a day calendar twenty- four (24) hour period.

Then you have a lunar or moon calender for short term goals or events. These goals and events range within a thirty (30) day period. The earliest use for a lunar or moon calender was in aiding women with the management of a woman monthly menstrual cycle. This monthly menstrual cycle coincide with the natural ebbing and tiding of ocean water by the gravitational effects of the moon pulling on it.
{This is natural and spiritual for women. This is taught in Islam but over looked in Christianity teachings. The crescent moon, is also known as the virgin moon, or moon of Mary, which is on the Islamic flag. Sister be very careful of those medical procedures that allow you to opt out your monthly cycles. Those cycles are very important NATURALLY and SPIRITUALLY of cleansing the body, they work together! This was so important that Africans made a calender for it!}

The next calender is the sun or solar calender. This calender was devised for long term goals or events that happen within a (360) day time period. Along the banks of the Nile in Egypt {kemet} the river would over flow and leave behind a mineral rich deposit silt used for farming and growing crops. This would have been very important to track and keep up with for food and survival.  

The next calender is the one that defy western logic {European thinking} it is a star or stellar calender. This was used in religion and worship by the ancient ones the {Ethiopians}. We use it also in the tracking of the twelve (12) zodiac sign. Each of the twelve (12) signs are about (2,000) years each. So you add
2,000 x 12 = 24,000 plus the cycle {age} you are currently in 2,000 = 26,000 years! This is known as the great year! This was so very important because this is when the earth changed tilt positions on its axis!
{When this happens the poles will move. Thus making warm climates cold and cold climates warm}.

Why does this defy western logic because they believe Africans and African decedent people are dumb and ignorant and did very little to contribute to the
world. In fact in our history this is the sixth (6) time this is happened! If that is to big, how about at least twice? We had to track the zodiac at least twice to make sure the calculation were correct of the zodiac of 2,000 years each. This means that we had a establish culture and civilization for more than 50,000 years!
{In our African studies we known for a fact our culture goes back at least, the minimum of 300,000 years!}

This discredits every thing they said about us being dumb and a backwards people! Thus challenging all their great books like the Bible, Quran {koran} and Torah! This would break down their systematic control over us! Thus ushering in a new era of belief which is all ready happen if you have read this! The seed has been planted -what if ?   



  1. Deep knowledge and research , great topic. Wow.
    Fortunaately I seek knowledge and enlightenment daily. I recall us having this conversation years ago.

    1. am glad to hear from you bro! am glad you enjoyed it. yep we did have this talk a few years back!

  2. Maybe that will inspire self driven research. Findout facts about "The Horn of Africa", "Cairo, Egypt" etc. Very important history facts.
