Saturday, December 15, 2012

After Life and Reincarnation

                                           After Life and Reincarnation
                                   Dedicated to member Cardilya Bounds

After Life and Reincarnation this is a very complicated topic which poses more question than answer! The complication comes from the fact that no ones has been there and back to testify to what they have seen?

This then brings the question how did after life and reincarnation make it into our religions and philosophy?

                                                         After Life

After Life: life after a physical death.

After life is a major theme in the three (3) major religions Judaism, Christianity and Islam. These idea and concept can be traced back through Christianity origins. The origins of Christianity come ancient Egypt/ Kemet.

The Ancient Egyptians/ Kemetians believed in this idea or concept so dearly that a religion/ belief system, culture and civilization was built and centered around this theme!

Osiris Belief System is the oldest known religion in the world we know of?

In eastern/ African studies we have no beginning date for life on earth? We do know that western/ European dates are way off! From 50,000 years to maybe up to 50 million years! This is based on the knowledge of our Kemetic, quad- fold calendar!

The after life is based on Osiris/ Ausar the ruler {king of kings} of the heavens! The God that Christians pray to, his identity comes from Osiris! The role and identity of Jesus comes from Horus/ Heru! I will now explain as we look at the origins of life after death!

There is a picture/ diagram you can google {images} called, Osiris the Judge of the dead. This illustration and shows in details the things about to write about.

When you die your soul/ spirit/ ka leaves your physical host/ body. It then travels into the neither world, {neither among the living nor dead, but in a between dimension}. It then travels to heaven. It walks up 42 steps, reciting the 42 negative confessions of the heart! {Ma-at laws} As your soul/ spirit/ ka enters the judgement room, It is guided by Anubis to the weighting of the heart. The heart is weighted against a feather {the feather represents truth}. If your heart is heavier than the feather. Your soul is ate by the devourer, the beast Ammit. {this is similar to the great devourer in Revelations, whom tries to consumer the world}. All action good or bad are record by Thoth/ Tehuti, if good your name goes into the Book of life. {also in Christianity, your name must be in the Book of Life to enter heaven}. The next step is that you are guided into the throne room by Horus/ Heru/ Jesus, to be placed before Osiris/ God, for final judgement!

This is were the saying Christians use come from: the only way into heaven is through the Son! You can only get to the Father through the son.
Horus/ Heru/ Jesus roles and duties are similar to any Royal Prince, they aid, assist and protect Osiris/ God and King. Heru was the first, so all Royal Prince's are modeled after him even Jesus! Also the ten (10) commandments come out of the 42 negative confessions!

Horus/ Heru place you soul/ spirit/ ka in front of Osiris/ Ausar kneeling. Osiris will give the final okay for you entrance into heaven/ paradise. This is done by a counsel of Isis/ Auset and Ma-at! They come together and decide, then Osiris speaks the final judgement!

As you can see that Western Christianity was directly taken from Kemet. The only big difference is that Africans/ Kemetians have women Gods with equal power to the males! This is the origins of after life.

This direct copying and stealing of the Kemetic Belief Systems, is why we of Eastern African studies refer to African- Americans who follow Western/ European Christianity of believing in a slave masters religion or Whiteman's religion because they knew the whole story but only gave you the parts that benefited him and his interests!!!


Reincarnation: the rebirth of the soul, in a new body.  

Reincarnation is not believed by the Abrahamic religions! Judaism, Christianity and Islam. So we have to look at Buddhism and Hinduism. There are other religions or belief systems that believe in reincarnation, but we will focus on the two (2) major ones.

Hinduism version of reincarnation may seem odd to others. In Hinduism, they  believe in the natural process of birth, death and rebirth? In Hinduism rebirth is determined by your actions now, so you can return in the form of a human body, animal body or remain a spiritual being? This is what is known as karma. When dealing in karma Hindu's believe every action in life produce a cause and effect that must be experience in this life or future lives? In Hinduism there are no permanent heavens and hells.

Buddhism in its original form is a branch or sub- division of the Kemetic Belief System.

Buddhism is very complex in theories and concepts. I have studied Buddhism for over 20 years. It is the most beautiful but complex religion or belief system I have ever practice. It is the purest esoteric religion of the mordern times. Its not for the faint of heart. Its takes a life time to learn, so do not be in a hurry to learn.

Buddhism has a simple theory, but difficult application. We are Gods {eternal energy} so govern your self as such. Buddhism does not believe in external factors God/ Satan and heaven/ hell. {example: praying to God for help/ the devil made me do it}

Like in Hinduism, Buddhist do not believe in a permanent heaven and hell. They believe that we are a energy a life force {the chi} which constantly flows in the universe through different realms.

Buddhist believe everything you need on earth is inside of you! With proper learning and training one can learn to look inward and pull whatever you need in life from within ones self! It is a concept that eventually you will reach a eternal bliss!

There are different types of Buddhist, so these concepts vary between sects. On each realm you have a rebirth until you reach Nirvana! Universal harmony and peace are the main themes of all Buddhist! This is the very short version of reincarnation in Buddhism.

live, love and learn

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