Saturday, December 8, 2012

Understanding Kemetic Metaphysic Numbering

                      Understanding  Kemetic Metaphysic Numbering

Numbers are not really numbers the way we think of them? Numbers and not words {maybe in some cases} are the language of the Gods/ Elohim/ Neteru! Numbers are a universal language within themselves. In a previous topic we discuss the hidden meaning of playing cards? That topic was a introduction into the multiple  functions and meanings of numbers.

Gods: plural for God in Greek
Elohim: plural for God in Hebrew
Neteru: plural for God in Kemetic/ Ancient Egyptian

We are still referring to monotheism!!! When we speak of God in the plural from we are referring to the characteristic and attributes of God, and their meaning!

The characteristic and attributes we are referring to are the Neteru? In Christianity this would be the Holy Spirit/ Ghost. Because of the lack of esoteric teaching in Christianity, you know there is a Holy Spirit/ Ghost but what does the Holy Ghost do and don't do? How do you identify the Holy Spirit/ Ghost is there signs and symbols that are used? Yes!!! Number are the sign and symbol {the language} used by the Gods. The Ancient Africans figured out and used a system of numbers to understand the Gods language, this is what this topic is about the hidden meaning of numbers relating to spiritual energies and understanding!            

This topic will be a introduction into the energy force within numbers represented by numbers as we leave this plane and discuss the ether/ soul/ spirit plane.

                                          Understanding Numbers

Numbers are energy principles {Neteru}. You are taught numbers are odd and even which they are! But the hidden meaning of numbers are that they also mean male and female. Just like in language and script {written word} certain words mean or have feminine and masculine meanings in certain languages {French/ Arabic/ Spanish, etc}.

The number one (1) in Kemetic Metaphysic is not a odd number as you was taught, it is really not a number at all. The number one (1) represents God/ Atum! One is not odd or even, but both! The  number one is unity! From the number one (1) all other numbers are derived. One (1) is a absolute, a un-polarized energy! This is why in Kemetic Metaphysics studies, Man and Woman are consider equal, two (2) divine halves of a whole {God}. The two (2) halves are brought back together only through the act of Holy Matrimony which is actually a vow to God more so then to each other {man and woman}.    

In the universe the number three (3) would be the first perfect odd number! Three (3) is also male/ masculine. It is represented by a triangle or right triangle. The upright male {a male erection}?

Remember that the African/ Egyptian Belief system {religion} is base on and around the natural universe. {as in the beginning Adam and Eve were unclothed in the Garden of Eden}

 On top of pyramids and obelisks/ tekhens! On the top of some pyramids a triangle is sat on top called a capstone! The triangle top on top of obelisks/ tekhens represent a male erection. The obelisk/ tekhen are a presentation of the male phallus. The upright male is still used today in the military as stripes! If you look closely you will see a upright baseless pyramid. The more stripes the more male aggression for war and battle!

Tekhen: the Kemetic word for obelisk. {the Washington Monument is a Tekhen} 

Understanding the Example:
This probably seem a bit odd or weird to Western Christians/ Americans because of the lack of and false teachings of your version of Christianity. Then why is there a obelisk/ tekhen in front and center of the Vatican Church in the court yard?
I will address the first misunderstanding of Western Christians/ Americans whom are educated through and from racism, bigotry and plain ignorance. Most think or believe that their Christian Churches has nothing to do with Roman Catholic Church {Vatican}? Where do you think your Holy Bible comes from? The Vatican holds copyrights to the Holy Bible! Therefore any Bible must have the approval of the Vatican before publication or sold in mass production!!! {N.I.V. or New English version, etc:} If you read and study out of the same Holy Text {book} your religion is the same!!!

                                         Understanding Numbers
The number four (4) is the first perfect even number! Four is actually two (2), two times 2x2= 4 {we discuss 2 later} Four (4) is female/ feminine.

I regret, that I sometimes leave the subject matter of the topic. The blog has different level readers and they all have different understanding levels. Many things are repeated, many things have to be discuss in a sub- topic so that it can be briefly explain in the {tips and examples}. For most readers this is their first time hear anything like this. Therefore the information must be understood before it can be learned.

What is most important in these study topics is that we do not all have to arrive at the the same time but that we all eventually do arrive to self conscious!

live, love and learn  

1 comment:

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