Sunday, December 16, 2012

Jesus versus Horus

                                                Jesus versus Horus

This is to show their likeness with little or no difference! The only difference is that Horus/ Heru lived {idea and concept} thousands of years before any Jesus, Holy Bible or any characters in the Bible!

This is not Jesus versus Horus because they are one? Jesus belong to many different priestly sects! His birth rite puts him in the house of Levi.

Levi priesthood follow after Aaron {Moses brother}. Levite's make up the thirteenth (13) tribe of Israel! Levite's are not consider part of the twelve (12) tribes Israel, because they have one duty. They are solely responsible for guarding and the caretaker's of the Ark of the Covenant. {the house where the Hebrew God lived}. Their rules and laws are written in the book named after them, Leviticus. {priest also called sons of Aaron}

Jesus also belong to other priestly orders, sons of Aaron, High priest of  Melchizedek, order of Nazirite and he also study in the Egyptian Belief System Schools.

If you remember in your Holy Bible Jesus life is not totally complete? He is in Egypt at age twelve (12) talking with the High Priest, as they marvel at his knowledge! No more is heard of Jesus for eighteen (18) years, until age thirty (30) when begins his ministry. In the east/ African Metaphysics, we believe Jesus became a initiate in the Kemetic Mystery School System. Thus Jesus is known as the master teacher because he finished his priesthood training in half the time. In Egypt/ Kemet college {priesthood} was for forty (40) years not four (4) like today!!!

So we will compare the numerous and unbelievable amount of similarities between them. In the east/ African Metaphysics Jesus is known as a reincarnation of Horus/ Heru!

                                          Symbolic similarities 

Both born of a virgin birth.
Both mothers are worshiped {for bring forth the savior into the world}.
Both are known by a symbol {cross}, Jesus {Christian Cross}- Heru {Ankh}.
Both are known as the ever living God.
Both are called the good shepherd.
Heru inherited this duty from his father, Osiris/ Ausar. Jesus was given his title by his father, God.
Both serve their fathers throne.
Both bring human souls/ spirits/ ka before their father. {you must go through the sons to get to the father} 

As we get into physical similarities of Jesus and Horus/ Heru, we will have to look at the Pharaohs/ Kings of ancient Egypt/ Kemet. All the Pharaohs/ Kings  also were High Priest! They were known as the sons of Heru! So they dressed in tradition as priest, just like today's tradition priest dress.

                                          Physical similarities

Both had long hair or hair dress.
Heru/ Pharaohs/ Kings wore a head dress called the nemes, {which represents long braid hair with a pony- tail to the back}.
Jesus wore his hair long, {his vow to the Nazirite priesthood of no cutting or shaving of hair}.
Both having a beard or facial hair.
Heru/ Pharaohs/ Kings wore a false beard, as part of the nemes head dress.
Jesus also had facial hair, as seen in most drawings and paintings.{which would be in align with his Nazirite vow}.
Both used a shepherd staff.
Heru/ Pharaohs/ Kings carried with them a shepherd staff {crook} and also buried with them.
Jesus is also seen in paintings and drawings with a shepherd staff, all shepherds have a staff.

These are some of the similarities of Jesus and Heru. There are many who do not except the African version of Jesus {Heru}? With some many similarities how could there be any denying of Heru was the first?

This was written as eye opener as we embark upon a new age {Aquarius}. There will be a new savior and messiah as Jesus said. Will you be able to notice the spiritual, physical and symbolic signs of the savior?

live, love and learn    


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