Saturday, December 29, 2012

Vatican Observatory

                                          Vatican Observatory

The question has come up a lot lately with coming of the new age of Aquarius, why does the Vatican need a observatory?

Some find it odd, sense it is forbidden in the Holy Bible to watch the stars for signs or listen to soothsayers? So if we are not to watch the stars for signs, what is the observatory for?

The Vatican has two (2) observatory they use, the telescope in Castel Gandolfo in Italy and the observatory at Mount Graham International in Arizona, United States.

The Vatican claims the observatory are for astronomy dealing with the calendar. The Christian calendar was established in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. This is the current calendar used by Christians in the western world {Europe} known as the Gregorian calendar.

The Gregorian calendar replaced the Julian calendar name after Julius Caesar the Roman Emperor.

In 2008 the BBC News reports that the Vatican News reported that "Aliens could exists!" Now am not sure what aliens have to do with calenders. But the Vatican seems to be on the look out for more than just simple star gazing?

So this puts hardline Christians in a unfamiliar place, because if everything you need is in the Holy Bible, how does aliens work out since they are not in the Bible?

This cause us to take a deeper look at another topic on the blog "giants in the bible". These are just question for thought?   

 live, learn and love   

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