Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Women Section: Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Europe is named after a Black Woman!

Hidden secrets their was once a time that Black women were adore by Black men! As a people we worship Black women as deity! We absolutely loved our mothers, daughters, wives and sisters! For this love and praise they worked hard and keep us together as a people!

Exposing the Greatest cover ups in His- Story!
Europe was conquered and settled by Black people period! We founded many of the countries and named them after Black women, because during this time we primarily prayed and worship Black women! Black people play a huge role in Greek mythology which is now European religion. So basically Europeans prayed to Black people but do not know because the characters have been White- washed out.

Europe earliest civilization where Black, now know as Greece. Europe did not exist yet so Greece is actually older than Europe. Europe as known as Asia or Asian Minor the area around the Turkey peninsula. The Black cities in Greece were Colchis, Athens and Crete and many others.

Europe name comes right of their mythology/ religion. Basically anything you want know about Europeans comes from their mythology/ religion. So this takes us to our mythology which they have claimed as theirs!

Europe name:
Europe is named after the Black Phoenician Goddess Europa!!! Now I will give you some background and history to support her being Black! First Greek mythology for the most part is Kemetic belief system transferred to Greek. This transformation was done by Black African traveling to what is now know as Greece, taking their religion and customs with them.

Europa connection to Kemet {ancient Ethiopia and Egypt}:
Europa is commonly associated with a bull, this doesn't make a lot of sense if you do not know Kemetic history.

First, I will give you the European/ Greek version of the story. Europa was a Phoenician Princess and Goddess a {Black woman} whom Zeus the Greek God fell in love with because she was so beautiful. So he changed into a bull and carried her of to Crete a Greek Island.

First Phoenicians are Black people. This can be verified using the Bible or any holy scripture {Abrahamic faiths}. Canaan is the son of Ham. Ham is known as the father of the Black African race. Canaan is his son which would make him a Black African also. Canaan is the father of the Phoenician people with would make them Black African people also.

Next, the association of Europa to a Kemetic Goddess. Europa is the Greek version of Kemetic Goddess Hathor {symbolically}. This is were the association of the bull comes in at. Because Greeks used horses primarily for travel unlike Africans whom used oxen and cattle to this day in East Africa.

Europa father is the Phoenician King Agenor of Tyre. King Agenor was born ancient Egypt {Kemet} to Poseidon and Libya. This would make her the grand- daughter of Poseidon!

So that is the proof of her blood- line without a reasonable doubt she was a Black woman!
Europe is named after a Black Women!

love, live and learn          




  1. Replies
    1. I'm confident that this gentleman did not do any research before he let his emotions get away with him. Lack of education goes both ways. A lot of us black people have also been misguided and the truth has been hidden from us. If you are brave enough; take some time to read and ask relevant questions.
      Peace and love to you

  2. Typical Congoid-American Afro-Stupid nonsense. There isn't a shred of legitimate evidence to substantiate such a horrendously absurd assertion. The burden of proof will crush you. Take your so-called "Kemitic goddess" nonsense and shove it. The pre-Christian Mediterranean Berber Deities may have been the inspiration for many of the gods and goddesses 0f some of the other Mediterranean cultures but they AND the Phoenicians were overwhelmingly Caucasian. Please now go STFU and don't go trying to insinuate your 'Blackness' into any other non-black cultures. Even the Egyptians were not nearly as 'Black' as you'd like to make them out to be.
    "Kemet" is the land of black soil NOT black People. If Nubia is also known as the Red land, does that mean that Nubians are all red!?

    1. I hope you are check the recent update of 2015 of the queen Cleopatra and her husband whose tomb was just opened oh I forgot to tell you Cleopatra was black

    2. Lmao!!! Typical edomite response. .... I bet this dude is soooo stupid he also didn't know all the REAL JEWISH people where black people... there HIS PEOPLE the KHAZAR people lied and switched everything over so they can colonize the BLACK RULED WORLD at the time... RUSSIA WAS A JEWISH country for 500 years... Spain Christians are nothing more than Outkast from Europe to colonize the world from the first class black people who ruled the world at the time. That is the truth deal with it

    3. I feel yall and what you are saying but we as a culture should drop the label black! We are not black this was a name given to our culture if you read the US Constitution Negros black and recently added African Americans are considered 3/4's human I wouldn't claim none of the labels that would put me under there jurisdiction white Latino Asian non Latino black African American exetetera

    4. I feel yall and what you are saying but we as a culture should drop the label black! We are not black this was a name given to our culture if you read the US Constitution Negros black and recently added African Americans are considered 3/4's human I wouldn't claim none of the labels that would put me under there jurisdiction white Latino Asian non Latino black African American exetetera

    5. Canaan is Semitic, he is a descendant of Shem:

      وهو النمروذ بن كوش بن كنعان بن سام بن نوح ملك زمانه وصاحب النار والبعوضة هذا قول ابن عباس ومجاهد وقتادة والربيع والسدي وابن إسحاق وزيد بن أسلم وغيرهم .

      Al-Qurtubi says in his tafsir:

      "And he is Nimrod the son of Kush the son of Canaan the son of Sam the son of Noah, the king of his time and the possessor of the fire and the mosquito. This is what Ibn Abbas, Mujaahid, Qataada, Al-Rabi'e, Al-Suda, Ibn Ishaaq, Zaid ibn Aslam, and others all say."

      The Kushites and Canaanites were not Hamitic or from Ham. They were from Sam. They were Semitic.

      It is also said that the Canaanites are descendants of the Amalekites. Al-Tabari says:

      عمليق أبو العماليق. كلهم أمم تفرقت في البلاد، وكان أهل المشرق وأهل عُمان وأهل الحجاز وأهل الشام وأهل مصر منهم؛ ومنهم كانت الجبابرة بالشام الذين يقال لهم (الكنعانيون)، ومنهم كانت الفراعنى بمصر.

      "Amalek is the father of the Amalekites. They are all nations that have spread throughout the lands. The people of the East, the people of Oman, the people of Hejaz, the people of Sham (the Levant), and the people of Egypt were from them. The Jabaabira of Sham (the Levant), who were called the Canaanites, were from them. And the Pharaohs of Egypt were from them."

      Ibn Khaldoun said:

      وأما الكنعانيون الذين ذكرهم الطبري أنهم من العمالقة، كانوا قد انتشروا ببلاد الشام وملكوها. وقال: أول ملك لعرب في الشام، كان فيما علمناه للعمالقة. وقال: وكانت طسم والعماليق وأميم وجاسم يتكلمون بالعربية

      "As for the Canaanites that Al-Tabari mentioned are from the Amalekites, they spread throughout Sham (the Levant) and they ruled it."

      And he said:

      "The first king that the Arabs of Sham (the Levant) had was the king of the Amalekites."

      And he said:

      "Tasim, the Amalekites, Umaim, and Jasim all spoke Arabic."

      As you can see, the Canaanites were Arab descendants of Sam. They were Semites and so were their children the Kushites.

    6. Phoenicians were Afro-Asiatic...

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    8. Provide your proof that that this powerful INFORMATION is not the Truth.

    9. www.realhistoryww.com
      Hebrews civilized Europe and ruled 700 years.America is Amaruca land of the plumed serpents. Hebrews discovered America. You cant get mad at truth your educators withheld from you.

    10. Anger, lol truth hurts. Cant trust white history, drew Jesus looking like Willie Nelson when scrioture said like brass burned in a furnace

    11. I am a Sub Saharan BLACK person and I just did my DNA and found out that I am 27% Original Egyptian and 10$ Middle Eastern. This is proof that We are the origin of Civilization and you hate that fact because you are scared we are soon to take over the world - whether you like it or not you are on the way out. We black people are 99% of the world's population. We have the dominant DNA so when you mix with us you become us. Yes. Hateful people like you are scared and you better be scared. Europa was a black woman. She had broad African features and that is why they named her Europa. In Greek that means Wide Face.

    12. mightyoldsoul, you are nothing but a poor and wrenched soul who after this physical life will not be renewed to flow back into the livings. You are lost forever!!! You have not provided any proof or evidence of anything you stated other than foaming at the mouth and ranting like you are being exorcized by the truth.
      I spent 4 years in Spain, in the town of Cadiz many millennia ago, it was a Phoenician settlement. Archeological findings showed bust, statues, potteries, etc of phonician origin. And, guess what fool? the head of those statues have thick lips, big flat nose, broad forehead, and high cheek-bones. So, shove your white-washed Caucasian ideology way deep where the sun doesn't shine!!!

  3. Mightyoldsoul?
    First, I read your comment, and found that you did not give, one single piece of evidence? Therefore that leaves me with your insults. Why are you so upset about the information, unless you read my information and found it to be the truth, and your feelings are hurt!

    Next to the viewers of the blog, Mightyoldsoul, is not the kind of person we debate with at all! Because this person is angry and has not presented any evidence only misplace emotion {anger}, so we as intelligent Black people do not even engage with a person that exhibits this type of behavior!

    When and if he can present creditable proof to support his idea and theory, then I might consider debating with him? But seems this person still has some maturing to do yet!

    My credit, I study biology at accredit college. I have travel to Europe and Africa also around the world a few times studying and not vacationing. I have been studying Kemetics for about 23 years, and still learning everyday about my great ancestors, whom I pay the deepest homage to by teaching other about their great deeds and contribution to the world!

    So mightyoldsoul?
    Yes, I am proud of Afrocentric views and ideas, and thank God for making me Black, God could made me a little dark with a tighter curled hair {nappy}.
    To make it easy for people like you not to mistake us for anything other than Black Africans, but to help you Black African people and their descendents come in all different hues {colors} light yellow to Blue- Black purple, we all Africans!!!

    1. Except africa is a continent not a state. If you go to asia and ask was nationality they are youll get multiple responses. Japanese, chinese, korean ect. Our history was white washed bro and if we dont find the truth now we never will. Books are Ebooks now.

  4. Where do "Black" people come from? Where do "White" people come from? Neither one of these so-called races even exist. There is only one race and that is the human race. We are divided by Nations on this planet not by the color of ones skin. In the beginning of this essay they said that queen Eurpa was a Black Phoenician. Phoenician is her Nationality and she had dark skin. Once you identify any one color or some other artificial tag then you have taken them out of the human family. In the United Nations, what Nation do you see representing "black" people? What Nation do you see representing "white" people? None at all, because every representative is representing their Nation and a color.
    These different races are only used to divide people.

  5. Are there any books or anything written (besides the Bible) to support this interesting information? I'm very interested...

  6. Since all human life is reported to have begun in Africa----; then it is reasonable to conclude that all post civilizations would be affected by this truth!


  7. The term " black " is of course incorrect! But, understandable, due to the current universal mind!
    One thing at a time!
    If the very first human remains were found and proven to be that of Africa!_____ How can a reasonable mind not conclude that " ALL " human life is decedents of this " life "!


  8. You get a bunch if BS rhetoric like this when you conquer and destroy a people's history and instill your own. I agree that there. is only one race, the human race. When you divide and praise people by the color of their skin you seperate and destroy their history to keep them and treat them as underclass ppeople with no knowledge as to who the really are and what their true lineage is. The Land of No Nose is a perfect example. One of the most prevalent features of our people is our nose. When Anglo Saxons started to conquer our African Nations our Statues and Monuments were defaced not destroyed because they were in awe of our great Architectural Skills. They cut off the noses on purpose so not be identified as being of Black Heritage. They want you to believe that your history begins From Slavery to Freedom. No. Our history is From Kingdom to Slavery to Freedom.

  9. You are 1000% correct bro from great kingdoms to slavery but dont worry we are on our way back on top says the most high GOD

  10. Yup. Whether they like it or not. It is happening and quickly. Black people are naturally calm. They will win the world over - yet again. It is inevitable.


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