Sunday, November 11, 2012

Capitalism Structure

                                                  Capitalism Structure

Capitalism is a evolving layered pyramid scheme. I will briefly unfold this scheme while giving some historical background.

Capitalism is birthed in Islam, known as Islamic Capitalism! Islam when reintroduce back into Africa by the Pale/ Arabs it was not so much a religion as it was a language and culture for trade. This was every necessary to help break the Ethiopian and Black Arabs/ Moors Global Trade Monopoly of the World. Which spanned over three (3) continents Africa, Asia and the Americas known at the time as Amexem. Which they had dominated since the beginning of time.

The trade routes, known as the silk roads where invented by Ethiopians. In the zenith of the Ethiopia Empire it reached the Asia Minor to India! The famed Ganges River in India is named after the Ethiopian General Ganges!

The word Mexico comes from Amexem which was the Black Arab- Moors/ Olemecs, American Headquarters! The Ethiopian Empire was made up of Kingdoms {Queendoms} and noblemen like Europe is today! Which they copied from Gondar, Ethiopia! 

Unlike what many people think capitalism is very old but has evolved significantly over the years. Europeans adopted capitalism from their interactions which the Black and Pale Arabs. Marco Polo was largely responsible for capitalism being introduce into Europe!

The Italians, Spanish and French are largely responsible for the modern version of capitalism we see today. But this was also infused with modern banking system created by the German- Jew Mayer Rothschild.

People always argue over the riches person in the world based on Forbes Magazine which is a joke, its more like a comic book! The two riches people in the world are?

1. Queen Elizabeth of England- she comes from the oldest living Monarchy, and is the largest land owner in the WORLD!
1a. The oldest Monarchy in the world is the Ethiopian Monarchy! Our last King was Haile Selassie who was assassinated in 1975!

2. Evelyn Rothschild- House of Rothschild- Rothschild Holding Group, Personal Banker only for Queen Elizabeth/ he also manages the world money supply {I.M.F. and W.B.O.} He is personally worth 1.5 Trillion Dollars!

3. They created the new bank center for the world after the destruction of The World Trade Center. The Inner City of London/ Banking Center!

The version of capitalism we currently practice America is a hybrid of Fiat Money System and Laissez- Faire {French- leave it along/ let it be done}. This falls under the category known as free- capitalism/ restriction free from government! Along with centralized banking {Federal Reserve Bank}.

So now you know BANKERS run this country not the President! He is a puppet for this company known as America. Thus he is the President of United States of America Company!!!

The Federal Reserve Bank was created in 1913 on Jekyll Island. It is not part of the United States government it is a quasi corporation.

 Other quasi corporation in America,

1. United States Postal Serves
2. Fannie and Freddy Mac
3. Internal Revenue Service {I.R.S}
4. Sallie Mae

These large banks {quasi companies} are privately held and belong to a larger banking cartel know as the Central Banking System/ Federal Reserve, which belongs to a bigger bank cartel know as The International Money Fund {I.M.F} and The World Banking Organization {W.B.O.}.

The two (2) largest bank I.M.F. and W.B.O. are owned and controlled by the richest families in the world who loan money only to countries and each other, which they own the countries! This is how they come up with the 1% own the world!       

 Live, love and learn!       

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