Thursday, November 8, 2012

Understanding the 10 commandments

                            Understanding the Ten Commandments

The 10 commandments are taken directly from the African Belief System/ Osiris Belief System!

They say Moses the Israelite was given the 10 commandments on Mt. Sinai? But, this is the real story of Moses and the 10 commandments. Moses was found by the Pharaoh daughter/ Royal Princess in a basket? So the Princess loved Mosses and adopted him and raised him as her own. This means that Mosses would have been the "Grandson of the Pharaoh/ King"! He would have went to the best schools and had the best education in the land! Thus, Mosses would have had first hand knowledge of the Osiris Belief System. This would have been taught to him by the High Priest of Egypt/ Kemet. The very best of the High Priest taught only the Royal Court and their children!

So no Mosses did not receive the 10 commandments from God on Mt. Sinai, he received them from the High Priest, from his teachings at the Royal Court.

But that's not the problem Mosses, the problem is that they only used 10 out of 42 commandments!!! THE 42 NEGATIVE CONFESSIONS of the Osiris Belief System!

In the African System there are 42 commandments! These 42 Negative Confessions come from Ma- at {a Black Women}.

They are found in The Book Coming Forth by Day, and known as the "Forty- Two Declarations of Purity", The Principle of Ma-at.

They are said by your soul/ BA/ bA- when you walk- up 42 steps, on each step you are saying or praying a hymn, on your way to the throne room of God/ Osiris to be judged for eternity.

In Western/ mordern day Christianity, a lot of Christians will say I am spiritual, you are from birth, this why you have commandments for your body and commandments for your soul!

These are known as Esoteric and Exoteric teachings.

1. Esoteric- guidance and teaching spiritually/ soul/ internal
2. Exoteric- guidance and teaching physical/ body/ external

Breaking down the word spiritual: spirit and ritual?

1. Spirit- meaning soul/ eternal life energy
2. Ritual- meaning in this case a ceremony for the soul

Spiritual- a cermony for the soul: 42 Declarations of Purity: Hymns/ Songs

Unfortunately Christianity does not have or teach esoteric- teachings. They took it out on purpose because they knew this would make you equal as the priest, thus ending the part of purgatory/ paying for sins- tithes! {do not believe me research for self}

Islam has some esoteric teachings because pure Muslim know they come from the house of Ishmael/ Ishma-el, mother was Egyptian {Hagar}. So his mother Egyptian/ Kemetic beliefs are infused into Islam. {Black Arabs- Moors}

Judism does deal with esoteric teaching but because it so powerful it is not taught to all Jewish people. But as a separate entity onto itself, which is infused with Judaism. {Kabblah/ Kabala}

live, love and learn

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