Saturday, November 10, 2012

Racism in Islam

                                               Racism in Islam

This topic is part of Abraham sons. In this topic we will be discussing Abraham first son Ishmael/ Ishma-el. We will give the facts of Ishmael life and then exam them to see if the Holy Bible is correct in its disqualification of Ishmael losing his birthright in the Bible, and the descendants of Ishmael. Ishmael was born unto Abraham when he was 86 years old.  So Abraham laid with his maid {with his wife permission} Hagar the Egyptian/ Kemetian.

God had promise Abraham a nation of people who would number as the stars in heaven. So, God made Ishmael the founding father of Islam. When Hagar was pregnant with the child, an angel appear to her and told her to name the child Ishma-el.

Ishmael birthright is legitimate and equal to any of the other Patriarch and Prophets. The proof is in the spelling of his name. {another topic}

When Sarah became displeased with Hagar and Ishmael, Abraham takes them to Mecca. Not before Ishmael arrival was Mecca ever consider a Holy city or site! Abraham later returns and builds/ reconstruct the Kaaba. The Kaaba is in Mecca and is the most holiest places to Muslims!

So now lets exam some of the facts of the Prophet Ishmael life. {There are some difference between the bible and the Holy Qur'an} The one difference is the age of Ishmael arriving in Mecca, {Bible age 14/ Qur'an a baby} but this doesn't matter for the point that I need to say clearly that Islam is older than Christianity due to the age difference of the Prophets Ishmael and Issac!

Mecca was establish as a Holy City/ site with the arrival of Ishmael and the building/ reconstruction of the Kaaba. At this time the Jews according to the Bible/ Torah do not have a Holy City yet? By both accounts this makes Islam older than Christianity.

Now that we have establish Islam founder and the age of Islam now we can discuss the descendants of Ishmael and how racism has come into Islam. But one more step we have to go back before we can go forward.

In the Holy text they say Abraham is the descendant of Shem Noah second son.
So when defining Shemites no results show? Which is very odd, because Shem had children and grand- children which automatically make them Shemite. But the word Semites shows as a substitute.

Examining the word Semite:
1. Semite is Latin in origin. Which is really odd seeing this is the language the Romans spoke, and at this time in history there was no Romans?

2. Semite is from the core word semi in Latin, taking from the Greek word, Hemi.

3. Semi means: half, partially, incomplete or somewhat. These are odd words to describe or use for a people? 

4. Hemi means: half

So lets look at other results, the word Semitic appears.

Semitic means: which relates to the family of languages spoken by a group of people, Hebrew, Arabic, Aramaic and Phoenician. Hebrew, Arabic and Aramaic are closely related coming from the core language of the Phoenicians.

Aramaic is a form similar to Hebrew. Aramaic is the language Jesus Christ spoke! He may knew some Hebrew and Greek? But his principle or core language was Aramaic which makes him Aramaic! You are what you speak:
Englishman speaks English: Frenchman speak French: Spanish-man speaks Spanish: etc: unless you migrate or are a conquered people! 

So the people who are consider Semitic are Phoenicians, Akkadians, Arabs and Hebrews. How can this be when these are the descendants of Ham son Canaan?
Arabic the language comes out of the Aramaic language which is Syrian based as a  Phoenician language from Canaan son Sidon! 

As you can see the genealogy is clearly mixed-up of the Arabs! But not really because the original Arabic tribes and nations were Black Africans not the White/ Pale Arabs you see today from Turkey and Europe.

So now we see that Islam, like Judaism and Christianity are all African based religions and faiths. The White/ Pale Arabs know the truth of Islam! That Ishmael was a Black African on his mother and father side. That the Prophet Muhammad is a decadent of Ishmael! So that makes the Prophet Muhammad Black as well according to the genealogy of the Holy Qur'an.

No matter how they mix it, what religion they use, they can not get away from the original people of the Torah, Qur'an and Bible being Black!!!

So African descent people stop arguing and debating over if you are a Christian or a Muslim it does not matter they were all Black African People! You are a Black African by birthright given that from the Creator! Religion is a chose by you, it really doesn't matter which mordern day religion you chose Judaisms, Islam or Christianity they all come out of the Black African Belief System!     
There will not be no division in this social change like they did with Malcolm X {Muslims} and Martin Luther King Jr {Christians}. The White-man divide everybody up let him figure out his mess, maybe he should start with his own origin of himself since nobody is certain from where he comes from!  

Love thy self!

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