Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Medical and Health/ Understanding

Medical and Health and Understanding

I want share some terms to help you understand Western Medicine and why it might not be helping you get better?

The first word we will look at is disease. Lets break the word down and define it.

Disease: broken down means exactly how it is spelled; Dis- ease

Dis: is Latin for, negative or reverse force.
Ease: without difficulty, comfort.

Disease: a reverse force causing discomfort to the body.

Hospital comes from the Latin word hospitale. There were many types of hospitals in ancient times. The one used in Africa is sort like hospice today, but you went to hospice first instead of last like here. Africans believed if you could rest comfortably with music and the proper foods the body in most case could reverse the illness.

Hospital: core word hospice meaning to rest.

Doctors have different names one is called a practitioner or medical practitioner.

Practitioner: comes from the core word practice. 
Practice means: regular or repeated to improve or maintain ones proficiency of a skill.

So in most case the Doctor is practicing on you!

We have to start reading and researching things in order to improve our condition. Medicine has become big business.

Always look to go natural, before taking a lot of pills, the side effects sometimes worst than the illness.

There is a cure for A.I.D.S./ H.I.V. but the medical and insurance companies has decide why cure a person, when they can keep you alive for 20 or 30 years giving you cancer pills, and the pills cost $30,000 to $50,000 a year, you do the math $50,000 for 30 years! They think that is good business the American Way! It is always about money.

That is the medical industry philosophy in general, don't cure them/ treat them! 

 live, love and learn

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