Sunday, November 18, 2012

Shem descendants?

                                               Shemite People

Shemite People: are descendants of Shem, Noah son in the Torah, Bible and Qu ran! So we will take a close look at these descendants of Shem. But if you research Shem-ites there is no such word? How can this be, if Shem had five (5) sons listed below, they are Shem-ites! So how can no such word exist when these people make up a nation of people?

The word Semitic is given for the Shem-ite; which is not the same? The etymology {the origin and study of words} says that Semitic is Latin. Latin is the language of the Romans. But at this time no Romans lived? So how does a word describe a people, come from a people who did not exist yet?      

Shem had five sons: Elam, Asshur, Arpachshad, Lud and Aram. Also the children of Eber?

The lands given to Shem are Asia? So what are the languages spoken by Shemite/ Semitic people: Arabic, Amharic, Hebrew, Tigrinya, Phoenician, Ethiopian, Syrian, and Akkadian.

Now lets really look at these languages all are Ethiopian based.

Amharic and Tigrinya are tribes in Ethiopia and they speak these languages today!
Hebrew comes from Amharic and Amharic Bible, the Ethiopian Bible predates the Hebrew Bible by thousands of years! The Hebrew Bible is actually a copied or translation bible of the Ethiopian Bible. The stories told in the Old Testament are retold or copies of the stories in the Ethiopian Bible!
Phoenician and Akkadian are ancient languages that are base languages for mordern day Arabic {Iran and Syria}.
Akkadian and Phoenician are a mixture of  ancient Egyptian/ Kemetian and Ethiopian languages.
Arabic is closely related to Hebrew, but is strongly influenced by ancient Egyptian and Ethiopian languages.

All these language are part of the Afro- Asiatic languages. Which are all base from ancient Egyptian/ Kemetian and Ethiopian. So what Afro- Asiatic really means is that they are African languages spoken by people in mordern day Asia. What they are calling Asia: is now called the middle east, but no middle east existed in these times! What is called the middle east is really Northeast Africa!!!           

So lets look at what the bible says about Shem sons:

1. Elam: {because of all the confusion concerning, Shem children, I went to the Bible encyclopedia, this is what it said}. Elam son of Shem, that name also meant Akkadian for the country of Elam! Which is modern day southern Iran.
{the word Akkadian mean: Black- head people}

Now listen to this: Hebrew consider them Semitic, but they do not speak Hebrew? It then says it is okay cause some languages where mixed up at the Tower of Babel? Then it says the, Elamites then adopted the Akkadian language and not Hebrew?

1a. Elamite Language: lets see what encyclopedia says: it says that it is a isolated language, that links to Dravidian{sub- continent of India} language families? Called the Elamo- Dravidian language group!

1b. Dravidian language: It says a language spoken in southern Asia, but mostly in Southern India. The countries they refer to are: Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Afghanistan and Iran.

Now a lesson in geo- political history most of those countries are really new countries whom recently claim their independence. Afghanistan 1919, Pakistan 1948, Bangladesh 1971, Iran 1979 and Nepal 2008.

They where all part or branches of the Indus Valley Civilization in Southern India! Which really means that Shem descendents the Shemites continue to move east into fertile and fresh-water areas. Which is now known as Asia, this is how we come up with the name the Asiatic- Blackman! These ancient Kingdoms of Asia are African/ Black people! These Black Asiatic people started Kingdoms all over Southern Asia in the mordern countries of India, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

These are the real Shemites without a question!

We really have to go into the Holy Bible and other Holy Text and read them and break them down and do research without prejudice and bias!

You must understand that Western Christianity, was conceived in a room over a meeting called The Nicaea Council in 325 A.D. This council was called by Constantine Emperor of Rome. His empire was being torn in two (2) by a religious civil war! That had been going on for hundreds of years!
This religion was design to control you not free you! Religion doesn't free you it controls you! Spirituality frees you {esoteric teachings}!

The African/ Egyptian Christian rejected the Romans new proposal of Christianity! {Then they  were systematically killed off} The people that went along with these lies mainly were newly converted European Jews. They had Holy text and started translating Holy text writing themselves into history!

So this is how "Semitic" a Latin- Roman word, can describe a people {Jews} whom lived and had a culture, before any Roman were ever born!

Social change must come also in your Holy Books, so that it will enter your heart! Remember they justified African Slavery with the Holy Bible!

This is part 1. of Shem sons! It was a lot more information then I could put into one page!    

live, love and learn


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