Friday, November 2, 2012



Halloween is a Western Christian celebration on October 31st. Lets define this pagan holiday/ celebration to get the true understanding of it!


1. Western/ Culture- originating from Greek/ Roman era practices. Ideas and concepts originating from Europe and European beliefs.   

2. Christian- a person who has received Jesus Christ, and believes and follows his teachings.

 3. Pagan- one who has little or no religion and delights in sensual pleasures and material goods! {merriam- webster online dictionary}

4. Atheist- a person who does not believe in a supreme God, OR PARTAKES IN UNGODLY ACTS!

5. Halloween- all hallows eve/ the praising of all the saints?
5a. Ghost, Devils/ She- Devils, Witches, Vampires,Werewolves and the dead etc:

Praising is dressing- up looking like and mocking the behavior. In the ancient world you would see Kings wearing or looking like the God/ Deity they followed and worshiped. {In Ancient Egypt/ Kemet you see the Pharaoh with a hawk- bird on him or around him representing his belief to Horus/ Heru.}    

6. Hallows- to make holy! {to make Halloween holy, which is unholy}

Be careful when adopting other peoples ideas and cultures in the name of fun! I will leave you with a few quick quotes to remind you of your actions!

a. For the lack of knowledge a people shall perish/ die off!

b. A people with no history of themselves is like a tree with no roots! { just a matter of time before it dies}.

c. The wages of sin is eternal death and suffering! { Hell which is a spiritual death}

live, love and learn!     

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