Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Mormon Christians - aganist Africans/Blacks

                    Mormon Christians against Africans/ Blacks

I am a Christian, I love Jesus Christ and am a faithful follower and belong to a African- American Church.

These topics concerning Christianity are not anti- Christian sentiment from me or other Blacks this is simply the truth of the matter about Christianity! Some White people not all will do anything to stay in power or gain power! Even if its the abuse of God's word and Religion! Perfect case of this is The Mormon Church of Latter- Day Saints.

The Mormon Church was found by Joseph Smith in 1820s. In 1844 Joseph Smith died and Brigham Young took over and moved his followers to Salt Lake City in the Utah territory. Shortly after Brigham Young came out with a edict that no Black people could join the Mormon Church nor enter a Mormon Church. No interracial marriages were permit in the church.

The only way a Blacks could join is he or she would be a servant/ slave to a superior White person in this life and the next life the here- after!

Mormon believe that when they die, they become a God or Goddess and they will receive their own universe for be faithful and a good servant unto their God! But as a God of their own universe they will need servants to wait on them, this is where Black people come in at. They use a doctrine from the bible called the  "Curse of Cain".

This is the doctrine, In the began God made all people on earth White people {Adam and Eve descendants}. But when Cain killed his brother Abel his curse for killing his brother, was that he be turned Black/ African.
Also within the Mormon Church images and paints of Satan/ Devil were always done in Black, because that is the color of the cursed.

This doctrine went on from the 1840s until 1978 a 130 year period with no Blacks allowed in their church. The reason why it end in 1978 is because President Jimmy Carter threatened to take away the Mormon Church tax exempt status!

Today the Mormon Church takes in about 11 billion dollars annually around the world from tithes, donations and the profits it makes from the business the Church owns! This means they would have to a pay a lot of money in taxes on that profit. Which they do not want to pay. 

So they do allow Blacks in their church but the belief is still the same that Blacks are their servants/ slaves in this life and the next! 

I want to thank the liberal White People who have these sort of "off the record conversations with me"! I sense that a very small portion of White People are becoming tired of all the hatred the majority of White People show towards non White People around the world.

The interview is on YOUTUBE, please research for self. Link is below.

live, love and learn         

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