Friday, November 30, 2012

International Blacks/ Steve Biko/ South Africa

                                                       Steve Biko

Steven Bantu Biko December 18,1946 to September  ?, 1977

Steve Biko was a student activist in South Africa. During this time in South Africa the Apartheid government ruled. They had rules for Black South Africans similar to the Black Codes or Jim Crow Laws of the southern United States.

Biko organized young people in South Africa and started the South African Student Organization {SASO}. Teaching young Black people about the Black Consciousness Movement! "Black is Beautiful" was his slogan!

He was expelled from college in 1972 for his political views and activity with Anti- Apartheid groups. But he never stop working the youth!

He is probably famous for organizing the Soweto Uprising! He organized school age children {high school and middle school} to march and protest. This turn bloody after the South Africa government and police turned their guns on the children killing some of them!

The protest was started because the South Africa government wanted the medium to be about White Afrikaans culture in school, the Black Africans became upset. 20,000 children protested against them learning about Afrikaans culture.
They say from 200 to 700 people were killed. The government never give the official number of deaths?  

This protest made Steve Biko, get on the most wanted list by the Apartheid government. They hunted him down and stop him at a road block and arrested him under the South African terrorism act!

He was interrogated for 22 hours and beaten to death!


With any movement if it is to successful, the youth must be mobilized! They must be educated in their history and culture! This gives you pride and strength in who you are and what you stand for!

If you want to destroy a people, kill off their young people and after a time they will be no more!

live, love and learn 

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